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Search results

  1. MaddLlama

    Tarot Study: The High Priestess

    I promise I didn't forget. Been working on some other projects, and hoping to drum up more interest in the study. For those of you who are just joining us, anyone is welcome to participate, but I ask that you meet the following conditions: please be respectful and follow the rules of the DIR...
  2. MaddLlama

    ZOMG It's teh internetz

    So, my lovely fellow RFers....I have an incredibly silly assignment I have to do for a web design class. And, I'm enlisting you all to help me! Are you excited yet? :D So, the assignment is I have to interview people about how they use the internet. So, if you could help a gal out and give me...
  3. MaddLlama

    Humans are....(blank)

    I think we'll have to start rallying everyone to get their play-doh for the stoning....:p
  4. MaddLlama

    Nanda - Mod

    Welcome to the team! ^___^
  5. MaddLlama

    Angellous - MOD

    Welcome to the team! ^__^
  6. MaddLlama

    The Breast Question

    MB, just because it annoys you doesn't mean that a woman doesn't have the right to go to a restaurant if she wants to. Last I checked there was no law against offending someone. Saying a woman with a small child shouldn't go out into places with that child because it's rude is akin to saying...
  7. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    How can you have rebirth without death? If nothing dies, then it lives all the time and has no opportunity to be reborn. How can you have the new growth of spring unless the foliage dies? If it doesn't, then it isn't new growth. Without death, we'd have spring and summer all year round, and we...
  8. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    Hmm, Hans Christian Anderson and the Grimm Brothers must be pretty evil then. The Disney versions of those stories are waaaay prettier than the real versions.
  9. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    Without death there is no life. Everything has to die before it's reborn. It doesn't make sense to celebrate only the pretty things.
  10. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    It's perfectly possible to celebrate Halloween without that, though. I've never much been into the haunted house thing, and I don't care for scary movies anyway. What's wrong with having a party at home with costumes, candy and games? I'm not trying to say you have to celebrate Halloween...
  11. MaddLlama

    Is The Hell Fire Justice

    I'm still not understanding where fear comes into it. I don't think anyone wants to displease their Gods, but that doesn't mean we automatically need to be afraid of them. I want to make my family happy as well, but I don't fear my husband because I wonder if he'll like the meal I cooked. I...
  12. MaddLlama

    Question about groups/private forums

    Hi there =) If you go into your User CP, look down on the left hand column for where it says "Group Memberships", and you'll find a list of private groups. Many are for specific religions only, so if you aren't that religion, you shouldn't join that group (we do have a Pagan Group though, so...
  13. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    Do those things have to be part of Halloween when you celebrate it? You don't have to go to a haunted house, watch scary movies, decorate the house like a graveyard, and wear scary costumes. If you take those types of things out of the equation, what makes it evil then?
  14. MaddLlama

    Is The Hell Fire Justice

    Why do you have to be afraid of God? Why does God want you to be afraid? Is that how he gets people to behave, by threatening and frightening them into submission? And, you still have yet to explain exactly why your God believes that not worshiping him is worse than murder. You've just stated...
  15. MaddLlama

    What if there was no religion in 500 years time...

    I'd be dead, so I doubt I'd be able to formulate an opinion about it...
  16. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    Does something have to have basis or similarity to Christianity in order for it to be OK? What about birthdays are remotely Christian? How about Memorial day, or the 4th of July? Besides, Halloween is about making children happy. Do Christians not want to make children happy? Furthermore, I...
  17. MaddLlama

    What faith would you support banning???

    I voted none and other. I don't believe that it accomplishes anything to ban a religion, and I don't think it would be the right thing to do in any situation, however....I would support the revoking of Scientology's status as a "religion", and I don't believe that dangerous cults, like suicide...
  18. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    I don't suppose anyone (or, rather any Christians who believe Halloween is evil..) would actually be interested in any information on Oíche Shamhna/Samhainn?
  19. MaddLlama

    Whats the furthest thing you'd do to go to heaven?

    It depends on who's heaven we're talking about. I don't find many of them to be too pleasant. I would much rather visit Tír na nÓg, however it isn't really the same concept.
  20. MaddLlama

    HALLOWEEN : Pat Robertson vs. (anyone, someone, just debate ;) )

    FFH wanted to remind me that I said mean things about Pat Robertson. Boo hoo.