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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Well-Known Member
Well, Dr. Nosophoros, I find I have to agree about the infusion of Zoroastrian dualism that shows up in portions of the Bible, most particularly the God/Satan conflict, the heaven/hell afterlife and certain favored eschatological views.

But then, one would have to have read up on Zoroastrianism to have noticed, I suppose.

Zarathustra was Persian, and Persian is the language of The Silk Road (trade between Europe and China).

One cannot consider the history of Europe or the East without seeing the pervasive influence of Persian tradition and thought.



Well-Known Member
I consider it rather silly to think of antichrist as THE antichrist. The fact is that there have been many antichrists some living at the same time, but the phenomenon is an archetype, not an individual.



Deviled Hen
Satan incarnated into a man, who will later be revealed as the antichrist.
Those who worship this Satan incarnated man.
There are those who were once angels in heaven with God, who are now fallen angels belonging to the Devil, who rebelled against God in heaven, who have chosen not to come to earth and be tested.

These are all your interpretations of Scripture FFH, not Scripture itself. Prophecies are by their very nature not very clear, else how could one sort the sheep from the goats?

Consider that during Christ's First Coming many people missed events because they were too stuck on too literal understandings of prophecies.

It would seem unwise to make the same sort of mistake the second time, and instead stick completely to traditional understandings of prophecy rather than approach it all in a very open-minded and dare I say "childlike" manner.

There will not only be a Battle of Armegeddon on earth, but simultaneously in the heavens as well, which is going on now as we speak, I beleive..

There was a very literal battle of Har-Megiddo in 1918, between the Brits under the command of Gen. Allenby and the Turks.



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
There was a very literal battle of Har-Megiddo in 1918, between the Brits under the command of Gen. Allenby and the Turks.

Thxz....a missing bit of the puzzle, the peace treaty signed with Israel almost 70 years...trying to add up the extra years, since they were given the land by the Anti-Christ/Babylon....
They were given Lithuzian (Lithuania a green valley) after the abomination of desolation took place, where the daily sacrifice was removed (Maccabees 3/4; released in 1977).….


I'm sure that most Catholics agree that graven images should not be worshipped, but it's no longer included in their Cathechism..
Come again?

Dude, if you want to be misinformed about how to boil goose eggs, have at it, but please don't pretend to know what is and isn't in our Cathecism. See:

2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. Indeed, "the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype," and "whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it."70 The honor paid to sacred images is a "respectful veneration," not the adoration due to God alone:
Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate. The movement toward the image does not terminate in it as image, but tends toward that whose image it is.71


It is not Mormon doctrine that the antichrist is Satan incarnate.

Exactly, because Satan and his followers can never obtain a body, he gave up that privledge when he was banished from heaven. all hin and his followers can do is try to persuade people to do his bidding for them.


These are all your interpretations of Scripture FFH, not Scripture itself. Prophecies are by their very nature not very clear, else how could one sort the sheep from the goats?

Consider that during Christ's First Coming many people missed events because they were too stuck on too literal understandings of prophecies.

It would seem unwise to make the same sort of mistake the second time, and instead stick completely to traditional understandings of prophecy rather than approach it all in a very open-minded and dare I say "childlike" manner.

There was a very literal battle of Har-Megiddo in 1918, between the Brits under the command of Gen. Allenby and the Turks.


I for one believe that prophecies are very clearly stated, it is prophecies of old that have been translated, re-translated, and completely perverted. Newer prophecies are very clear and well emphasized on exactly what needs to be done.


Deviled Hen
There has to be a Christ to be an antichrist. The former has certainly not been proven to exist.

Neither has Arthur, King of the Britons, and yet people don't assume there was never such a person, though all we have to depend on is legends. And that would've been more recent. Go figure.

I guess when it comes to history, religious figures get their own special standard of proof of existence. :sarcastic


Veteran Member
Yet one of the main precepts of this place is respect and tolerance -- not prejudice and hatred.
I respect all those who post here...

Our beliefs will vary and differ and we need to tolerate each other's beliefs.


If what you say is true about certain people here being filled with hatred and bigotry, then you are basically calling Joseph Smith and God evil and bigoted for stating that all religions, at the time of Joseph Smith, were abominations in his sight...

Can you reconcile this Becky, with your particular beliefs ???

What say ye,,,

How do we make room for all the other good Christian organizations in the world, in the shadow of this statement by God given to Joseph Smith ???

Who is the beast and who is like unto him...

Man made religions are the "beast" in general...and there are many antichrists who are leaders and.or promininent figures of these man made religions...

We need to decide which religions are man made and which are built on the rock of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...

Who is professing that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and who is professing a new Messiah will come or has come ????.

Who's professesing to be a savior to the world, or Christ in the flesh, these are some of whom the Bible refers to as antichrists


Veteran Member
Booko said:
3.5 x 360 = 1260 (Hm...does this number sound familiar to you?)
Great point !!! There is a perfect video I just came across last night that explains this 126o year prophecy...

I would post more concerning this 1260 year period, but it would just antagonize.. guess you'll all just have to remain in the dark on this one.

