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Almost Every Christian Going To Hell According To Bible


Jesus in me
Since "Hell" and "Hades" = the Grave, you are correct! :D

Most people think of Hell as the lake of fire and I agree with that concept. Hell is a convenient word since it is a place of fire even though it is not exactly the same place.

I will not go into the grave when I die. As a christian I know that I need not be bound to the body.

Servant James

God is Love
Adultery: Sexual intercourse between a married man and any other woman out of wedlock or with another man's wife, or between a married woman and any other man.

Fornication: Sexual intercourse between any man or woman with the other sex out of wedlock. Premarital sexual intercourse.

Polygamy: Cconsentual recognized marriages of one man with more than one woman.


Jesus in me
right...so then hell is for those who ask too many questions...

LOL!!! I think you flatter yourself.

Hell is for those who deserve it.

This is my scenario for the end of the world (as we know it). Jesus comes and the angels gather all who will come. Those who are willing to receive the salvation of Jesus are retained those who are not willing are cast into outer space and die.

Those who are not willing to be gathered will be subject to a meteorite hit which will cause the earths atmosphere to burn, disrupt the tectonic plates causing many volcanos to emerge. Those in the right place will be swallowed down into the fire under the earth's mantle. Otherwise people will just be burnt up. A paltry few will survive the fires, earthquakes and volcanos and live as mortals on the same earth as the immortal Christians for 1000 years. The dead who were not swallowed into the fire within the earth will be reincarnated to the children of the remaining mortals. At the end of the 1000 years, All the dead (mortals) including those already swallowed up in Hell are brought to judgement as to whether they should be sent to Hell or not. It does not say what becomes of those who don't go to Hell but my guess is that they continue to be reincarnated into mortals.


Jesus in me
No purgatory

I am not familiar with the concept but if reference is being made to a place, there is no such place. If reference is being made to the spirtual condition of disembodied saints who didn't go to Heaven then it is conceivable that a person having time to reflect could conceivably attempt to purge an attitude of sin. Those going to Heaven don't have that opportunity.

My wife is a prime example of that. She spent a great deal of time in Heaven but when she returned to earth she returned to her sinful ways. My advice for anyone wishing to purge themselves from sin is to return to physical life where it takes a real committment to avoid sin.


Jesus in me
In Western countries(Christian Majority)----Adultery is common

Now according to the Bible almost every Christian is going to Hell

Also according to the Bible only faithful born again Christians are going to Heaven

I hope very much not to return to Heaven. My fervent hope is to be raptured as a living person and receive my eternal life. However should I die before that happens I wish to return to a physical life. I believe God will decide what is best for me.


Jesus in me
Would you be kind enough to define what a biblical Christian is?

According to the Bible the people who called themselves "The Way" were first called Christians in Antioch.

Ac 11:26 and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that even for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught much people, and that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
According to the Bible the people who called themselves "The Way" were first called Christians in Antioch.

Ac 11:26 and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that even for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught much people, and that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

That doesn't define what a Christian is only what he might do.
Muffled are you aware that the "rapture" is not scriptural either? There are no Christians today as existed back then that were "called Christians." As we can see in the scripture you quoted we also see that the "church" is persons, not any denomination or building etc. So we also know no one can "go to church" as we often hear all the time. And I see you make mention of a physical eternal life? Are you not aware that the scriptures teach first the physical (which dies) then the spiritual? And also that eternal life is not living forever but knowing God and his Son Jesus Christ as quoted by the scriptures? No matter, every person is where they are at the moment for whatever reason. To understand the rapture subject be sure to look at dispensational teachings versus the historical events that took place in 70 A.D. Take care.


According to the Bible the people who called themselves "The Way" were first called Christians in Antioch.

Ac 11:26 and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that even for a whole year they were gathered together with the church, and taught much people, and that the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

And their leaders at the time was Peter as well as James in Jerusalem, very observant Jews, of the Nazarene sect. Thus, the BIBLICAL meaning of Christian, is a member of a Messianic sect of Jewish Nazarenes. At the time, Paul was completely under their ultimate authority, the split between the Jerusalem Church and Paul had not quite begun, so the ones in reference to whom "Christian" is used to refer to, in any objective sense, is clearly implying Peter's Church under his authority and rules at the time, which was very Jewish.

I would go so far to say that any attempt to render the initial Biblical meaning of Christian as other than a Nazarene under Peter's Antioch or James' Jerusalem Jewish Messianic sects is an attempt at furthering a history of intellectual dishonesty among Christiandom. It cannot be defended as meaning anything but Jewish Nazarenes, which was nothing close to the orthodox gentile system established after Paul.

And according to scriptures like Matthew 7:22-23, virtually everyone who is "Lawless", which in Matthew's terms would only apply to "Law of Moses" is going to suffer rejection at the day of Judgment. Additionally, those whose works are not hot enough but are luke warm will be spat out, one of the clearest indications of works-based salvation. Even Paul admits that Christians must "work out their salvation" with fear and trembling.

Whatever the meaning of Christian is, the scriptures when read plainly and not in a cherry picked arbitrary matter, clearly indicate that 99.9999999% of Christians are in fact, going to hell, by its own standard. Any attempt to argue against that will require virtually rewriting the context of what Jesus says, and attempting to negate and contradict even Paul who says that even unrepentant fornicators will not go to heaven. (Guess what part of the Christian population that makes up).

Going back to the OP, look at the Christian defenses at why Remarriage is justified, they basically say you can ignore Jesus's own words because he saves you in the end. At what point do they decide what they have to follow and what they don't?
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Hell is not included in any of the scriptures. It is only found in translations. Does anyone know that heaven is not singular but plural? People of all walks of life constantly think the Christian Bible speaks of heaven and hell in the manner that is taught by orthodoxy.Thus this is how we end up with the idea of people thinking people go to a hell or heaven when they die and saying it is scriptural. The Christian churches actually teach the complete opposite of what Christ in the scriptures speaks about. But hey it's nothing new, this has been going on a long time.


Hell is not included in any of the scriptures. It is only found in translations. Does anyone know that heaven is not singular but plural? People of all walks of life constantly think the Christian Bible speaks of heaven and hell in the manner that is taught by orthodoxy.Thus this is how we end up with the idea of people thinking people go to a hell or heaven when they die and saying it is scriptural. The Christian churches actually teach the complete opposite of what Christ in the scriptures speaks about. But hey it's nothing new, this has been going on a long time.

The idea of Sheol and Gehenna translating to actual afterlife existences of "Hell" and "Limbo" are with much old Midrash agreement. It seems to appear in the Dead Sea Scrolls as well. The idea of Sheol was called "Hades" in the Septuagint likely because they did agree it was a place as real as the Greeks regarded Hades to be, and wasn't intended to be viewed as metaphorical. There is no reason to believe that the concept of Hell and Purgatory was Alien to ancient Judaism. There is plenty of reason to believe that the Ancient Jews did believe in an "Unseen realm" where the Spirits resided, that's one reason they are commanded to not "consult the dead".
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