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An Issue Of Valuing The Lives Of Others

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
It's entirely relevant. Do you or do you not believe Israel would use the same level of response if Hamas were hiding amongst Israelis?
Nothing to do with this, since Hamas are the authority in charge over Gaza. The analogy I would use, as a youth perhaps, is if you hit me and I wanted to return the favour but you were hiding behind your little brother and sister, and where I hit one of them instead, would you say you played no role in this? This is very much what Hamas are doing. How can they not in some way be responsible?
If not, then clearly the issue of "Well, the human shields got in the way of their bullets" isn't really true. The issue is that "those human shields are Palestinian, so why should Israel care?"
Israel has been open, as to telling people to get away from areas that might be targeted. The fact that many are still being killed perhaps is more down to Hamas. I don't know and neither do most of us who aren't there. There is plenty of scope for civilians to be killed when Israel apparently is going after anything that looks remotely like being military. And of course it is horrible.
I fundamentally disagree, and this attitude explicitly justifies war crimes. Terrorists using human shields does not justify simply shooting the human shield. Israel's hand is still on that trigger, and I refuse to believe that a country with one of the most highly funded and modern military forces in the world had no other choice but to put civilians directly in the path of harm in response to terrorist aggression. This is mind-poison and excusing atrocities.
Hamas started off with a war crime, so don't preach about such. Unfortunately it was Hamas who put the civilians in the path of danger, unless you think that Hamas should get off scot free so as to avoid civilian casualties. The fact that there are so many civilian casualties perhaps says more about Hamas than much else, as to not being that bothered or not planning sufficiently before carrying out such a stupid act in the first place. It is just so cynical - and cowardly.
This is ideologically no different to excusing Hamas.

And, once again, the war crimes are not exclusive to locations where Hamas have alleged bases - but to areas not even occupied by Hamas. We know for a fact that Israel has no qualms committing atrocities against Palestinians with or without Hamas as a pretext. I refuse to excuse it.
Actually, we don't know anything for a fact, and plenty of mistakes occur in all wars.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I was recently listening to a podcast discussion about this in which I think was a Marine talking about how he and his team went about planning attacks when he was serving. He said, if there were a situation in which they thought they could get one bad guy, amidst a huge population of civilians (as in the justification the IDF has given for bombing refugee camps), they would never carry out such an operation because the risks of killing innocent civilians would be much too high, and not worth the chance of taking out just one bad guy.

We all know Hamas are scumbags. We all know Hamas doesn't give a rat's behind about civilians and are quite happy to martyr them for the cause. But don't you think that should be taken into account when IDF is planning these attacks and maybe, just maybe don't specifically bomb areas where you know that innocent women and children have fled to for safety, just so you can maybe, take out one bad guy? Is that really worth it?

I mean, just because the other side of a conflict (the "bad guys") engage in terrible behaviour doesn't mean you should too. In fact, it's a pretty good sign you shouldn't.

On a side note, I don't blame Israeli citizens for the actions of their government. And I don't blame Palestinians for the actions of Hamas.

There isn’t much I can disagree with here.

It is cogent, balanced and well said.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You said I made a biased, "camel-eating" statement.
I'll ask again: Which statement, specifically, was biased? Tell me.

Any further evasion will be an admission of dishonesty.

"Any further evasion will be an admission of dishonesty.” ROFL - really? Why play games? Would you like me to make a question like, “Did you figure out how stupid you sound or did your mama tell you? (Not saying you are stupid but the phrasing of your statement)

You are biased and eat a camel because you don’t differentiate:

1) Purposefully targeting innocent people vs targeting military targets
2) Willful murder vs unwanted collateral damage

I won’t enumerate it all again because you are involved in circular statements


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Some people hold those views but not the US State Dept and not me.

+The PLO cannot be reasoned with.
Violence is because of the PLO, but Gazans and West Bank-ers can be reasoned with and are reasoned qith. They also reason with Israel as well as produce their own propaganda as they see fit.
+Gazans are under the finger of Hamas and of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Iran. No country wants them to migrate, because of the past experiences with the PLO. Hence Gazans are stuck in Gaza.
+Israel (the country) is a mixed secular and Jewish government.
+The Jews are the Jews, and Israel (the country) is not the Jews, but it is controlled by a Jewish majority, maintained permanently through policy. Tentatively it aims to be Jewish, but one miracle is first needed.
+Palestinians schools do teach the children to fight Israel. I don't think this is contested.
+Israel must accomplish a peace to be seen as legitimately Jewish. This will count as a religious miracle.
Another great statement… Absolutely NOTHING to disagree wil