Prophecy repeats itself and has dual fulfillments, it's amazing when you study it out and look at certain events in history and how they repeat themselves and have dual fulfillments...

Prophecy may span over 100's of years, then the same prophecy will repeat itself, in our time, in a much much shorter number of years, as we are in a modern age that is speeding things up

"Behold I come quickly" ~ Jesus Chirst ~


Veteran Member
So, FFH, heard any news about an undead French Cardinal?

Just curious....
Yeah, me too, nothing has been said since the day he died, which it has been 5 days now, not even a cause of death has been reported yet. Seems fishy to me.

Still searching the net for a cause of death and a funeral and/or a resurrected Cardinal...hehe...


Veteran Member
Dude: Saying "You are a misguided idiot".
We, Madhatter and I, are both married to Catholics, my wife having converted to the LDS faith, however, while living in Mass., where she was born into the Catholic faith.

Madhatter's wife is currently Catholic, so obviously he and I do not hate Catholics in any way.

This post is also in response to Becky's comments about hate and bigotry...


Deviled Hen
Wow, and this is not "inflammatory" ??? Much more than anything Madhatter has posted ????

*sigh* FFH, go back and reread what I wrote. That way you can react to what I actually wrote as opposed to an obvious misunderstanding.

It's an analogy. The bit about putting it quotes should be a tip off.

Madhatter's wife is currently Catholic, however, so obviously he and I do not hate Catholics in any way.

No, but there is plenty of smearing of Catholic figures and Catholic ideas, which amounts to the same thing.


Veteran Member
Is it any different to poke at Cardinal Lustiger, than to poke at Pat Robertson, who represents Evangelicals ????...

It goes both ways, you guys can't just have it one way...

I've seen many on this forum poke at Pat Robertson, whom I believe is a very good man...and have not said a word about any of the extremely rude remarks..

I don't take offense easily...


tri-polar optimist
Anti-Christ: Opposite of Christ; opposing Christ.
Some believe that the anti-Christ will be manifest in a being with powers similar to Christ.
Some believe that the anti-Christ represents all evil in the world and dwells with us always.
Some don't believe at all.
History tells those who listen that some of our leaders have dined with Satan.
Satan manifested in the flesh would dazzle and deceive man as no other in history.
Salvation lies with a carpenter who at the appointed time walked on to the world stage and said " I am in the Father and the Father is in Me." "I am the Light of the World".
Polar opposites: Christ forgives/ Satan condemns.
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Veteran Member
Anti-Christ: Opposite of Christ; opposing Christ.
Right, but it's sometimes more subtle than that..

A person only needs not to profess Jesus as the Christ, and he is considered an antichrist, according to scripture. So by not professing with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ, one could have the "spirit" of antichrist.

Confessing Jesus as the Christ/Savior/Messiah is part of our salvation and those who do not confess this with their mouths are not Christ's....

My wife made me aware of this. She confesses/speaks of Jesus Christ in all places at all times and to all those she meets. I could hardly say the name Jesus Christ before I met her now I confess and speak of him often and there is great salvation in doing this. It seems to chase demons away....

The LDS church teaches us to reverence the name of Jesus Christ and not to speak of him lightly or use his name too often, but I really think there is a danger in not speaking the name of Christ often to all people at all times and in all places...

There is great salvation in doing this !!! People need to be comfortable with that name and not be scared of it. Jesus is not scarey but is full of great love for each and every one of us and he will save us all to one degree or another...except those son's of perdition who deny the Son the Father and the Holy Ghost and all light and knowledge given to them, people like Hitler and the final antichrist fit into this catagory...

The rest of us will receive salvation to one degree or another in worlds much much greater than this one.. There truly is salvation in Jesus Christ offered to ALL men...

There is salvation in confessing that Jesus is the Christ, the savior of all mankind...

Some believe that the anti-Christ will be manifest in a being with powers similar to Christ.
Right there are many antichrists who excercise powers similar to the powers of Jesus Christ...deceiving many as a result...

Some believe that the anti-Christ represents all evil in the world and dwells with us always.
Yes, Christ said that the spirit of antichrist had already come into the world while he dwelt on the earth..and I assume that spirit of antichrist started at that point. Men fighting against Jesus and denying him as the only way to the Father...
History tells those who listen that some of our leaders have dined with Satan
Yes, people like Vladamir Putin of Russia come to mind...

Satan manifested in the flesh would dazzle and deceive man as no other in history.
Right and this is an antichrist to the highest degree and a "son of perdition" who will receive no forgiveness in this world or in the world to come and will spend eternity in Outer Darkness..

Salvation lies with a carpenter who at the appointed time walked on to the world stage and said " I am in the Father and the Father is in Me." "I am the Light of the World".
Polar opposites: Christ forgives/ Satan condemns.
God bless you and may God keep you from harm...


Veteran Member
Madonna was also an antichrist type figure...

She has since converted and has become a Messianic Jew.

There is salvation for all who come to know Jesus Christ and Jesus will not deny anyone who come unto him no matter what their past has been..