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Search results

  1. N

    Bible Versions

    It certainly seems like that would be the case, but the vast majority of Christians are woefully ignorant of what the Bible actually says because they haven't read it, they just take for granted whatever their preacher/priest tells them about it. I've read it cover to cover 3 times, and studied...
  2. N

    Bible Versions

    Here are some interesting versions: Funny Bible Versions
  3. N

    criticizing Christianity

    Would it not also be prudent to have read the whole Bible, cover to cover, before one claims to believe it? How can someone believe it if they don't know what it says? It seems that fewer and fewer Christians know much at all about the contents of the Bible...
  4. N

    Jesus as evidence God is crazy?

    But what about this? Psalm 139:7-8 "Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." (KJV) This shows that God can be in hell, and so presumably, so can Jesus. And how...
  5. N

    Jesus as evidence God is crazy?

    Why? What's so great about justice that God would deem it to be imperative, that the universe couldn't exist without it? Or was it God who chose the rule that "justice had to be satisfied"? And why couldn't he simply forgive our sins whether we believe in him or not? He wiped Mary's original...
  6. N

    Why was Jesus necessary?

    I've often wondered why he couldn't've appeared right after the Fall of Man, but I guess there just weren't enough souls at stake yet to be worth the sacrifice.
  7. N

    God's Gender...

    Actually, I don't believe a particualr way, I simply disbelieve what theists believe. I also disbelieve in what many other people believe in besides theists. I lean toward the idea that the Earth itself is a living organism, and it's eating itself and growing hungrier constantly. Soon the Earth...
  8. N

    Jesus = Dionysus? I say no...

    Most of those events in Paul's itinerary were given references to their biblical locations. Neither of these gives a reference to 66 AD and Paul's martyrdom. How do we know this occurred at all?
  9. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    I think that may be from Shakespeare, MacBeth or Hamlet. I'll see if I can google it up. Ah here it is, in 2 Corinthians: It appears that the reference in Othello is referring to the Corinthians verse.
  10. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    OK, sorry, didn't mean to cause unease.
  11. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    Just an observation.
  12. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    I don't think common sense is all that common, unfortunately.
  13. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    Well, that certainly seems logical.
  14. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    Maybe, but then, aren't Christians supposed to love their enemies? So how could they hate their families and love them at the same time?
  15. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    I didn't say I wasn't able to interpret it, I said I'm not qualified to interpret it, which is not the same thing at all. If God wanted so badly to communicate with his creations, why did he write such a confusing book? Are we all supposed to become experts in ancient Greek and Hebrew in order...
  16. N

    Naming your child for your faith

    Well, I don't know, but any of those would, in my opinion, be better than Moon Unit or Dweezil! I doubt that, being an atheist, I'd ever name my kids (if I were ever to heve any) after a derivative of that particular word, e.g., 'Atheismo, or eupraxsophil (sounds like a medication, huh?), or Bright.
  17. N

    Oath on the Bible by a Muslim?

    That's right, this country was founded on genocide and slavery, both of which are definitely biblical values.
  18. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Well, only if you're diligent. Some of us actually live our live by this, as a code of behaviour! :yoda: Then again, some people only want to watch "Sex in the City" reruns all day. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
  19. N

    Do you see this as an insult?

    Yep, that's it! I'd forgotten that I'd seen it before, heck I probably even posted it somewhere! Must be all that weed that I can't get in Heaven that made me forget. So I've got to imbibe as much as I can before I get there, huh? Why the deuce would I want to go to heaven if I can't get any...
  20. N

    Is the Bible the "Word of God"?

    I'm not sure I get it - if Christ is "undivided", then how can he be both God and man at the same time?