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  1. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Y'all don't know the half fo it yet! I merely skimmied the bare bones of my bio, the devil's all in the details.
  2. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Hey, it's a good thing he wasn't addicted to oxytocin instead, huh? :trampo: I heard about some kids who broke into a pharmacy to steal oxycontin, and instead grabbed a bunch of oxytocin. I wonder how they're doing now?
  3. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Well, I do hope that I can keep myself from boring y'all to distraction. I'll do my best to stimulate some interesting discussions, and to make some titilating responses, but I'm mainly here to learn and debate. I like to argue (in the academinc sense), and I hope to "inspire" people to think...
  4. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    I'm not qualified to interpret the sayings of the biblical Jesus, all I can do is read what it says in black and white. It says "hate", which in Greek is the word "miseo" and, as far as I know, always means "hate".
  5. N

    Is the Bible the "Word of God"?

    Well, I understand about the Bible being considered "God-breathed", as in: 2Ti 3:16 But a poet, for example, can be "inspired" by a beautiful sunset to write a poetic discription of that sunset, without the sun itself being in any way an active participant in the writing of the poem. And if...
  6. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    Jesus also said that in order to be his disciple we must hate our father, mother, brothers and sisters and children, and our own lives. I know that apologists claim he meant to "love them less than him" but that's not what the book says in black and white, at Luke 14:26. Some of the newer...
  7. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    Well, sure, but besides all that he's really a pretty nice guy, huh? :sarcastic
  8. N

    Bad things about Christianity

    I don't really care much if people want to believe things that I myself consider to be patently untrue, but I do very much dislike a group trying to legislate their religion and institute their holy book as the law of the land. I refuse to live in a Christian theocracy, and yet it seems that...
  9. N

    Is the Bible the "Word of God"?

    How can the Bible be considered the "Word of God", when the gospel of John very plainly states that Jesus is the Word, and the Bible is obviously not Jesus?
  10. N

    Do you see this as an insult?

    Aw, shucks, the video is no longer available! Drat! :shrug: Oh well.
  11. N

    Hi, just registered!

    I had thought about registering under the username Eupraxsopher, but that seemed a bit too pretentious, and also damned hard to spell! :seesaw:
  12. N

    Hi, just registered!

    I'm single, with no kids or any other family, so I only need to worry about myself, and I'm not very demanding, my needs are few and simple. I can certainly see how anyone with a family to support would be hardly able to live the way I do.
  13. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Indeed it is! I don't like labels, but they do have a certain utility when communicating with people. I find that I don't quite fit properly in any of the labels I could go by, though I'm close enough to some, e.g. "atheist", to go ahead and call myself by them.
  14. N

    Why Are Humans Inherently Crazy?

    Well, if the irrationality in the human gene pool isn't remedied soon, we may be doomed as a specie. Natural selection will either kill us off, or we'll become less "crazy".
  15. N

    Why Are Humans Inherently Crazy?

    Well, I think it has a great deal to do with the fact that we don't live in the same kind of environment we evolved in, and the fact that there are now so many of us that just by the odds there are bound to be a certain percentage of the population who are "crazy". Also, I think we are very...
  16. N

    Hello Everyone

    I like canoeing a lot, myself. When I was 11 years old I was at a boys' camp, and we (10 kids, 2 adults) went down the Sabine river, in Texas/Louisianna, from Gladwater, in the northern part of the state, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, at Beaumont/Port Arthur, 600 miles. It's maybe the most...
  17. N

    Hello Everyone

    Howdy, Mavrikmind! :D I'm new here myself, and I'm trying to get in my mandatory 15 posts in so I can include links. I feel powerless whithout that ability! I love hyperlinks. This place looks like I'll be able to learn a lot, which is what I love more than anything else.
  18. N

    Oath on the Bible by a Muslim?

    As I understand it, swearing on or by any holy book is not a part of the swearing in ceremony. And even if it were, in light of Matthew 5:34: and James 5:12 swearing is forbidden in the Christian religion anyway.
  19. N

    Hi, just registered!

    Hey, Godlike, I'm just curious, but which [G]od are you like, being's how there are so many of them? PS - Dang, they won't let me post a link to godchecker.com! Oh well.:shrug: I'll just have to get my 15 posts out of the way as soon as I can. Thanks for all the nice welcomes! :fsm: May His...
  20. N

    7 ways to know you are a RF head

    Heck, I only just registered, but I think I already fit this profile. This place looks to be a lot of fun!