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Animal sacrifice: out of fashion


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Not a problem for me. The question is, however, why do you think animal sacrifice was directed by God by means of Moses to be offered? Hosea wrote about this if you believe that the one inspiring the writing is God. Yes, sacrifices and offerings were required under the Law, but there was a serious problem with Hosea’s contemporaries. Because clearly there were Israelites who dutifully made such offerings in a showy display of devotion. God sees the heart more than ritualistic form of worship. What do you think pleases Him more? Ritual sacrifice or lovingkindness?
I think that shared eating experiences are pretty much universally used to bond people together and help reconcile problems. The idea of having a barbeque and inviting God to the communal meal makes its own sort of sense. I don't think it is the only way to accomplish reconciliation, but it was the way that was common in middle eastern culture back then. Had the Israelites been in Lower Slavovia, the ritual would have been from THAT culture.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Thanks for mentioning that. I can look it up as to why the animal is ritually sacrificed. Unless you can mention why, I'd appreciate it, but most likely I can look it up.

Personally i find i rather barbaric and have no desire to go through the method. There is lots on Google


Christian Evolutionist
If community organizers made arrangements for the donations of animals for the burnt offerings, initiated by whomever held the title Lord during these periods, then I would assume the burnt offerings were initiated to help feed the community at large - a continual feast type of thing. Ten percent of the increase, and I'm fairly sure this dates back to Adam and Eve, if not before them. It makes sense this way. It would seem pointless any other way to me. People, as well as most animals tend to be more practical than what we sometimes give them credit. We typically don't intentionally waste food like some suggest.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I think that shared eating experiences are pretty much universally used to bond people together and help reconcile problems. The idea of having a barbeque and inviting God to the communal meal makes its own sort of sense. I don't think it is the only way to accomplish reconciliation, but it was the way that was common in middle eastern culture back then. Had the Israelites been in Lower Slavovia, the ritual would have been from THAT culture.
I am surprised at your answer. You seem to think that animal sacrifice was because it afforded the Jews a chance to have a good time and get together? (wow...)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I am surprised at your answer. You seem to think that animal sacrifice was because it afforded the Jews a chance to have a good time and get together? (wow...)
No, I'm saying it assisted the ability for humans to commune with God by sharing a common meal with Him.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, I'm saying it assisted the ability for humans to commune with God by sharing a common meal with Him.
"God" according to the scripture did not always commune with them in happy association. Hosea 10:6 says, "the house of Israel I have seen a horrible thing: there, harlotry [is found] in Ephraim; Israel has become defiled." My oh my, harlotry was found in Ephraim and Israel became defiled. No good association there. Thanks for the reference to Hosea which shows that instead of the bad things the people were doing as if they were sacrificing to Him, God wanted them to stop defilement.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, I'm saying it assisted the ability for humans to commune with God by sharing a common meal with Him.
God does not accept invitations to all meals even if a person says he is worshipping God. Maybe you think so, but what you have shown me is real good; i.e., He does not accept all forms of worship. Or communion. Bye again. Read Hosea again.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
@YoursTrue ,

There are several reasons for the sacrifices. Some are known, some are unknown. For example, the north side of the altar is significant to God. Reducing the sacrifices to a communal meal ignores this and all the other details. I think it's best to accept that it's a mystery and needs to be completed in all of its details if the opportunity is returned to the Jewish people.


Soul Pioneer

First of all one can question whether 'God' really did command and desire animal sacrifice and bloodshed, and the primitive idea/belief that such sacrifices had any efficacy to atone for sins or appease 'God' somehow, plus we have the issue of humane treatment of the animals themselves, even if its assumed a most painless/humane way of killing them can be practiced, then to enjoy eating the meat thereof. Its a loaded subject but is problematic on many levels imo.

There is no magical power from physical blood alone upon one's conscience, while any 'atoning' effect is within a believers own 'faith-assusmption' in such a transaction at the expense of an innocent victim, and to what effect? Who is profiting from all this animal bloodshed besides the self-indulgent sacrificers!? - sure the priests get to eat the best part of the meat, while spilling the blood for some placebo effect upon the people, but its still all a religious mind-fix, while unsuspecting animals get butchered.

