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Almost Every Christian Going To Hell According To Bible


Well-Known Member
Now My point ,Since adultery is clearly prohibited in the Bible, and since most Western Christians today are divorced and are either living with their boyfriends/girlfriends or married to other people, wouldn't that cause for them to be thrown in Hell? After all, most Western Christians according to the Bible are committing adultery ,and according to Ot "both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.":confused:

No it doesnt mean all xians are going to hell just for having committed adultery. What it means is that they have sinned and must repent, and Jesus forgives all things (except the one sin which can never be forgiven, which we are not all clear on what it is...) So, all is forgiven, halleluja!

And dont bother quoting the OT. The NT is supposed to supplant it, in the strictly christian view.:angel2:


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with how Calvinists view sin. Maybe I should have said that earlier. :eek:
If I understand the posts correctly, I think Sandy is saying that it's not sin that sends you to hell, it is unrepented sin that sends you to hell.

Or Sandy could be saying, it is unbelief, rather than sinning, that sends you to hell.

Correct me if I've got it wrong, Sandy.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
If I understand the posts correctly, I think Sandy is saying that it's not sin that sends you to hell, it is unrepented sin that sends you to hell.

Or Sandy could be saying, it is unbelief, rather than sinning, that sends you to hell.

Correct me if I've got it wrong, Sandy.
The only sin that will send someone to hell is not believing on the name of the only begotton Son of God. That is the unforgivable sin. It's also known as the sin of the world (John 16:8-9).


Jesus in me
the greek word for spirit means 'breath, wind, air'
there is nothing personal about it except for the person from whom it came.

And if the holy spirit really was a person, we'd have to ask why it goes unnamed in the scriptures.

If it were just air, there would be no God because God is a spirit. God has a name, Jehovah.


Jesus in me
OK - and in the very same passage, Jesus says to the very same people "If your right hand offends you, cut it off. If your right eye offends you, pluck it out." Funny, but I don't see many one eyed, one handed Christians walking around. If that very same passage was meant to be taken so literally, wouldn't people be chopping off their hands and plucking out their eyes? You're telling me that all these literalists aren't sinning with their hands and their eyes?

That reminds me of a passage that Paul wrote saying in effect that a man with an organic problem should cut it off, lol.


Jesus in me
The issue is remarrying after divorce not marrying more women

also the issue is other forms of adultery common in Christian society ie sleeping with your Gf ,Bf before getting married

Makes me wonder if God didn't allow polygamy he could have just mentioned it in Bible in clear words :confused:

He does. Jesus reiterates it by saying that it was one man with one woman from the beginning.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Are you under the misconception that it was anything other than sin that put Christ on the cross?
Look, sin put Christ on the cross, but only so that He could conquer death. Death is the result of sin. What this allows then is a resurrection to judgement. That judgement can either be for your deeds or for believing in Christ who will forgive all of your sin, accept you into His family, and give you a new body that is free from sin. Only by being free from sin can one dwell in the presence of God.


Veteran Member
"I did not ask for Jesus' torture and human sacrifice, and were I there, I'd have done whatever I could to prevent it. It's not bad for a person to take the punishment for your debts. But it's ridiculous to suggest that they can take away your culpability. It's scapegoating. It's an old, primitive practice from the middle east that doesn't deserve the consideration of modern people. This sacrifice is not being offered - you refuse on pain of death. Is that a threat? 'Well, that means an eternity of torture, you know. You better take that into account.' This is North Korea. This is a celestial dictatorship. This is the sort of worship that it takes a slave to accept."

-christopher hitchens
paraphrased from the hitchens/demski debate


Well-Known Member
"I did not ask for Jesus' torture and human sacrifice, and were I there, I'd have done whatever I could to prevent it. It's not bad for a person to take the punishment for your debts. But it's ridiculous to suggest that they can take away your culpability. It's scapegoating. It's an old, primitive practice from the middle east that doesn't deserve the consideration of modern people.
When Hitchins is God, he can make the rules.

