Yes, the Jewish people lost sight of Who God was and what He desired. But we all do. They just did so with tradition and laws. Thinking that pleased Him. It doesn't negate the fact they are God's people and that He worked with and for them throughout history.
I would never say "Christianity" is better. You cannot have Christianity without Judaism. Jesus was Jewish, He kept the laws, until it was time to reveal His authority.
He uses the Old Testament often to make His points, because the Hebrew bible, the OT, is all about Him.
Again I said...
I don't see why. Especially considering the nature of the word that is used, as being used as a verb as well to highlight the act of creation of that object in general.
@Valjean Ignoring snide remarks.
Every KIND. Yep. Exactly as you said. Not every variation of that kind. Not more than one kind of dog, or cat etc.
But you don't believe it so why use it to prove anything?
Also the hydrologic cycle documentation is truly amazing. Knowing He "draws up" water - that the water is in its own cycle. Saying the sea isn't full is like a nod to the fact that water is continually going into it, yet it doesn't have to stop, because it'll never be "full" as the water will...
To the Jewish people it is history. It has accurate genealogies, cities, names, marriages, and endless examples of poetry, imagery and more writing outlines we can learn from today. It's very much never to be fully understood but that's part of the beauty. It doesn't contradict itself and can be...
We are yes, living a spiritual life and look forward to that eternity.
But God said that we are supposed to care for creation. (Gen 2:15)
His love for animals and creation is echoed throughout scripture as well.
"All the rivers" is used in our translation. The Hebrew has one word for that whole statement, meaning rivers brooks etc. yet, despite that - Most do anyway.
My point with sound is it requires time and distance / space to travel. Basic physics are outlined in the first account of creation...
There's not a Hebrew word for sphere. That doesn't mean they didn't know spheres existed. I would love to figure out what old Jewish texts say on this.
The word trinity is not in scripture. The Catholic Church came up with it to attempt to describe God. It's not a terrible representation however He IS much more. But, this is how He has REVEALED Himsekf to us as well as what He modeled us after.
God the Father - the Everlasting Creator
Hmm. I disagree. I mean, if you get the message then have a stroke and die, sure, didn't matter. But as we live to read and learn is purpose.
It says the Bible is "living and active" ... meaning we can re read and learn thiingscwe didn't see before. And much more...
"All the other stuff" I...
Here.......... There is a relatively concise explanation. With other scriptures as well.
Bad behavior ... oh this is grand.
The circuits of the wind go all the way around the earth so no - just because you think of I guess a racetrack does not mean that's what this references. You can't just pick one term and use it for the Hebrew language. One word in Hebrew has a multifaceted meaning. You clearly know that but are...
The word/its root is also used to describe how he draws up the waters - meaning the general shape is described as well as the creation of boundaries - the reason the word "ball" isn't used is because of the nature of the word. It was MADE (to draw a circle, to encompass. Also refers to the...
I figure you meant dogma? Maybe?
I think the Bible contains timeless wisdom and it has a personal message with each word. God doesn't want dogma or religion but He calls people to be free, in Him.