This isn't a law that's being made and I'm tired of the fear-mongering over it. It's pretty ridiculous and transphobic.
What happened was that the Justice Department and the Department of Education issued a letter to public schools not to discriminate against trans students, or they're at risk of losing federal funding. There is no law being made, unlike with that ridiculous, unconstitutional transphobic
and homophobic North Carolina law, which struck down anti-discrimination ordinances for LGBT people
and prevented new anti-discrimination ordinances from being passed! Where's the fear-mongering over that? It's horrible when the Justice Department, which is supposed to protect our civil rights and the Department of Education, which oversees public schools and has a stake in providing a safe environment for students, just issue a letter clarifying the federal government's stance on this issue?! Get your facts and your priorities straight, people! Otherwise you're saying it's okay to force laws through based on hatred and bigotry and strip protections from groups, but it's horrible when the government tells taxpayer-funded schools not to discriminate? Um, trans people pay taxes, too. We have a right to equal access to public facilities.