How can one honestly answer that question if one has no idea what the word forgiven means? (This is a bit of an exaggeration. I have ideas what it might mean. But those ideas contradict one another, and I'm uncertain what idea is correct.)
Though I don't think I'd make a very good Alice, as I don't look beautiful in a dress. Maybe I'll stick to wearing jeans, and you both may call me Alex. Let me know when we reach the bottom, or the beginning.
I took a personality test, once. The result: Only 1% of the people who take the test have a profile that fits mine. I'm essentially a questioner who is rarely willing to accept the idea that if something has always been done one way, it should continue to be done that way. If there is a better...
Allfoak: If it is a peaceful circumstance, then what an odd definition of peace we have: Being threatened with violence or even being the victim of violent acts is peaceful!
If it is not a peaceful circumstance, then is the inference that feeling peace within has the effect of protecting one...
Please forgive me for being slow, but no. When I consider the words you used:
• giving up things
• similar to repentance
• cleansing process
I can imagine different and contrary ideas these words represent. So if I am to ever understand you, I think I must take the words of Socrates to heart...
Very well. Then what does this premise teach us of forgiveness? Should forgiving remain merely in our thoughts and feelings, or does true forgiveness become forgiving words and deeds that make a real difference in our own worlds?
Well a "cloud drive" is essentially another hard drive, which exists in another computer, called a server, in another location, which may or may not be used to share information.
At work we have shared documents saved to such an external location. Different people make changes to the same...
It would seem that the connection requires communication or action. No matter how much compassion I feel for a starving child in another country, no matter what I desire for her, how will she experience any benefit of these thoughts if I never communicate with her nor take any action?
OK. What you are saying is too vague to comprehend. Maybe using examples will clarify your meaning.
Example 1: I work at a gas station. A man wearing a mask walks in, reveals a concealed handgun, aims it at my face, and says, "Open the register and give me all the cash, $@&%#¥£€!"
Is example 1...
Thanks for the reply. Not sure I understand. How does my feeling good make all feel good? It seems that no matter how good I might feel, someone somewhere must feel miserable. Am I missing something?
Not sure I understand. Are you defining peace within as emotion and peace without as one's own actions? Or do you mean peace without to be the way others act toward the one with peace within?
Thanks all for your thoughtful replies and for forgiving my tedious habit of asking simple questions. It's much appreciated. May you all be blessed. Dudes! You're the best!