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  1. E

    My cat plays "fetch"...

    My pet rat has an infatuation with feet, he will bite at your shoe until you take it off then he will lick your foot, he only bit one persons foot before and that was my sister because she is extremely ticklish and when he licked her foot she jerked and kicked him (he got angry) :)
  2. E

    computer help, password protection for files.

    *Warning* Others can still see your document when you do this, this makes it read-only, it can't be modified but it can still be viewed by anyone without the password. ps. linux is freaking awesome
  3. E

    computer help, password protection for files.

    You can hide the file so that only you can find it if you know the name it is possible for someone to stumble upon it but unlikly not sure about passwords though gotta do some digging...to hide it go to properties when you right click it in windows explorer and select hidden in atributes sorry...
  4. E

    What gender is your brain?

    Aww...Fewey I cant post links to other sites yet. :( **13% female, 87% male** You've got the brain of a manly man Feelings, schmeelings... tears aren't for you. You could break both legs and not get misty eyed. A great problem solver, nothing ever phases you. lol yay I am a man...oh wait...
  5. E

    Is atheism negative thinking?

    This is how I think most Athiests see life, though not all. Personally I have a more neutral look on life. I try to ignore the greater extremes and even some of the lesser points but I am not cold and heartless I just don't let my emotions run my life. As for the comment that Athiests are...
  6. E

    New user - Alan Young

    Hey Alan, Welcome to RF... (I'm new too) So far its actually quite fun here :)
  7. E

    Should Teens Marry?

    As a teen, I say "No" While I suppose I might be mature enough to uphold a marriage and/or a family, many of my friends are not and many of the other teenagers I encounter on any given day are not nearly mature enough to uphold a decent conversation with the opposite sex. Most teenagers...
  8. E

    Should there be complete freedom of information flow?

    I think that censorship is needed to a certain extent. I personally dont feel that the blocking of these sites is a form of censorship however, these sites do hog a lot of bandwidth and it is understandable that the military need to free up some of this usage. If it prevents security leaks...
  9. E


    A little more about myself... First off, the mention of thiests obeying the laws of their religion rather than those of their governments is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that eternal damnation is alot more effective than a fine or jail time. Also...(Quagmire) I have read the...
  10. E

    Why Isn't God Visible?

    Well personally I have never seen God, but then according to some of you this does not disprove his existence. Yet, I have never seen unicorns or fairies either, by your logic this does not disprove them either, so why then are they in the Fiction section of the library.
  11. E

    Why Isn't God Visible?

    Well personally I have never seen God, but then according to some of you this does not disprove his existence. Yet, I have never seen unicorns or fairies either, by your logic this does not disprove them either, so why then are they in the Fiction section of the library.
  12. E


    Well, lets see now my name is Erasmo and I am an athiest. I am tolerant of other religions, although to me they seem rediculous. I think that religion is simply a way for people looking for answers to take the easy way out and simply say "well God did it". Yet, for some people at least, i think...
  13. E

    Men have authority over women

    I find it hard to see how many females can follow a religion that holds them inferior to males. As an athiest I find this aspect of the bible and the religion as a whole to be quite rediculous and looking from the outside in it is sickening that females put up with this. This part of...
  14. E

    Why Do All Atheists Hate Puppies And Children?

    Well I cant speak for every athiest out there but personally I do like puppies and children and I do appreciate beauty, possibly more than alot of you people who are theists. Actually, I find it quite funny how alot of theists, especially christians, attempt to make athiests out to be some sort...