You do realize that the single celled organisms we have today are the product of over 3 billion years of evolution, right? Modern bacteria in no way represent what the earliest life would look like.
If you would like to discuss one of those topics at length, I would be happy to do so...
You can throw out the Hitchens quote if you like. All Hitchens did was summarize the Burden of Proof fallacy in a catchy way. Logic requires that the person making the assertion that something exists be able to provide evidence that this something exists.
Burden of proof (philosophy) -...
Because it is a valid justification for dismissing a claim. If there is no evidence to back an assertion then you are justified in dismissing a claim if you choose to.
You keep trying to project your own interpretation of what Hitchens said. Perhaps you should read what he actually said and...
Then you don't need any evidence to believe that something exists. That's fine. However, other people require evidence, and it is up to the person who claims that something exists to present that evidence if they want to convince skeptics that the something exists.
Sorry, but attaching "it's self evident" to a belief does not make it true. You need to present evidence.
Beliefs require evidence, and lacking such evidence there is justification for dismissing the belief.
"I don't believe you" is not an assertion.
It is the theists who are making the assertion that God exists. Therefore, the burden of proof lies with the theist, not with those who are skeptical of theist claims.
The skeptic's position doesn't require evidence, as already discussed. The burden of proof lies with the person making the assertion that deities exist, not with the person who is skeptical of that claim.
Evil is intent to do harm, and usually requires a moral agent. I would say that it is unfortunate and sad if someone dies of a bacterial infection, but I would hardly call the bacteria "evil".
How that definition applies to real life situations is a bit rough because there is nothing simple...
The assertion is that God exists. The lack of evidence is what justifies the dismissal of that assertion on the part of atheists.
Again, the burden of proof lies with the person who claims that something exists, not with the person who is skeptical of the claim.
If the only thing stopping christians from raping and pillaging their entire town is their belief in God, then I am grateful that they are christians. For me and other atheists, we have the ability to reason and empathize which gives us a very practical and useful sense of morality. Perhaps...
It makes as much sense as people not believing in Santa Claus because they hate Santa Claus, not to mention the list of Naughty and Nice people that Santa Claus keeps. Obviously, people don't believe in Santa Claus because they want to be naughty.