Some excellent points made here both by Christians and atheists re moslems.
Many of the posts, following the OP, are the blind leading the blind.
Lets look at some indisputable facts. Any alleged moslem who is "tolerant" of homosexuals can be only one of two things, practicing taqyya, or not a real moslem. How do I know this ? I KNOW what their holy books say. (koran, hadith(s). EVERY true moslem must accept EVERY word of their prophet, EVERY instruction of their prophet as directly from the moon god, and binding.
Ol' mo was crystal clear about homosexuals, they were to be killed, and inventive ways of doing so were encouraged. I urge anyone and everyone to read these books. AS to moslem assimilation, it doesn't happen for true moslems. Again, they are instructed by the prophet to maintain every part of their "religion" and culture and to work incessantly to impose it on others. They are a very tiny part of our population, now. Check out Germany, France and England to see how that assimilation thing is working. Those problems will be here and in Canada as their populations expand. Is islam a religion ? Only in the very loosest sense., It is an entire theocrartic system that impinges on every facet of life for those who follow it. We in the west are very good at separating and putting things in boxes. We have a division of Church and state whereby Christians, Buddhists, Sikh's, Hindu's, Taoist's, satanists, can worship freely with the understanding that they are under and must abide by ( except in extreme matters of conscience ) the law of city, county, state and the federal government. In the islamic system all are under an authoritarian ruler whereby the "law" is that provided comes from the moon god, to the prophet, who wrote the koran, to the ruler, to his minions and enforced on the people. there is NO mechanism to change or alter this. In Britain, over run by moslems, they are allowed to impose this law on certain legal matters with court standing. In France, with huge area's completely under the control of moslems, sharia law on all matters is openly practiced, the government does not interfere and the police don't go into these areas except under dire circumstances. EVERY true moslem wants this system wherever they are, and they want to impose it on "infidels". i.e. everybody else.
Finally, to the hatred of Evangelical Christian's ( of which I am one). Ignorance and willful denial of the facts here. The OP knows very well what THE NT says about homosexuality, and what every Christian is enjoined to follow, because they have been informed by me. Many others are just venting their spleens out of ignorance and hate. First, Christians are humans. They err, some have wrong views on certain things and have prejudices best to be rid of JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. One of the most rabid haters of homosexuals I have ever come across was an atheist.
So, what does the instruction manual for Christians, the NT say about how they are to be treated ? Outside of the Church ( not the Building but the believers) they are to be treated exactly like everyone else, with kindness and respect. If, in the Church a believer is practicing homosexual activity, he/she are to be counseled with love and advised this behavior is not acceptable in the Church, and to stop the practice. If it continues, they will be removed from the Church rolls. IT ONLY AFFECTS CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. All homosexuals are welcome to any service of the Church, any open meeting or gathering. They cannot be MEMBERS, i.e. on the Church rolls and cannot be involved in the few things reserved for members only. THAT'S IT. I urge you to read it for yourself in the NT, and I URGE you to see what the books those "tolerant" Moslems follow say about homosexuals that all TRUE moslems MUST accept.