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I see the likelihood that Israel wants Palestinians
to leave Gaza so that it can become part of Israel.
It is unlikely that anyone is ever going to leave Gaza, because no country is accepting immigrants from it. Israel has absolutely no hope of having that land whether it desires the land or no. That land is written off. Israel has learned some hard lessons, too.
Neither can Israel....so far.
I hope that eventually, both can be reasoned with.
But that can't happen until Israel grants human
rights to Palestinians.
In my opinion nobody grants human rights, because we already have them. Hopefully Israel will recognize their human rights, but it cannot grant human rights.
I see Israel as the cause of violence.
The PLO exists only because of Israel's oppression.
The PLO totally sucks, but its worth it if Israel exists. If we have to have a PLO then so be it.
to leave Gaza so that it can become part of Israel.
You're thinking they'll be put into the West Bank? That could happen. That would be tempting for a small country with limited land. It would cross my mind if I were a real estate developer.
That would explain the apartheid mentality.
I cannot comment on that, because I haven't observed it. Could be a rumor.
I've not seen evidence offered.
Have any?
Internet evidence only. I have not visited the place. You?
I'd shorten it to...
Israel should accomplish peace.
Piece of cake.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I am certain that your support for Israel's
brutal oppression of Palestinians spells
enduring trouble.
I also support Spain's efforts to drive out Islam, but I'm happy to let Gaza be Muslim. I've no problem with it. I've no problem if Israel wants to stay Jewish and doesn't want to absorb Gaza. Let Gaza stay as it wants to in a 14th century state of whatever hell it likes, so it stops shooting at people.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I also support Spain's efforts to drive out Islam, but I'm happy to let Gaza be Muslim. I've no problem with it. I've no problem if Israel wants to stay Jewish and doesn't want to absorb Gaza. Let Gaza stay as it wants to in a 14th century state of whatever hell it likes, so it stops shooting at people.
Are you entirely unaware that Israel has long
imposed a policy of keeping Palestinians poor?
I shouldn't be, but I am surprised that you support
religious purges. The dismissal of Muslim lives
is no surprise though.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Are you entirely unaware that Israel has long
imposed a policy of keeping Palestinians poor?
I shouldn't be, but I am surprised that you support
religious purges. The dismissal of Muslim lives
is no surprise though.
It is the dispassion gift of evolution which causes us (males) to seek death when we sense in ourselves a flaw. If we aren't happy we start playing chicken with death. If we are sheltered and not taught any useful skills and then have to live in a world where we are useless, it triggers evolution's kill switch in us.

Thus, sometimes the religious purge ourselves. We start thinking about dying. Our ways are old ways and unchanging, but the world keeps changing. Sometimes a young man goes over the religious deep end, wastes twenty years with a cult or some odd pursuit only to later realize he should be leading a balanced life; but it is too late. He has been an idiot. Sometimes he will try to blame other people, but that is a mistake. It simply makes him an even bigger loser.

It is true that there are vicious nasty con artists everywhere trying to leech off of religious seekers. They do cause problems, but we still have to take responsibility for our choices. Responsibility is what makes it possible to move forward. If we can only blame, then we cannot improve.



Woke gremlin
Nothing to do with this, since Hamas are the authority in charge over Gaza. The analogy I would use, as a youth perhaps, is if you hit me and I wanted to return the favour but you were hiding behind your little brother and sister, and where I hit one of them instead, would you say you played no role in this? This is very much what Hamas are doing. How can they not in some way be responsible?
I have never, even once, said that Hamas bears no responsibility. That's not my argument.

And I think your analogy, which compares modern, militarised nations with squabbling children, is perhaps a little inadequate.

Israel has been open, as to telling people to get away from areas that might be targeted. The fact that many are still being killed perhaps is more down to Hamas. I don't know and neither do most of us who aren't there. There is plenty of scope for civilians to be killed when Israel apparently is going after anything that looks remotely like being military. And of course it is horrible.
Once again, you seem to want to alleviate all responsibility from Israel, despite the fact that Israel started their reaction to Hamas' incursion by committing an explicit war crime against the entire civilian population of Gaza. As we have seen, Israel is not above deliberately harming civilians in this conflict, and so I'm less than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that when they target clearly non-military targets and justify it as "you'll just have to trust us, Hamas was there".

Hamas started off with a war crime, so don't preach about such.
So you're just going to ignore the decades leading up the Hamas incursion?

Do you honestly believe war crimes justify more war crimes?

Also, don't you find it absolutely atrocious that my argument, which was "You can't use war crimes to justify more war crimes" that your response was "Well, they did the war crimes first!". You're explicitly saying that previous war crimes justify more war crimes. That is, apparently, your position.

Unfortunately it was Hamas who put the civilians in the path of danger, unless you think that Hamas should get off scot free so as to avoid civilian casualties.
No and no.

Once again, my argument has never been that Hamas are fine and should be let off. It's that what Hamas did does not justify what Israel is doing. This has been my argument from the start. Please respond to why you think it's okay for a state to commit war crimes and kill over 10,000 civilians in response to terrorists killing over 1,000 civilians. In what way does that not explicitly justify Hamas?

