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Abortion - is it wrong?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The Nazis told themselves that Jews weren't "human".

Do any of you have a problem with calling them "murderers"?

The obvious differences is despite the Nazis racist and dehumanizing portrayal of the Jews they still possessed the qualities that define personhood, whereas a fetus clearly does not. Not remotely comparable.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I think irresponsible breeding is far more abhorrent than irresponsible sex.

I may agree dependant on what "irresponsable breeding" turns out to be.

If you mean jews that´s just horrible! :cover:

Seriously though, I agree, but I find a mom consenting her baby to die far worst.

That why sex must be responsable to avoid all of this.


Active Member
The obvious differences is despite the Nazis racist and dehumanizing portrayal of the Jews they still possessed the qualities that define personhood, whereas a fetus clearly does not. Not remotely comparable.

You are wrong: the Jews DID NOT possess the the qualities which the Nazis defined as "personhood".... it then becomes a "meaning of the word" game...which the pro-choicers love to play.

The other obvious difference is that the Nazis killed only 7 million Jews. The same figure is topped by abortions about every two months.


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I may agree dependant on what "irresponsable breeding" turns out to be.

If you mean jews that´s just horrible! :cover:

By "irresponsible breeding" I mean unfit parents squeezing out litters. If they weren't responsible enough to use birth control then they most certainly aren't responsible enough to raise a child.

Seriously though, I agree, but I find a mom consenting her baby to die far worst.

That why sex must be responsable to avoid all of this.

I couldn't care less about a fetus. The world as a whole is better off with each and every abortion.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You are wrong: the Jews DID NOT possess the the qualities which the Nazis defined as "personhood".... it then becomes a "meaning of the word" game...which the pro-choicers love to play.

The other obvious difference is that the Nazis killed only 7 million Jews. The same figure is topped by abortions about every two months.

Abortion Statistics

Personhood is defined by biology and is not up for debate. A person is a sapient, sentient, conscious, thinking, feeling, self-ware being with the ability to reason and the capacity for emotion. A fetus is not.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
You are wrong: the Jews DID NOT possess the the qualities which the Nazis defined as "personhood".... it then becomes a "meaning of the word" game...which the pro-choicers love to play.

The other obvious difference is that the Nazis killed only 7 million Jews. The same figure is topped by abortions about every two months.

Abortion Statistics

And that number is topped by miscarriages, with a rate often estimated as high as 40-50% of all pregnancies.

If prenatal life were as precious to God as some claim, I'd truly think miscarrying would be almost unheard of.


The Nazis told themselves that Jews weren't "human".

Do any of you have a problem with calling them "murderers"?

Let's see, did the Jews have brains and nervous systems? Did they have hearts, lungs, genitals, arms and legs etcetera? Were they aware of their suffering in any way shape or form?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, then your post is completely irrelevant to the topic of abortion.


And that number is topped by miscarriages, with a rate often estimated as high as 40-50% of all pregnancies.

If prenatal life were as precious to God as some claim, I'd truly think miscarrying would be almost unheard of.

God: the world's number one abortionist.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
"I think it is offensive to put real actual people on the same level as a real actual person"


So my thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams are just as valuable as those of a fetus? Oh, wait. A fetus has the capacity for none of that, does it? *pop* out it goes and into the medical waste bin.


As I said... it devolves to semantics.... a very popular defense:
Next you're going to tell me that I need to consider pigs as people too. Oh wait, wrong thread.

If your species is Homo sapiens sapiens you're a human. If you're no longer connected to a placenta to breathe or eat then you are an individual person.

I'm sure you're shocked, but this definition includes Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Blacks, Whites, Asians, indigenous peoples while still excluding a fetus, embryo, zygote, or cow.


As I said... it devolves to semantics.... a very popular defense:

Der Untermensch www.HolocaustResearchProject.org

Yes, semantics is a popular defense - for your side.

"Why is it wrong to terminate an unwanted pregnancy before the fetus develops an ability to actually experience anything, such as sentience, death or pain?"

"Because I call it 'murder' and everybody knows murder is wrong."

"But why call it 'murder' when the 'victim' has none of the attributes of a living human being?"

"Because Hitler."


Nice argument, bro.


And that number is topped by miscarriages, with a rate often estimated as high as 40-50% of all pregnancies.

If prenatal life were as precious to God as some claim, I'd truly think miscarrying would be almost unheard of.
Higher even per stats I listed earlier, 50-70 percent in the first trimester, typically before anyone knows they're pregnant. That doesn't include the number of 'known
' miscarriages.