Active Member
What about the successful Muslims who pray?!
I think you seem to misunderstand (willingly, perhaps?).
It is not about praying, but about the time and seriousness you put on your religion and relation to your dogmas, as we spoke about earlier, 5 times a day pray and so forth, is rather heavy praying and should inflict your daily life in a negative way in this financial world we live in.
And it does. As, once again, I lived in Malaysia I can tell you about the culture and it does not function the same way as in, my previous example, Indonesia, and more Traditional/Aggressive Muslim nations (following the Qu´ran more literally). This was my point. Not about some "person praying being less", no, it is about these people doing actual more work and dedicating their lives more to the real world rather then their religion.
And so this is what the Malaysians are doing (in general). As examples you can continue showing the poor area of Malaysia, and look and behold, they are more traditional and religious fundamental then the more wealthy areas of Malaysia, and this was my point, not about praying a specific amount, but about the dedication to real life, rather then the religion they been told to believe.
Malaysia and Indonesia shows this by basic facts. This is how it is, nothing else. Therefore I recommend you to visit both countries to see, and my point is, people in KL are more like Western People (secular people in your eyes) working hard to make the real world a better place, just as in New York, and in both places you have people who are More religiious wasting time on praying and taking their religion more seriously, and hence, do less in the Real World.
This was my point, but I suspect you do not want to hear it.
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