The fact that there are so many civilian casualties perhaps says more about Hamas than much else, as to not being that bothered or not planning sufficiently before carrying out such a stupid act in the first place. It is just so cynical - and cowardly.
Once again, you absolve Israel of all wrongdoing. You're pretending that they have no choice whatsoever in how they respond, this alleviating them of any moral culpability for the civilian deaths.

Please tell me how this is any different whatsoever to blaming the civilians killed by Hamas on Israel, because it's a direct consequence of Israeli foreign policy? Why do you selectively apply this logic of "killing civilians is bad but justified because the other side did a bad thing" to Israel, but not Hamas? Your logic, that justifies atrocities, justifies ALL ATROCITIES.

Actually, we don't know anything for a fact, and plenty of mistakes occur in all wars.
I think calling war crimes "a mistake" is overly generous, to say the least. Israel have engaged in very active and deliberate war crimes against civilian populations for decades. I am much less willing to believe that any acts of mass murder they inflict on the Palestinian people are just a big "whoopsie doodle".
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Woke gremlin
"Any further evasion will be an admission of dishonesty.” ROFL - really? Why play games? Would you like me to make a question like, “Did you figure out how stupid you sound or did your mama tell you? (Not saying you are stupid but the phrasing of your statement)

You are biased and eat a camel because you don’t differentiate:

1) Purposefully targeting innocent people vs targeting military targets
2) Willful murder vs unwanted collateral damage

I won’t enumerate it all again because you are involved in circular statements
Welcome back to ignore.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It is the dispassion gift of evolution which causes us (males) to seek death when we sense in ourselves a flaw.
You might seek death.
I don't.
I've always actively tried to avoid it.
Thus, sometimes the religious purge ourselves. We start thinking about dying. Our ways are old ways and unchanging, but the world keeps changing. Sometimes a young man goes over the religious deep end, wastes twenty years with a cult or some odd pursuit only to later realize he should be leading a balanced life; but it is too late. He has been an idiot. Sometimes he will try to blame other people, but that is a mistake. It simply makes him an even bigger loser.

It is true that there are vicious nasty con artists everywhere trying to leech off of religious seekers. They do cause problems, but we still have to take responsibility for our choices. Responsibility is what makes it possible to move forward. If we can only blame, then we cannot improve.
I'm seeing very little understanding & responsibility
taken by the faithful when conflicts involve religion.
They circle the wagons, & unleash Armageddon on
the infidels.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You might seek death.
I don't.
I've always actively tried to avoid it.

I'm seeing very little understanding & responsibility
taken by the faithful when conflicts involve religion.
They circle the wagons, & unleash Armageddon on
the infidels.
I think this is where understanding can be found...



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think this is where understanding can be found...

More whataboutism.
Everything except for Christian & Jewish
islamophobia causing death & destruction
in Gaza.
Your every attempt to deflect from & defend
the deadly religious bigotry of USA & Israel
will always be countered here.
Shame on you.


Woke gremlin
I'm seeing very little understanding & responsibility
taken by the faithful when conflicts involve religion.
They circle the wagons, & unleash Armageddon on
the infidels.
I read a pretty great example of this recently.

While I am generally not big on mixing celebrities and politics, this recent exchange on social media between Angelina Jolie and her dad is a pretty good example of the difference between a humanitarian and a religious view on Israel/Gaza.

On Instagram, Jolie wrote:

"What happened in Israel is an act of terror. But that cannot justify the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go, no access to food or water, no possibility of evacuation, and not even the basic human right to cross a border to seek refuge.
The bombings are causing desperate new humanitarian needs daily.
The denial of aid, fuel and water is collectively punishing people. Humanity demands an immediate ceasefire."

in a response video her father, Jon Voight, said the following:

"I am very disappointed that my daughter, like so many, has no understanding of God's honour, God's truths.
This is about destroying the history of God's land - the Holy Land - the land of the Jews.
This is justice for God's children of the Holy Land.
The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people. This is war. It's not going to be what the left thinks - it can't be civil now."

Source: Angelina Jolie's father critical of her stance on Israel attacks

I mean, I think that pretty perfectly encapsulates the difference between these two positions. One is concerned with the suffering of innocent people, the other only with a kind of deep, religious sense of righthood that explicitly justifies the murder and suffering of innocent people, that it barely acknowledges as human. Because if you aren't "chosen by God", your right to life can be rescinded at the will of his "chosen few". Unironic Nazi rhetoric.

It's disgusting.

To be clear, I don't think I've encountered anyone on these forums making Voight's level of argument. I believe his religion is merely a cover for his explicitly genocidal rhetoric.
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Woke gremlin
Is religion a cover...or is it the basis?
Maybe I'm being too generous. I guess it can be both. Some people are genocidal because of their religion, some people are religious because it justifies their being genocidal. I'm just sidestepping the inevitable "not all religious people" argument I would get in response and, to be fair, I'd be comfortable agreeing with in the broad sense.