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  1. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    It is my belief that Jesus WAS a mortal man fathered by Joseph of the House of David. This explains why Joseph didn't have Mary stoned to death (as would have been the practice), why they had to leave the area (to avoid Mary being stoned by the community) and why Jesus was called "King of the...
  2. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    "E pluribis unim" just means "out of many, one" and has no religous undertones.
  3. spacemonkey

    Atheist Plans Lawsuit Challenging Motto on U.S. Currency

    I think we should let the Christian zelots have everything south of Kentucky and east of the Mississippi River so they can set up a nice theocracy and have a Dark Age Renassaince. This country was founded on the princapal of FREE religion, and if you don't like that you can move out.
  4. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    It seems that your beliefs are differant then that of standard Christian doctraine if you don't belive they are one in the same being. That is the deffinition of the Trinity.
  5. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    Here are some links for you guys http://www.apostolic.edu/apostolicpillar/articles/trinity.html http://www.brysons.net/miltonweb/milton05.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity There are a ton more, but as you can see nearly EVERY scholar agrees that the Trinity is NOT mentioned in...
  6. spacemonkey

    How to make an atheistic statement seen by thousands in America, using only a red pen

    I belive it is very hypocritical to say that this is a country of religous freedom and then put such a religous remark on its currency. The founding fathers made it clear that there MUST be a seperation of Church and State. We label the period of time when the church ran things as the Dark Ages...
  7. spacemonkey


    Actually, most historians tend to belive this image of God (which originates from Renissance period Europe) is actually copied from ancient Greek artists' depictions of Zeus.
  8. spacemonkey

    Denver Legalizes Marijuana

    Well, if the city of Denver legallized the personal posession of up to one ounce of marijuana, I would say that the Denver Police would not get involved in State and Federal cases unless it exceeds the legel limit. The intreasting thing here IS that 1 ounce limit. Why do you need that? Do they...
  9. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    Do you have specific referances, or were you a witness to Jesus's ministry? I'm pretty sure that Jesus never said that all three were one and the same, as suggested by the Council of Nicaea. Before the council, called by Constatine, there where several differant views on the nature of the...
  10. spacemonkey

    Denver Legalizes Marijuana

    What is important about this decision by the people of Denver is that a community if finally standing up to say that it will no longer waste its taxpayers resoures on upholding of a rediculous, hypocritical ban. No longer will the people of Denver have to pay for the apprehension, prosecution...
  11. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    This is obviosly the response of someone who has not been in the service. Anyone who has been in knows that, even in peace time, being in the military is far from an "easy ride financally". This is perhabs the most uneducated response I've read on this site. While deployed, a sailor on an...
  12. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    We're not the only ones.....
  13. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    Oops, that was already posted, by bad. :)
  14. spacemonkey

    Who Invented The Trinity ?

    If you want to get technical, the concept of a Holy Trinity stems from Hinduism's Trimurti. The Trimurti consists of Brahma (the Creator or "Father"), Vishnu (the Preserver or "Son") , and Shiva (the Pure or "Holy Spirit").
  15. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    The same went for the Roman Empire, and we see how well that worked out for them.
  16. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    Since when do we decide what rulers should be removed? If the people of Iraq wanted Saddam gone so bad they would have done it themselves. History is full of people rising up against the government. What if China decides one day that OUR President needs to be removed from office and we should...
  17. spacemonkey

    Independent scientologists stake their claim

    Oh, I never knew that the L in L. Ron Hubbard stood for Lafayette. I do remember the commercials for his book on TV though.
  18. spacemonkey

    Independent scientologists stake their claim

    How old is Scientology? Can it already be experiancing a "renaissance"?
  19. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    A tyrant that we put into power and equiped with weapons.
  20. spacemonkey

    what is your favorite band?

    I could fill up a page with my faves, but if I had to chose one it would be Sublime.