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Almost Every Christian Going To Hell According To Bible


Veteran Member

this is hysterical!!!

if you're living for the after life, you're already dead.
not me...
i'm living for the here and now.
so people with your belief make it real hard for people like me because i'm spending too much time moving dead bodies out of my way


Well-Known Member
Actually, knowing that this life is not the end has allowed me to make the most of now, and to see now as much more deep and interesting (not to mention far less sorrowful) -and increasingly keeping the commandments has allowed me to affect others in an extremely positive way.

How do I make it hard for you -and how are dead people like myself in your way?
What are you hurrying to do -and how do I hinder you? What's so important?
I usually mind my own business unless someone involves me.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
tell that to the little girl who suffered a stroke at the age of 7 who's own mother got sick and died. and when the van that was going too pick her up from the home to take her to the funeral, never showed up. tell that to a mother who's son was born mentally ill and couldn't afford care and had no other choice but leave him in a facility 400 miles away.
tell that to the girl who was raped by her own father for 24 yrs.
did they call out for god to help them? did they scream for his mercy in their violent circumstance...
"god's not finished with us yet" so all this pain and suffering is for a reason. PLEASE
how can you say these things and think you are not morally calloused?

I will not pretend that I can aswer all of the above, but I can asure you that God had nothing to do with it. Yes God has set this world in motion, and he has set laws to reward us and to punish us, you shall reap what you sow, if not in this world you will surely in the next. unfortunatly the innocent suffers by the hands of the sinner. Why some are born with abnormalities? I do not know, but I am certain that God did not do that. I have a gran son with (CF) our genetic material is not what it should be, God created Adam and Eve He is not in business of creating avery human being.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
yes in the flesh we can do all the same things, meaning we are capable of being good without god, which is my point.
make a moral statement that i cannot make...
Yes I know unbelievers that are morally better than believers, Therefore the umbelievers is following the laws of God written in his heart, and the believer is an ipocrite.

i'll tell you what an ubeliever can do that a believer cannot, seek to do good without a selfish motive...gaining points for gods favor so that they may be chosen to sit at his right hand.
We all have our motives for doing things: either in selfisheness or unselfisheness but ultimatly you are the one making the choice.

some value integrity, dignity and truth more than others.
That what is God all about, you are closer to God than you know.


Veteran Member
I will not pretend that I can aswer all of the above,

oh yeah, what's this?

but I can asure you that God had nothing to do with it.

seems like you're pretending to answer...

Yes God has set this world in motion, and he has set laws to reward us and to punish us, you shall reap what you sow, if not in this world you will surely in the next. unfortunatly the innocent suffers by the hands of the sinner. Why some are born with abnormalities? I do not know, but I am certain that God did not do that. I have a gran son with (CF) our genetic material is not what it should be, God created Adam and Eve He is not in business of creating avery human being.

all we now for sure is that life is chaotic and random. the only thing we have control over is choosing to helping others or not. and that is what matters.

i am sorry for your grand son...that's really really sad
i am sure his family is doing everything they can to help him.


Veteran Member
Actually, knowing that this life is not the end has allowed me to make the most of now, and to see now as much more deep and interesting (not to mention far less sorrowful) -and increasingly keeping the commandments has allowed me to affect others in an extremely positive way.

How do I make it hard for you -and how are dead people like myself in your way?
What are you hurrying to do -and how do I hinder you? What's so important?
I usually mind my own business unless someone involves me.

because believers think they are morally superior and impose on the inalienable rights of others, that's how dead people get in the way.

i'm not in a hurry for anything really. just trying to understand where this elitist moral club comes from. lack of faith in god perhaps. the morally superior think they are gods little helpers, as if he needed help..oh yeah thats right he does. god is impotent without his helpers.


Well-Known Member
because believers think they are morally superior and impose on the inalienable rights of others, that's how dead people get in the way.

i'm not in a hurry for anything really. just trying to understand where this elitist moral club comes from. lack of faith in god perhaps. the morally superior think they are gods little helpers, as if he needed help..oh yeah thats right he does. god is impotent without his helpers.

