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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Well-Known Member
What a Joke....God shows us these things, you deny them, which makes you right?
Don't you realize i fight with Christ's words like a sword, why use his and not my own, we speak the same....
You really are going to be punished, as we speak....as 'i am' so wound up and there is no need for it (do you know how to change Karma in the book of life? Then do not be rude to someone who does)....i do not argue over the things of God.... really trying to be honest and open and really you need a physiological analysis.....if you think the same of me, maybe if you sat long enough without being rude, you would understand the overwhelming evidence to make us believe it...as i question everything and leave no stone unturned....you blame me for this?

For some reason, I can't imagine the new Messiah responding to someone by saying "What a joke."


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
For some reason, I can't imagine the new Messiah responding to someone by saying "What a joke."
:sorry1: me also...:sorry1: My Patients is wearing thin on repeating the same things....so now being a bit stroppy with authority….yet if I do; imagine the wrath of God when Christ stood entirely against the basis of Christianity to begin with.
Since people haven't listen to reason, as all they want to do is edify each other....decided too take a different tact, like people keep doing with me and shout (Roar)...
If I come as Jonah and am shouting "please change your ways", why do people shout back, "we like it this way…die you prophets...so we can be saved from you tormenting us"....:confused:


Well-Known Member
:sorry1: me also...:sorry1: My Patients is wearing thin on repeating the same things....so now being a bit stroppy with authority….yet if I do; imagine the wrath of God when Christ stood entirely against the basis of Christianity to begin with.
Since people haven't listen to reason, as all they want to do is edify each other....decided too take a different tact, like people keep doing with me and shout (Roar)...
If I come as Jonah and am shouting "please change your ways", why do people shout back, "we like it this way…die you prophets...so we can be saved from you tormenting us"....:confused:

Peter knew who Christ was because it was revealed by the Spirit of the Father. That same spirit is not revealing anything to me about who your are. Sorry.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Peter knew who Christ was because it was revealed by the Spirit of the Father. That same spirit is not revealing anything to me about who your are. Sorry.
Simon the stone was a Pharisee; Peter is not a name it is symbolism and that is removed Zechariah 3:9....
Yeshua called him Satan as he followed man, so you question me by that standard...
There is no grace or inheritance from the plummet line being murdered and many shall fall on that stone...which we know Simon the stone (peter) taught everyone....
If we also include Maccabees 3/4 released in 1977 (year I was born) then it includes the abomination of desolation…. which was orchestrated by someone by the name of Simon, who taught eating of unclean meats and alcohol.....who then taught Rome to rob Israel for the gold in the vaults and then tortured all for these beliefs….
Act’s tells us Simon the stone (peter) teaches the same....


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Wizanda, is your day a hand when you will be revealed to men?
Why would you want too?
Christianity follows the exact opposite to Christ’s teachings?
Very few have found the mustard seed in all our books…..so other then to say “we told you so”, it is so problematic….
I have being thinking about doing that since 5 years old…..
Yet still have no answer….was going to experiment here (RF) and then move on…yet never really planned on disclosing any of this….
Yet as you may have noticed, many people are just ignoring me or rude…..to the extent it has taken everything I have believed is possible (Oneness on earth).....
I don’t give up….so instead flipped and tell peoples, whom they are….
Yet even in this, it is futile unless we first understand the Pharisees are false…plus those who follow them are the Anti-Christ’s and why the world follows it already.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
of course he is, he's revealing himself right now to RF, instead of to the jews, which was prophesied.
Are you real? right let us look at this together.....I go right now to the Jew's and fix Christianity and remove it, leaving Christ words as true and explain...
That will bring Muslims into line and most major religions....
This would cause worldwide turmoil as most are Christian and have never understood it’s fake….
Still trying to understand what makes Christians Tick, too stand so defiantly against God or didn't you realize Christianity is the Anti-Christ?
So how or where would you like me to go first?
As I don’t mind bring every nation against it, yet that isn’t my way and not useful….
You see in Sikhism, Skanda returns and has an army waiting, the Imam mahdi has army waiting and you say go do this….
If I can’t even show a group of you on a forum with the written words and scriptures why Christianity is the Anti-Christ…
How will untrained warriors of the sword and not the word help?
How will it help any of us, by the Jewish disowning the lot….
Especially when the Vatican and Babylon G8, also stand against God for Oil?
Since you have the answers, explain then how this will work?
Also explain how not to be murdered for being sent?…or didn’t you notice most prophets and people sent to the Jews, have been slaughtered?


