Not to mention the tremendous amount of knowledge to be gained from the supersized
telescopes and radio dish scopes that could be built in low gravity enviroments.
It's actually more strange that you obstinantly defend the indefensible. No hard evidence for the historicity of a biblical Jesus is just that. The NT is a collection of stories, not a recording of history. This is obvious from how the stories are told, and the bias of each story teller...
WE should as a species attempt to colonize the galaxy, as this our only sure way of surviving long term. Our space program should set up a colony on the moon to begin with as "practice", and as a launching point for further colonization on Mars, and moons of the other solar planets, and...
Actually, there is no coherent evidence that a man name Jesus that fit the stories of the NT ever existed. Also, there is no record of the passion, i.e. the story of Jeus being crucifed,Pilate, and all that. It would seem that if Jesus preached to the multitudes, and did all sorts of miracles...
"Even the scientific community backs up the creation story via their big bang reference."
Totally untrue, what existed at the time of the big bang is undefined, as well as "pre" big bang.
Considering that homo sapiens has started the sixth great extinction, where there will be a > 50 percent reduction in number of species not far in the future, I would say that for homo sapeins as a species that we care nothing for the rights of animals.
The sabbath can be Saturday or Sunday depending upon one's belief. I don' think secular society should observe the Sabbath by closing stores, etc. because many people don't believe keeping the "Sabbath" holy.
"Why? All life is sacred.
Actually, no life is sacred, but all life if important to maintaning the fragile balance of biodivesity.
We (homo sapiens) are bringing many species to extinction, destroying that balance.
We are born with no opinions on the existence of some god, most parents will push their children towards their own belief through the teachings of their religion.
As an atheist I don't believe there is a heaven or a hell. Also, logically, there are many problems wth these concepts, such as if one goes to a supposed heaven, and some of their loved ones are not there(they are in hell), could they truly be happy?
Only with a model so large the creation of it would be impossible, i.e. in practicality the future can never be predicted with certanly. As in predicting the weather, small changes now can have big effects down the road, i.e. the butterfly effect.
Free will does not exist only if the future can be predicted with certainly. Since the future is quite unpredictable, free will must exist, as none of us can predict even 24 hours away with certainly all the events that may take place in our lives.
The Christian concept of hell is not even well supported biblically. In any case, a god that would punish someone eternally by definition is a monster.
"Before you start raining hellfire and brimstone, there is no proof against God either"
It depends on which god concept. A number of god concepts can be disproven.