in 1973 ,the U.S threatened Egypt and Syria to take part in the war unless the fight stops immediately..and that was FEW HOURS after it started....On the other side , the american kindness was very late to the Bosnians...Mr. Bill clinton kept playing games until thousands of muslims were eradicated.
It true that American kindness was late in coming, but it came, were was the kindness from muslim countries they were of no help.
.and the serbs should be granted some time to accomplish their mission of massacring thousands of unarmed people
Believe it our not. The help was late in coming because America and Europe did not want to get in another war. The American people needed to be fooled to go to Iraq and that was only possible because of 9/11.
so ,what proper credit is expected from us ? to show our gratefulness that they were not millions ?
It seems to me we all must have a high regard for the truth. Goodness is goodness even if our opponents do it. It seems to me that you have a bias and you are more then willing do distort the truth to that bias. God is truth. with out truth faith is lost. I say truth for truth sake is the highest religion.
I can also tell you that I have many problems with American policies that affect the Muslim people. Many of these problem policies are due to world economic groups not the American people. You seem to use the term America as a blanket statement for all that is wrong with the world. We don't have that much power.
You also talk about us buying people off. It's true it happens all over the world including America. The fact is that if people are offered a chance to be wealthy and secular or religious and poor. Most people will be secular this is a fact.
I like living in a secular country, it provides me with less religious corruption. I am able to live my life of faith in a more pure way.I can also tell you that many Muslims in America feel the same way