Veteran Member
Wizanda said:
Simon the stone was a Pharisee; Peter is not a name it is symbolism and that is removed Zechariah 3:9....
Yeshua called him Satan as he followed man, so you question me by that standard...
True, Christ said, "Get thee behind me Satan" to Peter, but Peter later converted and became Christ's, after his resurrection, when Christ asked Peter if he loved him, three times, which Peter replied "Yes" three times, one time for every time he denied him, which was necessry for his repentance, to show the world that he truly loved Christ at that point...


Bodhisattva in Recovery
:sorry1: me also...:sorry1: My Patients is wearing thin on repeating the same things....so now being a bit stroppy with authority….yet if I do; imagine the wrath of God when Christ stood entirely against the basis of Christianity to begin with.
Since people haven't listen to reason, as all they want to do is edify each other....decided too take a different tact, like people keep doing with me and shout (Roar)...
If I come as Jonah and am shouting "please change your ways", why do people shout back, "we like it this way…die you prophets...so we can be saved from you tormenting us"....:confused:
Dear Wiz,

I just wanted to add my distortions to this highly distorted discussion. Son, Jesus the Christ is the founder of Christianity by default, imho. It is fairly accurate to say that the apostles did not understand the "man" as he was, but they did in my opinion reflect his teachings as best as they were able to comprehend. It is patently untrue to say that he was against what Christianity became. If I am not wrong Christ is a bigger piece of the puzzle than most can conceive, but hey... that is just my distortion and I am a simple man but I do count him as a friend, not a savior as I am not in need of saving, but most certainly as a good friend... perhaps even "best" friend.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Ok is it right to say a friend dies and is it GOOD news?
Me personally would not accept you as my friend, when you speak such as that….

Yet as you hinted on, Christ is a bigger picture and none are looking, many are blatantly being brainwashed by the mother of all harlots or Pharisee church they established…

Please consider we have only just been allowed to read the Bible in our own languages, before then it was in Latin and we were force-fed….so allow me some courtesy, to show where and why I have seen this in a 66 Bible…

Your evidence pertaining to Simon is from the book of John Nicodemus, who was also a Pharisee and is fake!!! Fake!!! Fake!!!…. Doctrine of Nicolaitans (Form of Nicholas) and yes I hate it!!!….

Simon in Luke 7:40 relates he is a Pharisee, yet the other gospels say a disciple or leper…

In the books of peter it confirms Paul, who is clearly Anti-Christ as he contradicts on over 36 points…..so defiling any of Yeshua’s real meaning being seen…..

If you go over the difference as much as I have (E-Sword needed and Concordances) it actual seems Paul had a rough idea of what was said…and then any points he didn’t like he re-wrote them…this is most obvious in that, if Paul says something, you can normally search the Bible for the complete opposite.

Ask me for points and will explain points, as the whole lot is huge in terms of scriptures….

Yet the simplest is the EGO I-Mee (I AM) ---- Eggizo (Time is near)

That removes John as fake, as it portrays Yeshua a Dragon and is not his way of speech….

Plus all the Anti-Jewish propergander, that any Jew could not follow as from the perspective painted by John….Yeshua was mad and defiles the Law on so many points….
Also if you accept to join Johns teachings it is all stuff, you will be removed from God for…….
So why would Yeshua speak thus and why would John write Anti-Christ teachings?…
Unless the real intention is to deliberately put off the Jews from ever believing he was the Christ, which is clearly obvious has happened, for the lies within John.

