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An Issue Of Valuing The Lives Of Others


Woke gremlin
Are you saying Israel shouldn’t help the innocent?

Perfect example of your bias… no matter what Israel does… they are condemned.
Why is it that when you can't respond to what I actually write, you make up something I never said and ascribe it to me?

You're bearing false witness, and you should feel ashamed.


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"Right" is a perspective.
I argue that the USA perspective should
see Israel's honoring human rights of
Muslims equal to Jews as "right".
And oppression & war crimes as "wrong".
Unfortunately that is not the world we have lived in...like ever and for all the conflicts that I have mentioned. Here are the numbers for USA.
Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War
Why would we expect the USA to suddenly become a moral leader? And why would anyone listen?


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I don't expect it.
I merely advocate for it.
It's a bit like Bahau's advocating for a world government. Expecting or hoping for countries in today's world to behave morally seems as unlikely as the second coming.


Veteran Member
Hamas uses hosptals (human shields) to house their command center

I’m sure to then blame Israel if innocent people are killed and others then say “WAR CRIMES"

I was recently listening to a podcast discussion about this in which I think was a Marine talking about how he and his team went about planning attacks when he was serving. He said, if there were a situation in which they thought they could get one bad guy, amidst a huge population of civilians (as in the justification the IDF has given for bombing refugee camps), they would never carry out such an operation because the risks of killing innocent civilians would be much too high, and not worth the chance of taking out just one bad guy.

We all know Hamas are scumbags. We all know Hamas doesn't give a rat's behind about civilians and are quite happy to martyr them for the cause. But don't you think that should be taken into account when IDF is planning these attacks and maybe, just maybe don't specifically bomb areas where you know that innocent women and children have fled to for safety, just so you can maybe, take out one bad guy? Is that really worth it?

I mean, just because the other side of a conflict (the "bad guys") engage in terrible behaviour doesn't mean you should too. In fact, it's a pretty good sign you shouldn't.

On a side note, I don't blame Israeli citizens for the actions of their government. And I don't blame Palestinians for the actions of Hamas.


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Let's all consider the Palestinian vs Israel + USA
hostilities from the perspective of...
I observe that Israel apologists live in a world
where they tell themselves the same stories
over & over for reinforcement, rendering them
unable to see anyone else's perspective (IMO).

- You can't reason with Palestinians.
- Violence is the fault of Palestinians.
- Palestinians support Hamas.
- Israel has a right to defend itself without limit.
- Israel belongs to the Jews alone.
- Jews have singularly suffered.
- Palestinians teach their children to be terrorists.
- Israel has no option for peace but for total
elimination of enemies.

It's time to for them to tell new stories.
Some people hold those views but not the US State Dept and not me.

+The PLO cannot be reasoned with.
Violence is because of the PLO, but Gazans and West Bank-ers can be reasoned with and are reasoned qith. They also reason with Israel as well as produce their own propaganda as they see fit.
+Gazans are under the finger of Hamas and of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Iran. No country wants them to migrate, because of the past experiences with the PLO. Hence Gazans are stuck in Gaza.
+Israel (the country) is a mixed secular and Jewish government.
+The Jews are the Jews, and Israel (the country) is not the Jews, but it is controlled by a Jewish majority, maintained permanently through policy. Tentatively it aims to be Jewish, but one miracle is first needed.
+Palestinians schools do teach the children to fight Israel. I don't think this is contested.
+Israel must accomplish a peace to be seen as legitimately Jewish. This will count as a religious miracle.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
+The PLO cannot be reasoned with.
Neither can Israel....so far.
I hope that eventually, both can be reasoned with.
But that can't happen until Israel grants human
rights to Palestinians.
Violence is because of the PLO....
I see Israel as the cause of violence.
The PLO exists only because of Israel's oppression.
+Gazans are under the finger of Hamas and of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Iran. No country wants them to migrate, because of the past experiences with the PLO. Hence Gazans are stuck in Gaza.
I see the likelihood that Israel wants Palestinians
to leave Gaza so that it can become part of Israel.
+The Jews are the Jews, and Israel (the country) is not the Jews, but it is controlled by a Jewish majority, maintained permanently through policy. Tentatively it aims to be Jewish....
That would explain the apartheid mentality.
+Palestinians schools do teach the children to fight Israel. I don't think this is contested.
I've not seen evidence offered.
Have any?
+Israel must accomplish a peace to be seen as legitimately Jewish. This will count as a religious miracle.
I'd shorten it to...
Israel should accomplish peace.


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Infinitesimal progress is better than nothing.
There won't be any progress. After the fall of USSR, USA had a brief window of opportunity to create and sustain a rule based world structure with fair mechanisms on what international actions can or cannot be done or supported. That has been squandered irrevocably. Every country today knows that what can or cannot be done is based on power and power alone and whose back you are scratching. So China and India seeks power at all costs, Russia tries to claw it back, Muslim fundamentalists seek to subvert it etc.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Why is it that when you can't respond to what I actually write, you make up something I never said and ascribe it to me?

You're bearing false witness, and you should feel ashamed.
I am so used to responses like these. :)


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Frankly you're giving Christianity a bad name with your shameless support of Israeli atrocities, WWJD