To be honest the words and mysteries and parables of Jesus have intrigued and engaged millions upon millions of people, from kings to beggars, for centuries of years. One third of the world population draw wisdom and comfort from them, and will continue to long after you and I are gone.
You are the first person I've known to have said what I've always said: darkness is the lack of light!
The depth of a cave there is total darkness. One candle brings light and the light of 10million suns is still not the totality of light. The same analyses works for cold and heat: cold is the...
And it ends up with the conclusion that Man is without any possibility of doubt or argument the highest intelligence in the known universe. And what could be sadder than that?
It starts from the assumption that consciousness is created by the brain, as an article of faith, and works from there based on that assumption. There's little difference from assuming the universe was created in 6 days and working from there, based on that assumption.
The situation may have changed from science rightly refusing to allow theology to influence its research, to actively and loudly proclaiming that God cannot possibly exist?
Nobody knows that. God's existence cannot either be disproved. It's out there as a matter of opinion, nothing more...
The Christ was manifest in a fleshy body 2000 years ago. A carpenter without worldly guile, Jesus taught in the temples, confounding the elders. He healed the sick and preached in words that still speak as clearly as they did then.
He preached in parables that could not in later years be...
Thank you.
It's the 'superbeing' I've the problem with. Why does it have to be an anthropomorphised 'being'?
Our perceptions are limited to our five human senses and scientific extensions, radio and infra-red telescopes, etc.
Whatever exists outside the five senses obviously cannot be proved...
It's making it a bit tough for people to insist they have to believe every word in the Bible as inerrant truth -- deny the reality of geology and cosmology -- or else they have to burn.
I think they offered the choice to Gallileo. For saying the earth goes round the sun? He recanted, of course...
Sure. You see, to me and most other Christians (I'm Catholic) Christ completed the circle of all previous partial truths. The veil of the temple was torn. Before Jesus religion had become ritual. The question was: how does God relate to Man? How can Man have a personal relationship with God...
It is the principle of God made Man. To demonstrate how God acts as Man. As opposed to say, God as a supernova, or as a seed or as a fish? The bridge between God and Man? Imo
Hell is separation from God? Eternity is the fact that time/space are the walls of this room of nature we briefly inhabit within the infinite halls of Spirit. My Father's house has many mansions?
Spirit surrounds and contains and fully permeates nature. 'The greater wheel of Spirit turns the...
It is my personal.belief that sin is what comes between me experiencing God. It is inherent in the 'coats of skin' of Adam and Eve. The original sin of being born from the Spiritual into the Natural dimension. It's the choice between wanting God or mammon.
God draws me closer the more I learn...