As for Simon and Grace, it is as Spoken by Yeshua to him….Grace is free…there was nothing to pay to begin with…..yet due to there teachings and Christ’s setting them all up (Snare Isaiah 8)…many are now in great debt simply for being a Christian.

Christ is not the foundation of Christianity….Pharisees are….as the Bible shows where all 3 I keep saying are that (Simon, John, Paul)….it also says a person of my name is completely in their right to remove this….

Yet point is, you think me against you, when it is too guide you into the ways of heaven…..like teaching a new song…:angel2:

Please don’t fight me….it hurts especially when you pray to me, about me….. Will be in the kitchen downstairs and feel emotions I know I couldn’t question again, as I have seen heaven and too much has occurred to question the same things….


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Ok is it right to say a friend dies and is it GOOD news?
Me personally would not accept you as my friend, when you speak such as that….
Psssst. I have news. Christ ain't really dead! Sure he is minus a physical body but he never did let that sort of thing hold him back. Death is such a terribly misunderstood thing, eh.

Yet as you hinted on, Christ is a bigger picture and none are looking, many are blatantly being brainwashed by the mother of all harlots or Pharisee church they established…
Well that certainly is a revelation. Are you talking about Paris Hilton or Brit'ney? You will have to forgive me but I thought the Pharisee church has been extinct for some time. Did I miss something?

Please consider we have only just been allowed to read the Bible in our own languages, before then it was in Latin and we were force-fed….so allow me some courtesy, to show where and why I have seen this in a 66 Bible…
I am sensing that this is a dodgy subject for you. Sour grapes perhaps? A tiny bit of animosity for the Catholic church?

Your evidence pertaining to Simon is from the book of John Nicodemus, who was also a Pharisee and is fake!!! Fake!!! Fake!!!…. Doctrine of Nicolaitans (Form of Nicholas) and yes I hate it!!!….

Simon in Luke 7:40 relates he is a Pharisee, yet the other gospels say a disciple or leper…
...and...is this a big deal? So what you are saying is that you are not a big fan of the apostles! Correct?

In the books of peter it confirms Paul, who is clearly Anti-Christ as he contradicts on over 36 points…..so defiling any of Yeshua’s real meaning being seen…..

If you go over the difference as much as I have (E-Sword needed and Concordances) it actual seems Paul had a rough idea of what was said…and then any points he didn’t like he re-wrote them…this is most obvious in that, if Paul says something, you can normally search the Bible for the complete opposite.
Fair enough, so Paul is an evil bunny then? :bunny:

Ask me for points and will explain points, as the whole lot is huge in terms of scriptures….
What do you have to say to those who are beyond your limited vision of god and reality?

Yet the simplest is the EGO I-Mee (I AM) ---- Eggizo (Time is near)

That removes John as fake, as it portrays Yeshua a Dragon and is not his way of speech….
Agreed but I have heard that he rather enjoys posing as a Unicorn from time to time.

Plus all the Anti-Jewish propergander, that any Jew could not follow as from the perspective painted by John….Yeshua was mad and defiles the Law on so many points….
Well, rules ARE made to be broken.

Also if you accept to join Johns teachings it is all stuff
What on earth are you trying to say man?

you will be removed from God for…….
Sorry Wizzy that is technically impossible. There, there. Close your eyes and take a deep breath and chant "there's no place like home", while clicking your heels three times. (I tell ya it works wonders. No... seriously.)

So why would Yeshua speak thus and why would John write Anti-Christ teachings?…
*adds John to the Naughty Apostle List*

Unless the real intention is to deliberately put off the Jews from ever believing he was the Christ, which is clearly obvious has happened, for the lies within John.
I am always suspicious of that "which is clearly obvious" when it is not all that obvious by any measure.

edited for brevity
...it also says a person of my name is completely in their right to remove this…
I see. *dons tinfoil hat*

Yet point is, you think me against you, when it is too guide you into the ways of heaven…..like teaching a new song…
Child, I am well beyond your trifling notions of heavens and hells. Do you have any real credentials or is this more of a "winging it" "revelation" type shtick?