I do not consider myself to be morally superior or among any elite. I'm constantly botching the job, but I do make progress. I believe the ten commandments are the way to go -and will express my thoughts, beliefs, etc... hopefully in an unintrusive manner. However, I'm often dragged into strife while minding my own business or simply expressing my thoughts -and then blamed and attacked -then blamed again for understandbaly taking issue with the unacceptably intrusive attack (meek does not mean weak). It happens to us all.

Believers do often give God a bad name, but believing they are morally superior is not how it ought to be. Believers "knowing" that obeying God is better than not obeying God (some think this "knowing" is in error) is acceptable, but thinking themselves superior is not. Non-believers also believe they know better than believers, but this does not necessarily equate to feeling superior. Some Non-believers are also quite unacceptably intrusive when dealing with believers who are minding their own business.

Non-believers think that not considering God is the way to go, and Christians are actually advised in the bible to not stand in the way of "sinners" -generally -though standing for one who is being wronged is right -as some sins affect others.
Some "believers" feel they need to get everybody saved before it's too late -not understanding God's plan, and are quite unacceptably intrusive. We are to be a good example -this is how we can "help" God. We are not to be an annoyance, which actually turns people away from even the thought of God.

God will deal with everyone in his/their own time -until then, you're cool with me!

:slap: <<<annoying believers (non-believers, too!)
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Veteran Member
Non-believers also believe they know better than believers, but this does not necessarily equate to feeling superior.

now we're talking. this is good.
i think when non believers witness how a believer thinks they are morally superior is when they, the non believer, knows better, as you would.

Some Non-believers are also quite unacceptably intrusive when dealing with believers who are minding their own business.

please explain. i would like to expand on this because i think this where the misunderstanding on the part of the believer comes in. would it be a stretch to say that the non believers are being defensive rather than offensive because the overall opinion is that they are being offended because their inalienable rights are being infringed in the first place?
look. i don't have a problem with what you believe, that is on you and it has nothing to do with me. it's when the believer is intrusive that is when i have to defend my stance

Non-believers think that not considering God is the way to go, and Christians are actually advised in the bible to not stand in the way of "sinners" -generally -though standing for one who is being wronged is right -as some sins affect others.

how so exactly, i mean we all understand that killing, stealing and lying is wrong and we don't need the 10 commandments to teach us that, but what else is there?

Some "believers" feel they need to get everybody saved before it's too late -not understanding God's plan, and are quite unacceptably intrusive. We are to be a good example -this is how we can "help" God. We are not to be an annoyance, which actually turns people away from even the thought of God.

God will deal with everyone in his/their own time -until then, you're cool with me!

:slap: <<<annoying believers (non-believers, too!)

free spirit

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, what's this?
seems like you're pretending to answer...

all we now for sure is that life is chaotic and random. the only thing we have control over is choosing to helping others or not. and that is what matters.

i am sorry for your grand son...that's really really sad
i am sure his family is doing everything they can to help him.

There is no need for sarcasm, that is how life is.


Well-Known Member
now we're talking. this is good.
i think when non believers witness how a believer thinks they are morally superior is when they, the non believer, knows better, as you would.

please explain. i would like to expand on this because i think this where the misunderstanding on the part of the believer comes in. would it be a stretch to say that the non believers are being defensive rather than offensive because the overall opinion is that they are being offended because their inalienable rights are being infringed in the first place?
look. i don't have a problem with what you believe, that is on you and it has nothing to do with me. it's when the believer is intrusive that is when i have to defend my stance

how so exactly, i mean we all understand that killing, stealing and lying is wrong and we don't need the 10 commandments to teach us that, but what else is there?


I'd like to respond to a lot of these points, but... for now...

I'm not alking about forums -but real life.

I believe the 10 commandments are the ultimate moral standard, and do believe that any who believe otherwise do not believe correctly, just as they believe I believe incorrectly. However, the latter commandments -especially in spirit -ensure for the life, LIBERTY and pursuit of happiness of all. It would actually be a sin to consider you a fool in animosity for being who you are and believing as you now do.
It is not a sin to believe that breaking the ten commandments will lead you -and mankind as a whole -to sorrow, and not happiness, but having no God before God includes letting God deal with you in that regard -apart from giving answer and being a good example. I should not interfere with your happiness or pursuit of happiness -even when I know it will not lead to happiness -though I might say a few words out of concern -unless you don't want to hear them -then I would not address you personally on the subject, and would leave you alone completely if you so desired.

