I take your point. Too much of the science curriculum is devoted to memorising facts, whereas more emphasis should be on critical thinking and evaluation. This is where discussions regarding what is and is not acceptable within a scientific setting would be useful. However, teachers are...
You are assuming that the rate of genetic change is the same for all species. This is not the case. Some species remain stable over long periods of time because of, for example, a relatively stable environment. Those species in a rapidly changing environment have to adapt relatively quickly (or...
You have a point regarding highlighting pseudoscience, but I wouldn't go as far as teaching ID. I'm all for discussing it within a science class as and when it arises, but to devote designated time to ID detracts from teaching the required curriculum.
I think you are missing the point of this discussion. As we are all different people, a 'one-size-fits-all' approach doesn't work. Stating that there is only one path or one way to live your life isn't helpful to Craig (or anyone else). If your worldview works for you, then great, but not...
In what way is that anti-christian? Of course we can be good without god. In fact, many of us are.
You seem to have a very skewed meaning of the word 'persecution'. What is happening, in fact, is that an increasing number of people are living their lives free from religion and supernatural /...
IDers get round this problem by not specifying who the designer is, thus removing the religious element from the subject. Of the ID books I've read, they are careful not to explicitly identify the designer. This is in contrast to traditional creationism, which openly identified the christian god...
Hey, just be glad that you weren't a woman in Europe between the 14th and 18th centuries. Christians had a field day branding many as witches and subjecting them to various forms of torture and death.
You have your faith mocked daily? Yeah, that's extreme persecution, isn't it...
No responses from any ID advocates so far...
If any do reply, could you address the OP? Too often, these sorts of discussions degenerate into criticisms of evolution, which don't address the question at hand (see 'Creationists, please provide evidence' for example). There are plenty of other...
Try this:
Truth In Science
or for those in the UK:
Truth In Science - Home
All biology teachers in the UK were sent free copies of two Discovery Institute DVDs for classroom use. Of course, they basically consisted of "well, we / evolution can't explain it, so an Intelligent Designer...
My local doctor told me that he became a christian in his early twenties. He was working in Kenya and picked up the bible. He read the sermon on the mount and that, for him, was the turning point. He wasn't raised in any religious tradition and didn't have a miraculous conversion. Reading that...
I'm not fan at all, but 'Superstition' is an amazing song. Have you heard Stevie Ray Vaughn's version? It's on Youtube, but I can't post a link to it right now.