It being in a language that does not exist, yet everyone can understand.
It can be tested as something humans have absolutely no means of making.
It not being boring to read.
I would, yes.
But, I don't think being a minister would be the wisest career choice for me. ;)
Obviously. You used logic and promoted critical thinking, were you really expecting a different result?
Most of the people I see who are opposed to gay rights also seem to be opposed to those two...
It really depends on the person.
I figured out what I believed before I could find words that described the beliefs themselves.
By age 10 I was a hard atheist, anti-theist apisteivist, with no idea that those terms existed.
I suppose the average age for kids to figure out the basics of what...
They're interests are bought in the first place, their owners would rather have a loser on their side than a winner that is against them.
Trump, at the very least, is part of their little purchasable politics party. He wont outright destroy them like Bernie would.
Sure, depending on the situation.
While I am of the view that logic and reason are entirely separate from subjective things, they still can affect life.
Logic and reason are tools to be used, and if they are not used properly... the possibilities are many.
That questions original purpose was likely to install critical thinking into the minds of believers, to note inconsistencies in their logic.
Of course that argument and it's counter get made daily, so it's lost a good bit of weight.
Atheists tend to follow humanism, more often than not, and...
Appearances are only nice on the outside.
I could say I'm being guided into an ally by a few people, and would be correct irrelevant as to whether or not they have a knife at my neck.
Holy books seem to commit to this in a similar fashion much of the time.
There are likely more bad things that go along with being authentic, but. for the sake of self reflection, I would list dignity as a benefit.
As badly as I may see myself, staying true to who I am has shown me that I have some sense of dignity from not hiding who I am, no matter the treatment...
Of course, but there are those that would claim things as true without ever being able, or ever being willing, to demonstrate their truth.
That is where personal truths, false truths, and the like come into place.
Can you at all demonstrate your previous claims as true? Please do so if it's not...