In pursuing our happiness, our differing beliefs often bring us into conflict.

Let's take the whole not displaying the ten commandments in public thing.... it's a minor thing, but for example... If people want to display them I think it's fine -except maybe in the middle of a road -which could cause an accident.
I also think others have the right to display their religious or non-religious stuff.
If God takes issue -I'll leave it to him. I don't want anyone displaying stuff I don't agree with on my personal property, and understand others feel the same -public and state property should be open to expression for everyone -not no one or one side of an issue. However -some displayed material can be disturbing and harmful.

I'll get into more specifics later, but if "Christians" are truly robbing you of your rights, they are not keeping the commandments -especially the spirit thereof -even just the latter commandments -themselves.

In your pursuit of happiness, you are not to hinder another's pursuit of happiness -and that's where conflict arises. If your pursuit of happiness has you shooting people for fun, obviously it is not acceptable, and is not your right. Not all issues are so apparent or simple, however. To fully adress the issue would require universal agreement -until then, tolerance is essential.

I believe universal agreement will come by the return of Christ -and his rule on earth, but I'll leave it to him. Whether it does or does not happen, keeping the commandments myself is not harmful and actually makes me quite a good person -and, meanwhile, I will not have been a dork to non-believers!

Unless they mess with me -then it's on! (Humor -mostly -I can turn the other cheek while being otherwise strategic and sorting things out)

-more later concerning how some non-believers have messed with believers -vice-versa -believers messing with believers, etc.... Man will use just about any excuse to war.
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Veteran Member
I'd like to respond to a lot of these points, but... for now...

I'm not alking about forums -but real life.

I believe the 10 commandments are the ultimate moral standard, and do believe that any who believe otherwise do not believe correctly, just as they believe I believe incorrectly. However, the latter commandments -especially in spirit -ensure for the life, LIBERTY and pursuit of happiness of all. It would actually be a sin to consider you a fool in animosity for being who you are and believing as you now do.
It is not a sin to believe that breaking the ten commandments will lead you -and mankind as a whole -to sorrow, and not happiness, but having no God before God includes letting God deal with you in that regard -apart from giving answer and being a good example. I should not interfere with your happiness or pursuit of happiness -even when I know it will not lead to happiness -though I might say a few words out of concern -unless you don't want to hear them -then I would not address you personally on the subject, and would leave you alone completely if you so desired.

In pursuing our happiness, our differing beliefs often bring us into conflict.

Let's take the whole not displaying the ten commandments in public thing.... it's a minor thing, but for example... If people want to display them I think it's fine -except maybe in the middle of a road -which could cause an accident.
I also think others have the right to display their religious or non-religious stuff.
If God takes issue -I'll leave it to him. I don't want anyone displaying stuff I don't agree with on my personal property, and understand others feel the same -public and state property should be open to expression for everyone -not no one or one side of an issue. However -some displayed material can be disturbing and harmful.

I'll get into more specifics later, but if "Christians" are truly robbing you of your rights, they are not keeping the commandments -especially the spirit thereof -even just the latter commandments -themselves.

In your pursuit of happiness, you are not to hinder another's pursuit of happiness -and that's where conflict arises. If your pursuit of happiness has you shooting people for fun, obviously it is not acceptable, and is not your right. Not all issues are so apparent or simple, however. To fully adress the issue would require universal agreement -until then, tolerance is essential.

I believe universal agreement will come by the return of Christ -and his rule on earth, but I'll leave it to him. Whether it does or does not happen, keeping the commandments myself is not harmful and actually makes me quite a good person -and, meanwhile, I will not have been a dork to non-believers!

