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Abortion - is it wrong?


Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come back when you've cleared your concience.

I'm not a Christian.

And you're not doing a very good job of convincing me anybody in their right mind would want to be.

Again, "It's wrong because I call it murder and murder is wrong". WHY is it "murder"? HOW is it "murder"? The globule of cells has no awareness. No heart. No brain. No nervous system. No experience. How can you "murder" something that can not suffer?


Active Member
I'm not a Christian.

And you're not doing a very good job of convincing me anybody in their right mind would want to be.

Again, "It's wrong because I call it murder and murder is wrong". WHY is it "murder"? HOW is it "murder"? The globule of cells has no awareness. No heart. No brain. No nervous system. No experience. How can you "murder" something that can not suffer?

Look. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. Believe whatever you want.

But I am glad you are here.

Even if you started out as a globule of cells......


Look. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. Believe whatever you want.

But I am glad you are here.

Even if you started out as a globule of cells......

Well, that's good because you would be doomed to fail. The randomness, silliness and disorder of your statements only affirms my own convictions. You serve as an excellent example of my suspicion people who believe abortion is wrong cannot justify their own ethical position without falling back on appeal to emotion, appeal to authority or both. Therefore, by process of elimination, if it isn't wrong, then it must be right! Thanks for the vote of confidence. :D


Active Member
Well, that's good because you would be doomed to fail. The randomness, silliness and disorder of your statements only affirms my own convictions. You serve as an excellent example of my suspicion people who believe abortion is wrong cannot justify their own ethical position without falling back on appeal to emotion, appeal to authority or both. Therefore, by process of elimination, if it isn't wrong, then it must be right! Thanks for the vote of confidence. :D

I hope that cheeky attitude serves you well when you meet whatever destiny awaits you.

Human life = Pile of cells??


Best of luck.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I hope that cheeky attitude serves you well when you meet whatever destiny awaits you.
Isn't it a bit audacious and presumptuous to project your own personal emotions upon god as if they were also "his"?

Human life = Pile of cells??
If it's a person, no, they're more than just a pile of cells, but as had already been explained, a fetus lacks the qualities that define personhood.


Superabacus Mystic
If it's a person, no, they're more than just a pile of cells, but as had already been explained, a fetus lacks the qualities that define personhood.
Personally, I like to think that "personhood" is generated by the properties of the pile of cells. Fetuses, (and even young children) don't have those properties.


I hope that cheeky attitude serves you well when you meet whatever destiny awaits you.

Human life = Pile of cells??


Best of luck.

Actually, it makes more sense this way:

Cluster of non-sentient cells =/= human life.

So far so good. :)


Personally, I like to think that "personhood" is generated by the properties of the pile of cells. Fetuses, (and even young children) don't have those properties.

All the same, I would probably draw the line at aborting a young child. :D Anything with the capacity to experience pain, however rudimentary the details of the awareness, I am disinclined to kill. I trap spiders in jars and set them free in the back yard. I feel bad about killing slugs in the garden - despite being under clear and unambiguous orders from grandma to bash them with a rock - so I secretly fling them far out into the woods.

I'm quite sure that a cluster of cells without any kind of nervous system lacks this capacity. That's why I think that having an abortion, if that is the woman's choice, should occur as early as possible. Preferably within the first 8 weeks.

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
The wrongness of it is not so clear cut and absolute but IMHO the degree of “wrongness” only increases with every day delayed during gestation passed about 20 weeks into gestation. I see nothing wrong with terminating less than five months because the foetus would be unsurvivable outside the mother's womb.


Guardian of Asgaard
The wrongness of it is not so clear cut and absolute but IMHO the degree of “wrongness” only increases with every day delayed during gestation passed about 20 weeks into gestation. I see nothing wrong with terminating less than five months because the foetus would be unsurvivable outside the mother's womb.

That's how I see it. A child is a child when it can survive on its own.


Well-Known Member

who's winning? I'm pro-life and only think that abortion is sensible when it is absolute necessary. Speaking from a scientific point, it's sure as hell alive when in the womb and I view it not much different from a baby out of the womb, it's just more developed out of the womb is all. Cause' when you can have a heart beat and a brain (no matter how tiny), your a person to me.


Superabacus Mystic

who's winning? I'm pro-life and only think that abortion is sensible when it is absolute necessary. Speaking from a scientific point, it's sure as hell alive when in the womb and I view it not much different from a baby out of the womb, it's just more developed out of the womb is all. Cause' when you can have a heart beat and a brain (no matter how tiny), your a person to me.
A fetus only acquires a heart and brain relatively late in development.


Well-Known Member
oh really?

The heart, hands, feet, brain and other organs are present, but are only at the beginning of development and have minimal operation.[11] [12]
That is for weeks 9-16.

Hmm... Wikipedia does not say when it develops more, but I still proved you wrong in your claim that they do not come till' later on.

I cannot comprehend how people can so callously consider a fetus just a bunch of cells that has no right to a shot at life. It's sad but a good number of abortions are not necessary in the U.S., but are seen as an alternative to getting rid of a baby that someone doesn't want.

It's as if no one ever considers adoption agencies. Many people who can't have them because of medical reasons want babies.


Admiral Obvious
Hmm... Wikipedia does not say when it develops more, but I still proved you wrong in your claim that they do not come till' later on.
I wonder when it is that doctors consider it havinf a heart.
After the heart is completed and ready to go, or "at the beginning of development".
So the beginning of the hearts development means it has a heart?

So much for your "I still proved you wrong in your claim that they do not come till' later on".

Perhaps you should spend more time on comprehending and less time patting yourself on the back..?

I cannot comprehend how people can so callously consider a fetus just a bunch of cells that has no right to a shot at life. It's sad but a good number of abortions are not necessary in the U.S., but are seen as an alternative to getting rid of a baby that someone doesn't want.
I cannot comprehend how people can so carelessly declare that a clump of cells should be given full legal and constitutional rights.

It's as if no one ever considers adoption agencies. Many people who can't have them because of medical reasons want babies.
I understand.
You are here advertising for the adoption business.
Never mind any counter points that might interfere with your commission checks.