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Abortion is murder


Well-Known Member
Let the woman control her own body, not the church down the street, or a nanny state.

Nanny state?

It is necessary for the State to assume in many circumstances, parental responsibility.
You love it.

Who else will you turn to?


Well-Known Member
If its about the money then we can raise taxes and the State will assume full responsibility, after all as a society we are responsible for each other and whatever happens within it.

No problem, we waste A LOT of money on stupid things like nuclear weapons and expensive champagne, the unwanted are worth the investment.

Il get down my local Bleeding Heart Bank right away......

Take that proposition to your government then, Tau and as soon as the law is passed that all potentially aborted foetuses and their mothers will be fully taken care of, financially, emotionally, etc, then I will be on the sidelines with you, darling. But until that day, the government, state and the whole damn world can stay the hell out of my womb.


Well-Known Member
Take that proposition to your government then, Tau and as soon as the law is passed that all potentially aborted foetuses and their mothers will be fully taken care of, financially, emotionally, etc, then I will be on the sidelines with you, darling. But until that day, the government, state and the whole damn world can stay the hell out of my womb.

Consider it done :D


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm highly averse to womb invaders. They're really not fun at all, and damn hard to get rid of when they get going. :D


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I'm highly averse to womb invaders. They're really not fun at all, and damn hard to get rid of when they get going. :D

I dunno....its a hard topic.

I have agonised over it for years.

Let me be candid.
I walked past a little boy in the street ( he must have been about 6 years old) the other day crying into the mobile phone he was using (it was about 9:30pm) saying 'where are you mummy and mummy I am crying' (I had just started this thread a few hours earlier strangely enough) and anyway later on when i thought about it, I had felt so mixed by hearing the kid's pleas for his mother to come home, I hesitated in my convictions, is it better to kill the unwanted fetuses?
Was he (the child) unwanted?
Nothing is more sad to me then a child calling for a mother that doesnt come.
As usual my emotions began to manifest as anger, anger for his (seemingly) uncaring mother and the general cruelty of this world, I walked on to my friends house a little shaken and praying to my God to help that kid or else, I usually threaten Him.

Thats enough of the mushy crap, but it is true.

I do have my doubts despite my rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
I dunno....its a hard topic.

I have agonised over it for years.

Let me be candid.
I walked past a little boy in the street ( he must have been about 6 years old) the other day crying into the mobile phone he was using (it was about 9:30pm) saying 'where are you mummy and mummy I am crying' (I had just started this thread a few hours earlier strangely enough) and anyway I felt so mixed by hearing the kid's pleas for his mother to come home, I hesitated in my convictions, is it better to kill the unwanted fetuses?
Was he (the child) unwanted?
As usual my emotions began to manifest as anger, anger for his (seemingly) uncaring mother and the general cruelty of this world, I walked on to my friends house a little shaken and praying to my God to help that kid.

Thats enough of the mushy crap, but it is true.

I do have my doubts despite my rhetoric.

For the record, I was joking about the womb invaders, kind of a Family Guy thing..

But I do get where you're coming from. I have a 10 year old son myself, who I've had to raise on my own, and I often see his friends in the same predicament and it breaks my heart every single time.

Some people just aren't cut out to be parents, mothers AND fathers alike.

You need a liscense to drive, but not to bare a child. Both can be potentially harmful, yet one is more easily available than the other. It's sad really.


Well-Known Member
As do I. I've been saying that for years.

Although, let me make clear, I had my son at 17, and were we forced to get licenses before having children, I certainly wouldn't have attained one. But my son is the light of my life and I don't know what I'd do without him. So, who knows?


Whether you call it a baby, zygote, embryo, fetus, or whether you say murder or not...Abortion keeps another human from being born. That human could've been the one to discover a cure for Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, etc. Yeah, yeah, I know... it could've been another Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy too.

Let's see... Dahmer killed about 17 people, Bundy killed anywhere from 29 to over 100 people. However, a cure for cancer would help save billions of lives over the years. It shouldn't be anyone's right to decide that a human shouldn't be born.

Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..


Well-Known Member
It also could have been born to parents who were crack addicts, or alcoholics, or child abusers, or just plain old parents who didn't want it.

That would be fun for it, wouldn't it?

Have you ever met someone who's parents have openly admitted to them that they were never wanted and that they wish they had aborted her, because she ruined their lives?

I have. Try being that child and tell me if that's the life it deserves.


The Devil's Advocate
Whether you call it a baby, zygote, embryo, fetus, or whether you say murder or not...Abortion keeps another human from being born. That human could've been the one to discover a cure for Aids, Cancer, Diabetes, etc. Yeah, yeah, I know... it could've been another Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy too.

Let's see... Dahmer killed about 17 people, Bundy killed anywhere from 29 to over 100 people. However, a cure for cancer would help save billions of lives over the years. It shouldn't be anyone's right to decide that a human shouldn't be born.

Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..
I'm sorry but this is a ridiculous argument. If you want to value all potential humans as potential saviors of mankind, then it should be the responsibility of everyone to have as many kids as possible. Priests and nuns should not be allowed to be celibate, because who knows how many potential Einsteins never get to be conceived because these irresponsible people are not having as many kids as possible?


