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Search results

  1. L

    Your honest one-word answer

    Christianity- morman Islam- kamikaze Judaism- sideburns Hinduism- mountain Buddhism- buddha
  2. L

    Please state your religion and answer this question. Thank you in advance.

    I am a spiritual being having a human experience, we and animals and everything for that matter are just pieces of the great spirit that transcends time and space. "Lift up a stone and I am there" says a master.
  3. L

    Who is the way, the truth and the life?

    I could not have said it better my self.. right on.
  4. L

    Who is the way, the truth and the life?

    You sad person you...
  5. L

    What happened to Jesus

    At the most basic level Christianity is being human(all that is good) instead of animal(materialistic, domination, in the rat race, competition, etc.). So by making a conscious daily effort to do good, practicing genuine humility, and helping my brothers and sisters(all of humanity) or in other...
  6. L

    What happened to Jesus

    Test? nope. I agree that christianity today is NOT christianity. To rephrase: I really like what you are saying and where you are coming from. I hold similar beliefs.
  7. L

    What happened to Jesus

    Really like where you are coming from there. I have some of the same beliefs in JC and what he was really saying.
  8. L

    Views on Taoism?

    What I like about it is freedom. Freedom from the ways of the world. Don't tell anyone ;) but I think Jesus was a Taoist...lol.
  9. L

    What is Christianity.

    You are right in that it is counter to what is commonly taught. The bible is what you make it... period. "you" is anyone. I have a right to pick and choose what is in line with self and my conscious. Jesus said follow me. To me that means do as I do and you will experience heaven. He was...
  10. L

    Open debate: does God exist?

    I like pesto as well. My fave is feta, mozzarella and pepperoni and onions. yummy to my tummy
  11. L

    Open debate: does God exist?

    Neither... Hand tossed every time.
  12. L

    Open debate: does God exist?

    There is no heaven or hell. God is I and I am God. Star dust to star dust. Does anything really matter besides what I can perceive with my senses and feel with my feelings? I am the center of the universe for all practical purposes, as are all of you.
  13. L

    Burn in Hell...

    Pretty much agree with you there. Hell can be death or it can be pain and suffering from being spiritually dead but physically alive. I don't believe in hell, much less a lake of fire that I will burn in for all eternity. So it really does not bother me when people talk hell fire/damnation...
  14. L

    Does God Want Us to be Rich?

    God wants you to be whatever and however you want to be. In other words, it is up to you ;)
  15. L

    What is Christianity.

    JC died for the sins of the world says the book. To strive to be Christlike is a tall order. Doesn't the book also say that all sins are equal. That little white lie is equal to murder in the "eyes of God". Strive to be Christlike and you will experience a heaven that you could not have ever...
  16. L

    Heaven vs. hell

    The book says that he died for the sins of the world...period. I would say that every one is "saved" according to JC. If you believe in heaven and hell that is.
  17. L

    What is Christianity.

    There are hardly any real Christians in this world. Christianity is NOT "accepting JC as your lord and be saved and then you don't have anything to worry about because you are saved"... Saved from what? exactly? It is this: Humility, selflessness, always striving to be a better you, going...
  18. L

    What Happens When You Die?

    undifferentiated consciousness...... wow
  19. L

    Religion versus Spirituality

    "Religion is for people that don't want to go to hell. Spirituality is for people that have already been there." Not that I believe in hell. Or heaven for that matter...It is an interesting quote none the less
  20. L

    New here hello.

    And Pan-en-theism is different from pan-theism. I'm definitely not a pantheist :)