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  1. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    It started with me saying that is was typical Catholic response to pick sexuallity to be worse then violence when a Catholic responded to the posed question saying that sex was worse then violence. Someone said that was retarded for me to say even though they had just said it. I was merely...
  2. spacemonkey

    Is the Crucifix blasphemous?

    One of the earliest contradictions I noticed growing up as a Catholic child was that of the Crucifix. One of the Ten Commandments, they would teach me in Sunday School , forbid the worshipping of "graven images". Then you would go into the main hall and behind the alter, loe and behold, would be...
  3. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    Look, I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church throughout its HISTORY. I'm sorry if it irritates you, but it is the truth.
  4. spacemonkey

    What writings were left out of the Bible

    I think it means that you only get the side of the story the winner tells. What we know of the Punic Wars comes from Rome, not Carthage.
  5. spacemonkey

    Great American Smokeout - November 17, 2005

    This is discrimination against anyone involved in the tobacco buisness. There should be a Great American Fast Food Throw - Up or Great American Prohibition (oh yeah, they tried that once) if they are going to do this (which they shouldn't).
  6. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    Yes, now that the Catholic Church is no longer in charge of the government it is no longer able to carry out Crusades or Inquisitions, that is true. Instead, the priests sexually abuse the young boys. When the Catholic Church is allowed to mandate what should be seen or discussed by the people...
  7. spacemonkey

    Loving God.

    Gnostics tend to think that all of the religons have a piece of the Truth. Its not that there are a bazillion religions as much as a bazillion interpratations of one religion. Gnostics think that the OT "god" was actually a lesser being then the True God, one with matter but without spirit. A...
  8. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    So how exactly did the Inquisition or the Crusades fit any of those qualifications? Please don't insult my intelligence.
  9. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    Violent behavior has been around LONG before the concept of media. Violence for entertainment has been around since the times of the Roman empire (probably before that, hmm...ancient Egyptian cockfights?). The real danger lies in censorship.
  10. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    Why is my response retarded? Are you denying that the Catholic Church has condemned sexuallity throughout its existance? That has to be what you mean because I know there is NO WAY you can deny they have promoted violence.
  11. spacemonkey

    Loving God.

    This is where the Gnostic view on the Bible and God come into play. According to Gnostic beliefs the creator, god of the OT, is a not the True God preached about by Jesus. Please read this http://www.gnosis.org/gnintro.htm
  12. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    I watched that same video and all I thought was, "Man, it sure looks easier in the movies...":rolleyes:
  13. spacemonkey

    On eating people

    ...and MIGHTY TASTY.:D
  14. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    Typical Catholic response, damn sexuallity but promote violence.
  15. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    The real danger comes from the people who want to control what is broadcast because they feel they know what is best (morally or any other way) for everyone else.
  16. spacemonkey

    What's worse for chidren?

    I don't think that seeing either is bad as long as someone is their to answer questions the child may have or to put what they see into context. Violence and sex are both part of nature that a person will eventually be exposed too so why wait to start educating a child about them.
  17. spacemonkey

    Can you support our troop but not support the war?

    Yes eewred, I have to ask you if again if it is not possible for morale to be low for a publicly unpopular because the soldiers themselves disapprove of the war?
  18. spacemonkey

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God.The Son Of God Theory.

    I'm sorry, but that is not the teachings of Jesus, nor is it on the topic of this thread. Jesus taught of peace, love, and tollerance, not of punishment and damnatiton.
  19. spacemonkey

    On eating people

    So what do you eat? Eating is the consumption of life, plain and simple. Whenever you eat ANYTHING you have killed SOMETHING. Unless you eat rocks.
  20. spacemonkey

    How to make an atheistic statement seen by thousands in America, using only a red pen

    I don't like the fact that my purchases are being recorded for public receord. This is just another example of Americans willingly giving up their 4th Amendment right.