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Age of the Earth.


Intentionally Blank
Scripture please^.

One such statement can be found at Matthew 16:28, in which he says "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Another example is found at Luke 21:32, where he says "I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." He makes similar statements in Luke 9:27 and Mark 9:1.


Veteran Member
One such statement can be found at Matthew 16:28, in which he says "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." Another example is found at Luke 21:32, where he says "I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." He makes similar statements in Luke 9:27 and Mark 9:1.

Thank you for your reply.

At Matthew 16:28 is the introduction to chapter 17 about the 'Vision' [17:9] of the Transfiguration.
This would be in connection to Matthew 25:31; 16:27 when Jesus would come in future glory. In other words, they 'saw in vision' the son of man [Jesus] as he would be in his future glory mentioned at verse 27.
Luke 9:27 is the parallel account of the Transfiguration -see verses 28-35. Mark 9:1-9 is Marks account of the Transfiguration.

Luke 21:32 is the parallel account of Matthew 24:34. Both give an account about the composite 'sign' or events with many features happening on earth wide at the same time. So the group of people living at the time that all those events would be occurring on a world-wide scale on earth would the the 'this' generation of chapters Luke 21 and Matt 24. [see also Mark 13]

It might help to note at Matt 24:21 that such a great tribulation has not occurred on earth yet. Revelation was written after Matthew, and at Rev 7:14 Jesus mentions that there would be those that come out of great tribulation into his thousand years of Peace on Earth.
Also, at Matt 24:30, as of yet, not all the tribes of the earth have mourned.
If the apostle's generation was to be the 'this' generation there would be no need for Jesus to add in verse 36 that no one knows the day or hour if the apostles generation was the one. Also, there would be no need for any additional Bible books to be penned after that.

Beside that, Matthew 25:14 Jesus explains by illustration to his followers that his coming into his kingdom, or royal government, would not happen for a long while. Back then it would have taken a person a very long time to travel to a far away country and return. So they could make the connection that Jesus was not going to set up his peaceful kingdom rule over earth at that time and it would take considerable time for that to become a reality.

Going back to Luke chapter 21 at verse 11 Jesus uses the adjective 'great' describing the type of earthquakes that would be occurring before he would take the action described by Isaiah [11:4] and Rev [19:11,14,15].

By putting together all of the features of Jesus composite sign shows that we are now living at the time frame of 'this' generation that will be part of the generation , or this generation, of Matthew 25:32. Those placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, will remain alive to be part of a great multitude of Rev 7:14 and live on or continue to keep on living right into the start of Jesus peaceful rule over earth.


Intentionally Blank
Thank you for your reply.

At Matthew 16:28 is the introduction to chapter 17 about the 'Vision' [17:9] of the Transfiguration.
This would be in connection to Matthew 25:31; 16:27 when Jesus would come in future glory. In other words, they 'saw in vision' the son of man [Jesus] as he would be in his future glory mentioned at verse 27.
Luke 9:27 is the parallel account of the Transfiguration -see verses 28-35. Mark 9:1-9 is Marks account of the Transfiguration.

Luke 21:32 is the parallel account of Matthew 24:34. Both give an account about the composite 'sign' or events with many features happening on earth wide at the same time. So the group of people living at the time that all those events would be occurring on a world-wide scale on earth would the the 'this' generation of chapters Luke 21 and Matt 24. [see also Mark 13]

It might help to note at Matt 24:21 that such a great tribulation has not occurred on earth yet. Revelation was written after Matthew, and at Rev 7:14 Jesus mentions that there would be those that come out of great tribulation into his thousand years of Peace on Earth.
Also, at Matt 24:30, as of yet, not all the tribes of the earth have mourned.
If the apostle's generation was to be the 'this' generation there would be no need for Jesus to add in verse 36 that no one knows the day or hour if the apostles generation was the one. Also, there would be no need for any additional Bible books to be penned after that.

Beside that, Matthew 25:14 Jesus explains by illustration to his followers that his coming into his kingdom, or royal government, would not happen for a long while. Back then it would have taken a person a very long time to travel to a far away country and return. So they could make the connection that Jesus was not going to set up his peaceful kingdom rule over earth at that time and it would take considerable time for that to become a reality.

Going back to Luke chapter 21 at verse 11 Jesus uses the adjective 'great' describing the type of earthquakes that would be occurring before he would take the action described by Isaiah [11:4] and Rev [19:11,14,15].

By putting together all of the features of Jesus composite sign shows that we are now living at the time frame of 'this' generation that will be part of the generation , or this generation, of Matthew 25:32. Those placed at Jesus right hand of favor, so to speak, will remain alive to be part of a great multitude of Rev 7:14 and live on or continue to keep on living right into the start of Jesus peaceful rule over earth.

So if I understand you correctly, the Bible means whatever you want it to mean, including the precise opposite of what it says, and in that sense and only that sense is completely true. Good to know.


Veteran Member
When the Bible says 'vision' it means 'vision'. How is that meaning whatever you want it to believe?