Well-Known Member
It also could have been born to parents who were crack addicts, or alcoholics, or child abusers, or just plain old parents who didn't want it.

That would be fun for it, wouldn't it?

Have you ever met someone who's parents have openly admitted to them that they were never wanted and that they wish they had aborted her, because she ruined their lives?

I have. Try being that child and tell me if that's the life it deserves.

It's always fun being a beautiful, young girl of 18 and wishing your parents had aborted you, like they originally wanted, just so you wouldn't have to live with the pain and guilt of having actually being born, anymore.


It's always fun being a beautiful, young girl of 18 and wishing your parents had aborted you, like they originally wanted, just so you wouldn't have to live with the pain and guilt of having actually being born, anymore.

You're here for a reason. Maybe God put you here to help your parents. Maybe you're here to help someone else. You could start a support group and try to help people with the same issues. Your parents didn't abort you, so they must have wanted you.


I'm sorry but this is a ridiculous argument. If you want to value all potential humans as potential saviors of mankind, then it should be the responsibility of everyone to have as many kids as possible. Priests and nuns should not be allowed to be celibate, because who knows how many potential Einsteins never get to be conceived because these irresponsible people are not having as many kids as possible?

Well, I think it's a much better argument than the period/tampon thing that someone mentioned earlier. THAT was ridiculous!

My point was that if a baby is conceived, it was meant to be born unless God decides to take it beforehand. The decision to have an abortion affects not just the mother's body, but the unborn child. Plus, aborting a child and not conceiving in the first place are like comparing apples and oranges.


Veteran Member
My point was that if a baby is conceived, it was meant to be born unless God decides to take it beforehand. The decision to have an abortion affects not just the mother's body, but the unborn child. Plus, aborting a child and not conceiving in the first place are like comparing apples and oranges.

You realize that non-Christians couldn't care less what your God wants or doesn't want right?

As for Christians, according to yall's religion you should not be having recreational sex or any reason. Sex is a tool for pro-creation only. A Christian who has recreational sex and thus risking an unplanned birth is symbolically slapping Jesus in the face every time they do that. It is kinda like a pagan going out into the forest and cutting down trees for the fun of it.


Well-Known Member
You're here for a reason. Maybe God put you here to help your parents. Maybe you're here to help someone else. You could start a support group and try to help people with the same issues. Your parents didn't abort you, so they must have wanted you.

I wasn't talking about myself, just someone I know. And believe me, it's alot easier to say all those things looking from the outside in. It's a completely different situation when you're the one on the inside looking out.


Admiral Obvious
Well, I think it's a much better argument than the period/tampon thing that someone mentioned earlier. THAT was ridiculous!

My point was that if a baby is conceived, it was meant to be born unless God decides to take it beforehand. The decision to have an abortion affects not just the mother's body, but the unborn child. Plus, aborting a child and not conceiving in the first place are like comparing apples and oranges.
This is a rather interesting perpective.
Is your God so weak that us mere mortal humans can screw up his divine plan with an abortion?
Not to mention that you are assuming that abortion is not in his plan.
How do you know that it was not Gods plan for abortions to happen so that all those right to lifers would be able to have those photos they are so proud of parading during their demonstrations?


You realize that non-Christians couldn't care less what your God wants or doesn't want right?

As for Christians, according to yall's religion you should not be having recreational sex or any reason. Sex is a tool for pro-creation only. A Christian who has recreational sex and thus risking an unplanned birth is symbolically slapping Jesus in the face every time they do that. It is kinda like a pagan going out into the forest and cutting down tress for the fun of it.

As a Christian, it is my responsibility to spread God's word whether someone chooses to believe it or not. That's why I quote the bible. God's word, not religion, is what I believe.

God's word does say that fornication is a sin. So I agree with you on both statements.


Admiral Obvious
As a Christian, it is my responsibility to spread God's word whether someone chooses to believe it or not. That's why I quote the bible. God's word, not religion, is what I believe.

God's word does say that fornication is a sin. So I agree with you on both statements.
You do realize that if sex is only for procreation, then there are only about four days a month you can justify having sex?
Of course, if you are pregnant, then you cannot justify sex till after the birth if sex is only for procreation.
regardless of your marital status.


This is a rather interesting perpective.
Is your God so weak that us mere mortal humans can screw up his divine plan with an abortion?
Not to mention that you are assuming that abortion is not in his plan.
How do you know that it was not Gods plan for abortions to happen so that all those right to lifers would be able to have those photos they are so proud of parading during their demonstrations?

He's not weak, but He does give us free will. He does allow sin to happen, but there are consequences. As far as abortion being in God's plan... His word says it isn't. I could quote some bible verses for you, but that obviously wouldn't matter to you.

There are reasons other than religious reasons as to why abortion shouldn't be a choice. Why shouldn't a baby have a right to life? Have you ever looked at the photos of an aborted baby? If you can look at a picture of a mangled baby and think it's okay, then you have no heart at all.