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Abortion - is it wrong?


Active Member
Yes, semantics is a popular defense - for your side.

"Why is it wrong to terminate an unwanted pregnancy before the fetus develops an ability to actually experience anything, such as sentience, death or pain?"

"Because I call it 'murder' and everybody knows murder is wrong."

"But why call it 'murder' when the 'victim' has none of the attributes of a living human being?"

"Because Hitler."


Nice argument, bro.

Justifying murder....makes no difference if you're Hitler or a blank face at a computer screen.

Same deal.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Justifying murder....makes no difference if you're Hitler or a blank face at a computer screen.

Same deal.

If abortion is murder then washing your hands with anti-bacterial soap is a holocaust, if you insist on calling killing mindless cells "murder".
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Justifying murder....makes no difference if you're Hitler or a blank face at a computer screen.

Same deal.

I'm sorry, but were you ever going to explain WHY terminating a pregnancy long before a sentient person develops inside a woman's uterus qualifies as "murder"?

No? Thought not.

Just having a gay old troll, then?


The minute you can create a "mindless cell", you can tell me what it's worth.
My body does it all day long. I scrub them off in the shower, and drop them off in the toilet and once every month or so my body makes an extra point of shedding some mindless cells.

I'm a cell making machine and I'll remove them as I see fit.

Feel free to stop making more cells and see how long you last.


Active Member
I'm sorry, but were you ever going to explain WHY terminating a pregnancy long before a sentient person develops inside a woman's uterus qualifies as "murder"?

No? Thought not.

Just having a gay old troll, then?

How would you know how sentient a fetus is/was?

At least Hitler depised the Jews....


Fun fact: when I got a doctor to induce a miscarriage at 5 weeks, nothing came out that could be identified as a "person", or even the precursor to a "person". The mess was indistinguishable from a normal period. And I was looking. I was curious to see what the little hitch-hiker looked like. It's incredible to me that anybody believes there was a whole person in there. Surely I would have noticed if an entire human corpse came out of my uterus.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Come back when you've cleared your concience.

So I take it you don't eat meat, or use anti-bacterial soap? As for the bible, it also commands that we not rotate crops, eat pork or shrimp, wear mixed fabrics, or talk to menstruating women, to beat disobedient slaves, and even gives instructions on how to sell your own daughter into sexual slavery. No sane or sensible person would use such a silly book as a moral compass in the modern world.
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Active Member
So I take it you don't eat meat, or use anti-bacterial soap? As for the bible, it also commands that we not rotate crops, eat pork or shrimp, wear mixed fabrics, or talk to menstruating women, to beat disobedient slaves, and even gives instructions on how to sell your own daughter into sexual slavery. No sane or sensible person would use such a silly book as a moral compass in the modern world.

What sane or sensible atheist or murderer would hang out in a religious forum and not expect to hear about religion?