Please don’t fight me….it hurts especially when you pray to me, about me…..
Have no illusions whatsoever Wizanda, I DO NOT pray to you. It is not required of me to pray to anyone although most of the "brass" are happy just to chat a bit without all the honorific babble-gab, (they get some much of that dreary type of thing) just one to one, as it were. Hmmm. Onenss to Oneness.

Will be in the kitchen downstairs and feel emotions I know I couldn’t question again, as I have seen heaven and too much has occurred to question the same things….
Well Wizanda you are hardly the first one to sense this but my best advice to you is that things are not what they seem.:slap:


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Well you have made me laugh, yet still not getting anywhere.....

Nothing against the disciples and John-Mark is one....the author of the gospel of John is Nicodemus the Pharisee and why when mentioned in Revelations as teaching Balaam, Harlotry and eating of thing unclean that is the gospel of John.....

A dragon is something that said it made the river...so again why that is the gospel of John....

With Saul/Paul anyone who is clever enough has noticed it’s fake, as many top theologians have done....

Simon the stone bit is cross referencing; Yeshua named him Stone for reason and this is still to be fulfilled, that the stone laid before Joshua's feet in Zechariah be removed....

So when Simon (peter) is the one who went against Christ teachings from the moment he ascended according to Acts....with shouts of grace, grace to the plummet line....

The reason this is so hard to hear, is the opposite is taught by the churches as they like it this way :confused: ....

Yet all they teach is anti-Christ as Yeshua made it so clear, you can not say it is good a son die, that you maybe saved.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Just to conclude some of your questions….

If the gospel of John is really by a Pharisee and not a disciple as it is blatantly Pharisee teachings, like Yeshua makes clear in Matthew 23.

Simon in that Luke point is referred to as a Pharisee also and teaches like one.

Paul/Saul everyone knows was Pharisee and so was actually under the authority of John Nicodemus…..

Zechariah 11 concludes 3 foolish shepherds (Pharisees, Sadducees, Levites – Lawyers) are for slaughter and to be removed, one re-established, yet is blind in one eye…(just like the Quran has stated is the anti-Christ)….

So no the Pharisee Church didn’t end, it moved into a bigger building and it caused the Abomination of desolation to happen, so Rome could steal the gold from Israel’s vaults (Maccabees 3/4 – Released in 1977).

So guess the name of the Pharisee Church if John, Acts, Paul and Simon the stone (peter) were all Pharisee?
= Sheep <----> Goats


Well-Known Member
Mat 24:45-47
(45) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
(46) Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
(47) Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.

E-Sword Bible software please, with Concordances and dictionaries required.
yes a servant is always doing the works of his master ............. nice matthew 24;45-47 and then he is rewarded with good things . even all of his things.
(1 Corinthians 4:2) Besides, in this case, what is looked for in stewards is for a man to be found faithful.
(Matthew 25:21) His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’
(Luke 12:44) I tell YOU truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings................................... yes its all happening, faithfulness leads to great blessings .:)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
yes a servant is always doing the works of his master ............. nice matthew 24;45-47 and then he is rewarded with good things . even all of his things.
(1 Corinthians 4:2) Besides, in this case, what is looked for in stewards is for a man to be found faithful.
(Matthew 25:21) His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You were faithful over a few things. I will appoint you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’

(Luke 12:44) I tell YOU truthfully, He will appoint him over all his belongings................................... yes its all happening, faithfulness leads to great blessings .:)
Mal 1:6-9
A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?
(7) Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.
(8) And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the LORD of hosts.
(9) And now, I pray you, beseech God that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your persons? saith the LORD of hosts.


Veteran Member