Unless they mess with me -then it's on! (Humor -mostly -I can turn the other cheek while being otherwise strategic and sorting things out)

-more later concerning how some non-believers have messed with believers -vice-versa -believers messing with believers, etc.... Man will use just about any excuse to war.

i think the 10 commandments is a very flawed standard
because it never says that no one is to be subjected to anyone else.
it never says that no one is morally superior than anyone else.

would you object to having quotes from the koran in a courtroom? or any federal building. would you object to praying towards mecca 5 times a day in school?

i think there is a difference between religious beliefs infringing on someone's inalienable rights and having an iconic religious symbol removed from a federal building? unless religion has rights. is that what it has come to?

any religious person has the right to practice their religion.
you can pray in school, not in an assembly but you can have bible studies and such.

if anything please think about this;
the pledge of allegiance originally was
"one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"
but in 1954 the knights of columbus (a catholic organization) destroyed it by inserting the phrase "under god". the ideology was to be indivisible under the banner of equality and ever since that phrase was added it planted a seed of division because of the supposed superior morality of the religious.

free spirit

Well-Known Member

if anything please think about this;
the pledge of allegiance originally was
"one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"
there is a contradiction between the saying and the doing, or are you under the impression that, that is actual fact, if you do, you are not on this planet.


Veteran Member

there is a contradiction between the saying and the doing, or are you under the impression that, that is actual fact, if you do, you are not on this planet.

please elaborate. what is fact? i didn't make up the fact that "under god" was inserted in 1954. do you know when it was originally written?

from what i see, as far as the religious right, they believe this country was founded as a christian nation. please prove me wrong. i am here to learn.
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Well-Known Member
oooops -got the quotes backwards

i think the 10 commandments is a very flawed standard
because it never says that no one is to be subjected to anyone else.
it never says that no one is morally superior than anyone else.

The commandments are a brief overview. By the first commandment comes the responsibility to obey all that God has instructed (and some judgments do change with situation -though the commandments never have)-including to not oppress (which is what I assume you meant by "be subjected to"), as the same God said...

Exo 22:21 Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
Exo 22:22 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.
Exo 22:23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;
Exo 22:24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.


Israelites had servants, but nothing like the slaves Americans had.
We are to be subject to human authority -parents, governments -but subject to God's laws before human law.

Also -it says we are NOT morally superior to anyone else, but that God's instructions are superior morals to any others which contradict them. We are to judge oursleves by those morals -not others.
would you object to having quotes from the koran in a courtroom? or any federal building.

would you object to praying towards mecca 5 times a day in school?
YES -but I would not object to others doing so.
i think there is a difference between religious beliefs infringing on someone's inalienable rights and having an iconic religious symbol removed from a federal building? unless religion has rights. is that what it has come to?

I'm just not that interested in the subject. Corporations have rights as persons under the law -but i don't think that's right -Idunno
any religious person has the right to practice their religion.
you can pray in school, not in an assembly but you can have bible studies and such.

Why? Why does it bother you so much? What if they tried to make you take whatever you believed in out of the classroom? It has happened before. Will you err likewise? Why does it bother you if they are openly religious in your proximity? Because you think they are wrong? Because you think you are right? Where, then, does the subdividing end? Why not let them be themselves -and you just study while they are facing Mecca? Just don't freak about it. If you wanna chant -or draw pentagrams -I don't care -I'll go about MY own business -unless you start drawing pentagrams on my head while I snooze and drool on my desk in class.
if anything please think about this;
the pledge of allegiance originally was
"one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"
but in 1954 the knights of columbus (a catholic organization) destroyed it by inserting the phrase "under god". the ideology was to be indivisible under the banner of equality and ever since that phrase was added it planted a seed of division because of the supposed superior morality of the religious.
I have never seen evidence that the word "God" itself in the pledge of allegiance has caused division. Still, I'd say that you can say it how you like -and I'll say it how I like -no matter what you make official, because I don't want to spend so much time on such a matter when there are far more important issues to consider.

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free spirit

Well-Known Member

if anything please think about this;

the pledge of allegiance originally was
"one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"
please elaborate. what is fact?

If you think that liberty and justce for all is a fact in your country then you are dreaming. the "onto god" is just an hipocrite window dressing
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Veteran Member

if anything please think about this;

If you think that liberty and justce for all is a fact in your country then you are dreaming. the "onto god" is just an hipocrite window dressing

i just realized you are an aussie

i agree. however, it's not just a window dressing it's the religious right trying to re-write history.

this nation was not founded as a christian nation, but there are christians and christian organizations attempting to make it so. our founding fathers were against having one religion over other. george washington, benjamin franklin, thomas jefferson, james madison and thomas payne.

its the religious who believe they are morally superior and hide behind the false notion that they have the superiority to infringe on the inalienable rights of others.