My understanding of Muslim apologists are as follows:
Jesus was a prophet
He was born of a virgin (Mary)
He did not die on the cross (swoon theory and substitution theory)
He never said he was God
Jesus will return to coincide with the coming of the Mahdi
Jesus will break crosses and kill swine...
As a Christian I don't share the view that Jesus was merely a man and that he survived the cross...(that would be a good string to start a new discussion on). I pray for Christians and Muslims alike in 2017 we are all children of God and are created in his image.
Prove the Apostles existed? At some point we have to acknowledge the historical record...the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus and the Roman historian Tacitus outlines this period of the early Church and Christ's ministry. They name the Disciples and confirm many of the accounts one finds in the...
I think the conspiracy theories that the Disciples created Christianity and invented the events surrounding Jesus as being created to parallel and match-up with the Old Testament are unconvincing. Many of the early followers and most of the Disciples of Jesus died horrible deaths for their...
In the New Testament & New Covenant there are no references to performing violence in the name of God. Jesus said to love your enemies. The difference is while there is violence described in the Old Testament (many of the incidents were historical - not condoned by God) as a Christian I believe...
I like to think of Biblical Prophesy as God's introduction. The Old Testament contains over 60 major prophesies of the coming Messiah (Jesus) hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. Josh McDowell in his book "More than a Carpenter" puts the probably of one person fulfilling only 48 of the...
We have all heard the phases "Islam is a religion of Peace" and "the 911 hijackers hijacked Islam too." I think we need to get past that politically correct catch phrases and discuss what is really going on in Islam. Radical Islam is really just a return to its roots.. Islam was spread by the...
I don't believe the poll questions offer a depiction of what I believe. I believe Muslims are true God seekers but they are utterly lost and deceived. I believe the foundations of Islam are violent and radical Islam is simply returning to its roots found in the Quran and the Hadith literature.
It is the most loving thing one can do to show a non-believer the way. We humans seem to be addicted to the belief we can work our way to heaven by "being good." We simply can't do it...we are all sinners (The Pope, my Mom, Mother Theresa) all of us are sinners in need of a savior. One shouldn't...
The early Church was primarily fact most continued to go to the temple and worship after Christ was crucified. It wasn't until the Bar Kokhba rebellion when the Christians were kicked out of the Temple for good. The early followers of Jesus were (largely) Jews that believe...
I think the Sultan of Swing has it right one must go back to the scriptures...when you start out with the statement how I see Jesus...that is a problem. It is the prevalent form of ideology we see today "i"deology. We can't understand God's glory unless we look to the scriptures because that is...
Christians are being killed and terrorized by Islamic extremists throughout the Middle East, Africa and Indonesia. There is a powerful book out "Killing Christians" by Tom Doyle. What is amazing is the faith these Christians show despite the oppression and dangers. We should all pray for our...
The Levitical Laws were part of the first covenant with the Children of Israel. It was essentially a mirror to show man how sinful we are. Jeremiah 31:31-34 foretold promise of a new covenant, different from, and much improved, from the covenant made at Mount Sinai. The second covenant was Jesus...
Religion is not important. A relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ is what is important. Religion gives people the impression that they are "good." They went to Church, the Temple or the Mosque so they believe they are being Godly...however it is all external. So often religious people can be...
I have been amazed and inspired by the accounts of Muslims converting to Christianity after having a vision of Jesus. Does anyone have any accounts to pass along. I recommend the following books on this topic.
Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
Written by: Tom Doyle , Greg...
I find it interesting that many Islamic scholars cite those verses in the Bible (those verses that they do not believe have been corrupted by Jews and Christians). It seems to be a way to pick and chose scripture to support ones opinion. Ironically, often times they utilize scriptures that are...
Jesus is Lord. The Holy Spirit is Lord. The Father is Lord. I grant you the trinity is a difficult concept, however, the Lord is infinite and we are finite so any description we can give will be wanting. It is strange that one can see (seemingly) contradictory properties in Nature (his creation)...
Sexual immorality is rampant in our culture. Homosexuality is sin, just as premarital sex is sin and sex out of the bonds of marriage is sin, covetousness is sin.
We don't like to talk about sin in our culture ...tolerance is perceived as the pinnacle of character traits; however, I don't...
My understanding of Islamic Eschatology is the Mahdi's arrival is the first of the major signs of the the End of Days.The Mahdi's ascendancy is preceded by an army from the East carrying black flags (the black flag of jiihad). I don't know which hadith's show this benign treatment of the Jews...
What will Isa do about Israel? What will Isa do about Christians that do not believe he is Jesus? Certainly, many Christians will believe Isa is Jesus and will convert to Islam; however, many will not....what then?