What a beautiful world we would live in if there was NOT anyone dying for religion or anything else, but of old age. What a beautiful world we would live in if there was no religion. Ohh, how violent religion makes people, so sad, but so true.
I'm 100% positive Jesus Christ would disapprove...
I am an Atheist, and I do not understand why I would have to go to Hell (assuming it exists). If I picked what I believed in, I would, without hesitation, picked to be a Theist. So, why would "all-loving" God, have me punished for me being an Atheist?
Just seems silly, you know.
I spray deodorant on a disc thats stuffed up, and then get a tissue and wipe it from the middle of the disc to the outside, seems to work for me. I think it's because of the alcohol in deodorant.
Maybe just the advertisements that insist children to go to a fast-food restuarant, but banning all adverstisements aimed at 12 year olds and under is pretty pointless in my opinion.
Science does not aim to disprove the existence of God(s). Science is about searching for answers and not making them up like religions do. You can't prove the non-existence of God(s) anyways, unless you were to go up to God(s) and ask whether he or they exist or not.
Everyone i know downloads music, movies, etc without paying. I have yet to meet a person who buys music. And i quite frankly don't really understand why anyone would buy music, if they had the opportunity to download it. I don't think it would really harm the makers of movies and music and all...
Only police officer should be able to have guns. Otherwise if a person with the intention of murder or another crime had the ability to obtain guns with ease, it will make their cause easier to achieve.
Why does everyone seem to think that man has a great desire for causing mayhem? Sure there will be troubles whether religion is present, or not, but the violence that plagues our societies would not stay the same or increase if religion was absent from a society. This is based on the fact that...
I don't see what the big deal is with homosexuals getting married. Unless it causes suffering somehow, which is doesn't. Why can't homosexuals just live in peace? And not have to deal with people who believe it is wrong. It doesn't affect you, so why should you care? I don't think they chose to...
What about peoples hate for homosexuals? I think religion inspired that.
What about all those murderes claiming that God told them to commit their crimes?
What about those wars that have been happening, since, ever?
Crusades, Jihads, i wonder what those were about?
Astronomers have predicted that they will find alien life, like around 2030 - 2040. I hope i'll be alive then, so i can say, 'I told you', to the people who said they don't exist. I can't imagine how Earth could be the only planet to have life. In a universe with more planets than the grains of...
Pornography should not be banned to teenagers, (even though they still look at it frequently) as it is healthy for them because of, you know :rolleyes:, and if they want to view such material, i don't really understand why they wouldn't be allowed. It does not promote violence of evil or...
I think that the moon landing was not a hoax, because i don't know why they would make it a hoax. I think no differently of America that they reached the moon before any other country. However, it is not 100% defenite that it happened, so i have to remain open to the possibility that it did not...