You don't seem to comprehend the difference between an achit shakti of bhagavAn and a form with which to worship bhagavAn; there's a reason why prANapratiShThA/mUrtisthApanA is done according to texts like the pA~ncharAtra Agama-s. You are welcome to worship a shower, or even a turd, thinking...
I have already given you a quote from his gItAbhAShyam which shows that at a vyAvahArika level, shrI sha~NkarAchArya did indeed seem to advocate some form of devatAtAratamya (why else would he state that worship of the chaturbhaginI-s results in alpaphalam-s whereas worship of shrI kR^iShNa...
I would translate "tád víShNoH paramám padáM sádA pashyanti sUráyaH divIva cákShurÁtatam" as "the sUri-s (i.e. muni-s/chiranjIvI-s, etc.) perpetually observe that highest abode of viShNu [which is] established as the eye of the heavens" although MV usually translates sUráyaH as "princes" (for...
What the heck does this Jewish tribe theory have to do with the thread? You can go get a kippa for aupamanyava over here, but that doesn't make him a Yehudi. Also, aren't most mizrahi jews generally dark haired, or are you insinuating that he's related to ashkenazis? Lol....
The word you're probably looking for is iShTadevatA, :D. Anyway, I don't have a problem with advaitavedAnta, but if you assume that the ultimate conclusion of dvaitavedAnta is advaita, then that doesn't follow as per common sense and seems to imply some sort of superiority of advaita. In...
I think that the reason for that is because advaita, especially in the watered down form often taught by guru-s and yogI-s in the west (especially by people like rAmakR^iShNa, vivekAnanda, and others), has particularly atheistic biases, viewing brahma not as a deity which is to be supplicated...
I don't know what they said in the other parts, but around 0:32 she says "aur bhaI'chAre (pronounced incorrectly) ke sAth tAj terA achchhA" which is hindi/urdu for "and with brotherhood crown your good" or something (it doesn't make any sense, but whatever...).
Actually, it would literally be "why + such a statement + would be uttered (by you)." Using Atmanepadam (I think they call it middle passive or something in English) when not necessary often confuses people, lol.
Well, kR^iShNa/viShNu is the antaryAmI of all the devatA-s, so in that sense he is no different from them, but at the Arthika level, he is different, as brahmA and rudra have their basis in him. This is the position of most vaiShNava-s and was likely also the position of Adi sha~Nkara himself.
Boring, this is much better :D:
மாயனை மன்னு வடமதுரை மைந்தனைத்
Wait, by Central Asia, are you including the area around present-day tajikistan? If yes, then maybe I might not be completely descended from mleccha-s. :D Not that it matters, just asking...
Yes, that is indeed funny, and I do agree to an extent. I just wish that people here didn't use the term vedAnta to refer specifically to advaitavedAnta, because I'm a vedAntI who does not believe in kevalAdvaita and it pains me to see that people think that vedAnta in general sees Ishvara as...
If shiva and brahmA have their origin in viShNu, does that not imply that viShNu is the source of those two, hence making him different from them in a sense? I never used the term lesser deities to refer to the anyadevatAH, I used the term "other deities" (in fact, as I pointed out, it was...
Yes, from a vaiShNava perspective, brahma (not the deity brahmA, but the ground of all reality) is a quality of viShNu, who is the lord of all the worlds, supreme creator, etc. and all other deities and in fact everything that exists has its basis in him...
Only shAkta-s and smArta-s accept the...