In the meantime, God is Ruler. . .Lawgiver. . .Judge.
According to his Law, his just wrath on sin can be propitiated by someone other than the evildoer.
And the Judge of the Court has so ruled in the case of Jesus the Christ, that he has propitiated his Father's just wrath on the sin of all those who believe in his Son.
This sacrifice is not being offered - you refuse on pain of death. Is that a threat?
You are already under pain of death--eternal death (Jn 3:36). Jesus the Christ's sacrifice is your only hope for escaping it through faith in him.
'Well, that means an eternity of torture, you know. You better take that into account.' This is North Korea. This is a celestial dictatorship. This is the sort of worship that it takes a slave to accept."
Unless it's a warning concerning the truth.

In that case, it takes a fool to refuse it.

paraphrased from the NT

-christopher hitchens
paraphrased from the hitchens/demski debate
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Well-Known Member
Say, I'll have you all know that my wife and I were happy for twenty years...then we met. (jk, happily married for over 20 yrs now)

But seriously: Jesus said if we even look at someone to lust we commit adultery in our hearts. In other words, he said that we are ALL SINNERS. So, he paid the penalty of sin, which is death, he died, and now we are saved by faith in that, no matter what our marital status is or was or is not. Point is we are all sinners, whether we are married, divorced, remarried, living together, fornicators, etc. we all are in the same boat. But if we trusted Christ for salvation we're ok, no matter what state we are in, and we are all in various states of sin and have sin in our lives, I don't care who someone thinks they are, as long as we are on earth we will sin. Not that we shouldn't try our best to live right, but, the fact is, we all sin, we all have sinned, we are all going to sin, and God laid on Jesus the sins of us all. Praise God we don't have to be perfect to be forgiven. We may lose some fellowship, may suffer some loss and heartache and pain, but will never be out of our relationship to God because of what Christ has done for us.
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Veteran Member
When Hitchins is God, he can make the rules.

In the meantime, God is Ruler. . .Lawgiver. . .Judge.
According to his Law, his just wrath on sin can be propitiated by someone other than the evildoer.
And the Judge of the Court has so ruled in the case of Jesus the Christ, that he has propitiated his Father's just wrath on the sin of all those who believe in his Son.
You are already under pain of death--eternal death (Jn 3:36). Jesus the Christ's sacrifice is your only hope for escaping it through faith in him. Unless it's a warning concerning the truth.

In that case, it takes a fool to refuse it.

paraphrased from the NT

in other words
it's an offer we can't refuse :eek:


Veteran Member
Say, I'll have you all know that my wife and I were happy for twenty years...then we met. (jk, happily married for over 20 yrs now)

But seriously: Jesus said if we even look at someone to lust we commit adultery in our hearts. In other words, he said that we are ALL SINNERS. So, he paid the penalty of sin, which is death, he died, and now we are saved by faith in that, no matter what our marital status is or was or is not. Point is we are all sinners, whether we are married, divorced, remarried, living together, fornicators, etc. we all are in the same boat. But if we trusted Christ for salvation we're ok, no matter what state we are in, and we are all in various states of sin and have sin in our lives, I don't care who someone thinks they are, as long as we are on earth we will sin. Not that we shouldn't try our best to live right, but, the fact is, we all sin, we all have sinned, we are all going to sin, and God laid on Jesus the sins of us all. Praise God we don't have to be perfect to be forgiven. We may lose some fellowship, may suffer some loss and heartache and pain, but will never be out of our relationship to God because of what Christ has done for us.

that still doesn't take away our guilt or our responsibility... forgiveness is up to the individual.
and doesn't our integrity count for anything?
imo, we have this one shot in life, why not do the best one can instead of using jesus as a disclaimer for ones shortcomings. this notion that only good can come from god does not reconcile how we need to be supported in order to progress and improve our current state of being...
jesus is a scapegoat nothing else. and what dignified person would want that?


Well-Known Member
that still doesn't take away our guilt or our responsibility... forgiveness is up to the individual.
and doesn't our integrity count for anything?
imo, we have this one shot in life, why not do the best one can instead of using jesus as a disclaimer for ones shortcomings. this notion that only good can come from god does not reconcile how we need to be supported in order to progress and improve our current state of being...
jesus is a scapegoat nothing else. and what dignified person would want that?
That depends on whom you believe. . .you, or the Word of God written.