The places with the highest quality of life also are the places with highest rates of crime.
And that is probably because those who live at the lesser end of the quality, consider themselves as victims of quality sustenance at the hands of the 'quality affording class' and Hence self justify to steal, kill , rob in order to equate their quality of life with the better/ best quality.They are given an Image of Quality which actually only Heaven can give them without any injustices attached, rather than snaking their way up illegally to taste it by either hook or crook.
The amount of wealth gathered by the elite in this world usually involves a lot of con and deception meted out to the working class, and acquiring wealth by those means is not allowed in Islam. (so even if all people in America acquire a similar level of quality and luxury, all people of the world wont, and thats injustice) In Islam 'equality in limited resources' in this world' dominates the idea of ' unlimited luxury confined within the elite or a certain portion of the society'. This is why,
Quality by no means preserves a balance in a society if it is not provided at the level of 'Equality'. And Equality of this world's resources among all its inhabitants, in a luxurious level of distribution, is jus
t Not possible. So to attain a level of satisfactory everlasting happiness and ever improving quality, is just not possible where there is war and crime in this world. Whats possible is, that i don't buy a ferrari, don't invest my resources in building a car which serves only to the richest and has no spirit of welfare.
What i should rather do, is distribute my excess wealth to increase the quality of life of the under privileged rather than built a yatch for high class luxury events. But that is NEVER going to happen as we see the ways of the world, nobody spends their greed acquired monstrous wealth for the substantial uplifting of poverty, what they do give as charity is like a pinch of salt to the sea. That is why we have the concept of heaven where luxury will be lived by all, with no greed, no crimes and no jealousy. I must say though that after living in and visiting the 3rd world and very poor places, the west, Europe and America/Australia really do look like Heavens, if 'quality of life' on its surface was to be judged.
But since, that Quality is Not excercised, distributed, and shared with the under developed countries at their own terms, (religious /cultural or whichever reasons) it remains highly restricted to the west. But that does not mean that the under developed world is entirely lacking in its treasures. The mangoes of Asia still taste like Heaven if compared to any delicious fruit that is available in the Entire west!
Maybe i'm limited in my exposure but sigh, the mangoes are drop dead gorgeous
and allow people to relish in their little own heavens within their limited resources. Alhamdulilah.
And since muslims have Heaven as a reward for practising patience in the face of severe temptations and injustices in this world, we dont feel too left out of the developed loop of the better world, its not going to last that long anyway. Its a waste how much human effort goes into luxury development and how its all going to come down like dust one day.