That`s fine because now that you`ve stated it I`m less certain on my viewpoint than I was as well.
Cosmology/Astrophysics is a topic I love but find difficult to get beyond a laymans understanding of so when I hear something that conflicts with my views I want to check it out...
And you are confirming my earlier statement that you ascribe more to my words than my intent.
I have no problem understanding or believing that a myth can be based upon and/or dissected to find fact.
In fact I believe most myths have this property to one extent or another.
The trouble is...
No, I see nothing wrong with replacing a myth with ignorance "regardless" of other peoples views.
You seem to be creating a position for me that I haven`t ascribed to.
I am in no way "ignorant of what I believe" concerning the topic of the origins of the universe.
My belief is that there is...
"Axiom" is a very misused or undeserved label in this context.
Simply because something is presumed doesn`t mean it is correct.
In essence I see nothing wrong with replacing a myth with ignorance, I find it preferable in fact.
I also find it interesting that "I don`t know" isn`t an...
I don`t think it proves anything.
I think it leaves open the possibility that Jesus was indeed a construction of some sort.
That`s the hypothesis I lean towards anyway.
Even if Jesus was indeed a single historical figure the legend and mythos that have surrounded him for millennia lend to...
I thought they were refreshing and insightful but I always appreciate honesty. of the few people on this thread who is actually in the military is the one with a limited view of the military?
Do you have a clue how that makes you sound?
That`s so cute!
Dammit Dallas, if you keep giving him serious answers he`s gonna keep asking questions!!
OK..fine, I`d probably have a neurologist run a few scans myself, but if he can`t figure it out I`m heading right back to my drug dealer.
At least then I could rationalize a source for the voices.
I don`t doubt it and know that almost all our media is nothing more than a propaganda arm for one group or another.
Some more transparent than others but ultimately all US media pretty much is nothing but spin.
It`s a chore just trying to get enough qualified info to make an informed opinion...
I`m in agreement with Skwim here.
I think Klien was referring to the reading being a gimmick with no binding power which of course it is.
I`ll feel better just knowing those idiots in congress have finally read the damn thing.
I hold no hope for them actually comprehending it though.
I know just as many preists who are truly helpful to their followers.
Doesn`t give the basis of belief for that help a bit of credence though.
There`s a statement without a foundation.
Shrinks have been unnecessarily drugging our kids with serious neural chemicals without a clue of the...
There`s the problem.
Scientific studies are worthy of consideration.
Psychiatry follows/understands the scientific method about as well as VooDooism does.
I mean no disrespect to the followers of Voodoo.
Your first premise is ******** therefore the rest of your construction fails.
In what legitimate equitable system does the seriousness of a crime depend upon the status of the victim?
The entire idea is totally bereft of anything resembling justifiable morality.
Back in 2001 they expelled a National Merit Scholar a month or so before graduation for having a butter knife on the back seat floorboard of her car at school.
She had been moving and the knife apparently fell out of a box.
She didn`t even know it was there.
Dunno how school officials saw it...
Glad I`m on the right path, sure wouldn`t want to be following a supposedly all-knowing being so full of logical fallacy.
He`s pretty self absorbed as well.