What problem do the gospels pose? They are not copies of each other but combining them together makes for a complete picture.

There is only one Revelation. Revelation was written 'before' the gospel of John.
What is out of harmony with Revelation and the rest of Scripture?

Adam and Eve lost the right to the tree of life, and the happy climax of Revelation is the return of paradisaic conditions on earth. -Revelation 22:2; 21:4,5.


Veteran Member
Empirical evidence is not out of harmony with Genesis.
Besides earth's age the universe is dated to something like 13.7 billion.
Thus proving the universe had a start or beginning.
CMBR [cosmic microwave background radiation] is accurate because of the accuracy of the microwaves. There is no dating or time length for the six creative days.
All of the creative days are summed up as 'a day' at Gen 2:4
There is no close to the 7th day or time period.


Veteran Member
lets face it, the gospels pose a problem... adding Revelations later on helped to patch it.
Don't like what one book says just ignore it and pick another.

What one book says can be found in another by topic or subject arrangement.
Jesus quoted from different books to show his points.


Veteran Member
So if I understand you correctly, the Bible means whatever you want it to mean, including the precise opposite of what it says, and in that sense and only that sense is completely true. Good to know.

Context and setting need to be taken into consideration.
Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are for our day or time frame.
Other wise there would have been no need for the disciples to ask Jesus questions at Matt 24:3.

The temporary Constitution of the Mosaic law was for a specific time.

One needs to see who is being addressed in the context of time frame.

The Transfiguration is a vision. There is No Scripture that says it is not a vision.

The 16 visions of Revelation are visions. By corresponding verses one can piece together what John is conveying to us.


Veteran Member
Yes, but the empirical evidence was planted by the debil to confuse the faithful.

Jesus was faithful. Did it confuse Jesus?

Who did Jesus blame for the spiritual blindness of the people?
Didn't Jesus blame the clergy class for keeping the people in spiritual darkness?
Mark 7:7; 13; Matt 15:9 and Jesus gave his reasons why he pronounced many 'woes' against them in Matt chapter 23.
Wolf-like clergy in sheep's clothing would mislead the faithful flock.
Acts 20:29,30; Matthew 24:24.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Jesus was faithful. Did it confuse Jesus?

Who did Jesus blame for the spiritual blindness of the people?
Didn't Jesus blame the clergy class for keeping the people in spiritual darkness?
Mark 7:7; 13; Matt 15:9 and Jesus gave his reasons why he pronounced many 'woes' against them in Matt chapter 23.
Wolf-like clergy in sheep's clothing would mislead the faithful flock.
Acts 20:29,30; Matthew 24:24.

And still, all empirical evidence still leads to the conclusion of a 4.5 billion year old earth.


New Member
The age of the earth. can be dated with Carbon, radiometric, etc. but you can always look up at the stars for a more broad age. Everyone knows that the speed of light isn't instant but around 186,000 miles per second(approximate). Everyone also knows the universe is at least 1 billion light years(distance light can travel in a year). The andromeda galaxy light we see today is around 3 billion years old, effectively seeing Andromeda 3 billion years ago. There you have it, the Earth is at least 3 billion years old because of Andromeda light taking that long to reach Earth. Also the fact that since the Earth was created only 2 days AFTER the entire universe was formed according to creationists... it would mean we would only see around 40 stars in a clear night. Astronomy ftw.


Veteran Member
And still, all empirical evidence still leads to the conclusion of a 4.5 billion year old earth.

CMBR [cosmic microwave background radiation] can accurately date the universe and earth because of the accuracy of the microwaves.

None of that is out of harmony with Genesis. The word 'day' in Scripture has shades of meaning as it does even today. When we say 'grandfather's day' all know we are not talking about a literal day. Just as Genesis 2v4 is not talking about a literal 24-hour 'day'.


Active Member
CMBR [cosmic microwave background radiation] can accurately date the universe and earth because of the accuracy of the microwaves.

None of that is out of harmony with Genesis. The word 'day' in Scripture has shades of meaning as it does even today. When we say 'grandfather's day' all know we are not talking about a literal day. Just as Genesis 2v4 is not talking about a literal 24-hour 'day'.

Actually, within the construct of the passage, the creation story is talking about a literal day. While "yom" translates as a 'period of time', it is also used to mean a normal day and is understood as such in Genesis 1 and 2. The day-age idea came from christian geologists who thought that the world was older and looked for a way to reconcile scripture with their perceived notion of the natural world. The word "yom" in Genesis may not mean 24 hours per se, but it definitely is referring to a single day, what we today would call 24 hours - as Genesis 1 sets up the 6 days of work and 1 day of rest for the Jewish people.


Resident Liberal Hippie
CMBR [cosmic microwave background radiation] can accurately date the universe and earth because of the accuracy of the microwaves.

None of that is out of harmony with Genesis. The word 'day' in Scripture has shades of meaning as it does even today. When we say 'grandfather's day' all know we are not talking about a literal day. Just as Genesis 2v4 is not talking about a literal 24-hour 'day'.
We have already been over this.....