I admit I enjoy some meat, poultry and fish mainly, but am mostly vegetarian. - of course if meat is eaten, I support the most human means of producing such.

In summary,....even if a 3rd Jewish temple arises and animal sacrifices are again reinstituted,....it will be only of benefit the religious believers of that tradition, that any sacrifices avail for anything (atonement or food) which is just self-indulgence really, and all based on 'faith' and a god's commandment. And still there is no garantee any blood can cleanse sins or atone, whether it be a man's or a god-man's as well. Its just a 'belief'. This is further troubling for christians who believe Jesus blood was a one time fix all 'atonement' for sins, and that no other blood needs be spilled or is efficacious. If the Jews rebuild their temple and continue the slaughter, again to what avail? Then if Jesus returns to Jerusalem to sit upon the throne of David, will he again disrupt and shut down the usual temple rituals anyways?

Its pretty confounding really, while at the end of the day, all that matters to 'God' is to have a humble heart, contrite spirit, and TO DO right. Thats true religion. 'God' was disgusted by so many animals sacrificed and there was no inner repentance or change of behavior in the people....no amount of blood will do, if there is no genuine repentance! I believe that simple repentance and return to right-doing is the WAY, and no animal sacrifice is EVER necessary. - thats just my current view.....which like all opinions, is subject to change or revision. I think 'do no harm' is the best path, and then self-responsibility for each soul to choose to DO RIGHT, forgive, make amends/restitution for his actions.

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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
God does not accept invitations to all meals even if a person says he is worshipping God. Maybe you think so, but what you have shown me is real good; i.e., He does not accept all forms of worship. Or communion. Bye again. Read Hosea again.
If you take the Bible at its word, it was God himself who set up the communal meal system (sacrifices). So I would assume that means he DOES in fact accept such invitations. The one exception would be that if we are continuing in evil -- in Isaiah, the Jews were not being generous to the poor, for example, and God said "I don't want your stinking sacrifices." So that gives context.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@YoursTrue ,

There are several reasons for the sacrifices. Some are known, some are unknown. For example, the north side of the altar is significant to God. Reducing the sacrifices to a communal meal ignores this and all the other details. I think it's best to accept that it's a mystery and needs to be completed in all of its details if the opportunity is returned to the Jewish people.
One thing to keep in mind, @dybmh , is that Abel's sacrifice was more pleasing to God than Cain's. I leave it at that for now. It is an interesting subject.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If you take the Bible at its word, it was God himself who set up the communal meal system (sacrifices). So I would assume that means he DOES in fact accept such invitations. The one exception would be that if we are continuing in evil -- in Isaiah, the Jews were not being generous to the poor, for example, and God said "I don't want your stinking sacrifices." So that gives context.
If God accepted the "invitation" at the time of Hosea, He would not have condemned the Israelites that were not truly worshipping Him in righteous love. Anyway, I leave the rest to you.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Yes, it seems the Israelites were constantly giving animal sacrifices at the Temple!

It should have reinforced in their minds & heart, seeing those animals sacrificed in their behalf, just how imperfect they — really, all humans — are…just how far removed we are from having a perfect standing with God, without a means for atonement for sin and our imperfection. Abel seemed to understand that; so did Noah and Abraham.

That’s why appreciation for Jesus’ sacrifice - a perfect life matching Adam’s perfect life - is so important! A side effect is that no more animals had to die.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
One thing to keep in mind, @dybmh , is that Abel's sacrifice was more pleasing to God than Cain's. I leave it at that for now. It is an interesting subject.
True, but we don't know why. I could be perhaps because his heart was not in the right place. Or possibly that he did not give the best.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
If God accepted the "invitation" at the time of Hosea, He would not have condemned the Israelites that were not truly worshipping Him in righteous love. Anyway, I leave the rest to you.
Not sure what you were reading, but my understanding is that God objected to three things they were doing: violence, idolatry, and neglecting the poor.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
It says why they must sacrifice animals? (never mind...I see you're not able to produce the 'evidence') ok, bye for now.

What evidence?, you want a photo or video of an un-stunned, fully awake sheep having it's throat cut and bleeding to death while ritual prayer is offered to Allah? Like i said google has plenty of evidence, dont be so lazy.