I don't agree. You aren't "vegetarian" if you eat animal products including unfertilized eggs and milk that is produced out of an animal not intended for you .. Maybe its "guilt" that makes you claim that ?
One of my favorite scenes in Last of The Mohican's was at the very beginning. They hunted down an Elk . They were grateful to the animal for it sacrificing its life (of course it wasn't voluntary that's not the point) It was a matter of respecting the animal that it died and they were going to...
There is also a difference in eating meat. And killing an animal and running around saying LOOK WHAT I KILLED! For FUN! Beating on your chest like you are all that. When without your big gun and your BIG BIG ammo the animal could have escaped you with ease or beat you in 4 seconds flat hands...
Some people honestly believe an all vegetable/fruit /grain/legume diet is incomplete. It has been ingrained in us meat is an essential part of our diet.
Not only that if you do not 100% believe that ? Eating meat may not just be for "pleasure" for some .In some instances it can be "cheaper"...
The animal in my avitar is actually a wild cat. Picture I took.
They are are called "Bob cats" Its illegal to kill them here.She was in our neighbors front yard. With 5 "kittens" .
Only a 35 40lb cat. We just wanted to take pictures of her not kill her.
The only thing I found ? Is b-12 is a little hard to get with out some meat. And some of the saturated fats we need.
After all infants are reliant on mothers milk . Which is "animal' based nutrition .
I for one don't think its worse . I get angry at the way our animals for food are raised and slaughtered. Its disgusting. (and how are hens are raised for eggs).