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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Actually it's a place too "discuss, debate and compare religions". It's not solely focused on debating, though you seem to be.

I see that this is in the "Religious Debate" forum, and that there are other sections regarding discussion, and comparing.

Of cour'se i am focused on debating because that is what this section of RF is about.

if you want it to be a comparative discussion it should be taken to another section on the forum.


Veteran Member
I see that this is in the "Religious Debate" forum, and that there are other sections regarding discussion, and comparing.

Of cour'se i am focused on debating because that is what this section of RF is about.

if you want it to be a comparative discussion it should be taken to another section on the forum.

Yet one of the main precepts of this place is respect and tolerance -- not prejudice and hatred.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Yet one of the main precepts of this place is respect and tolerance -- not prejudice and hatred.
Ok if that is the case then, why when i say my faith is, i was sent from heaven and have my name in the books, why doesn’t anyone show me the respect?...
Since the Bible (+Web) says i have the new name of Christ, that makes most of you Anti-Christ...or haven’t you all noticed and just thought you would be rude too me for the fun of it...as this is how it has made me feel and now flipped, else I might as well kill my self as I have no point in this life here, so will speak my mind instead...
The whole world has rejected Yeshua and now follows Pharisees (Christianity = Paul, John, Simon)….or the mother of all harlots…Yeshua said have faith in God….he also clearly related what not to follow (ego (I Am) I-mee, (time is near) Eggizo) which is what everyone is following.


Well-Known Member

Just so we're clear, it's not that i refuse to accept or acknowledge change, but the actual doctrine, the coveneants, the promises and the consequences, never changed, even if certain things did change, it was not due to "political pressure" (investigation took place in 1902, and nothing changed till 15 years later) and you know it, it was changed because there was no longer a need for those things. if you really have been in temple for endowment then you should know that there is no place on the earth to discuss it besides the celestial room, especially not on a forum for the whole world to scrutinize. end of this discussion.

Are you a xenophobe?

The fact is there was change. I'm not defining the type.

You criticized the RCC for change.

What does that make you?

It's easy to say doctrine hasn't changed, but you're looking at this from the inside...from the outside, change is change.


Are you a xenophobe?

The fact is there was change. I'm not defining the type.

You criticized the RCC for change.

What does that make you?

It's easy to say doctrine hasn't changed, but you're looking at this from the inside...from the outside, change is change.

I was definine Doctrinal changes, FFH has shown the doctrine changes in the RCC, that is what i was criticizing.

the LDS church does not "seek to be popular in the eyes of the world" and you beign LDS shoudl realize that what you stated the changes were made from "political pressure" when you know as well as I do that it was not because of "political pressure".

Read the declarations regarding poligamy, the only reason it weas stopped is because if we hadn't the world would have persecuted us even more, and the temples would be confiscated and the lord's work would not be able to continue. we are to obide by the laws of the land we live in in order to allow the lord's work to take place.

You are the one who is confused. it's very plain and simple if you actually read the D&C and what the prophets are saying, there is no ambiguity in thier words, they are stated loud and clear.

Our Docrine, has never changed since our savior came. why do you think it is called "the Restoration" in order for somethign to be restored it must have previously been in effect and lost.


Well-Known Member
I was definine Doctrinal changes, FFH has shown the doctrine changes in the RCC, that is what i was criticizing.

the LDS church does not "seek to be popular in the eyes of the world" and you beign LDS shoudl realize that what you stated the changes were made from "political pressure" when you know as well as I do that it was not because of "political pressure".

Read the declarations regarding poligamy, the only reason it weas stopped is because if we hadn't the world would have persecuted us even more, and the temples would be confiscated and the lord's work would not be able to continue. we are to obide by the laws of the land we live in in order to allow the lord's work to take place.

You are the one who is confused. it's very plain and simple if you actually read the D&C and what the prophets are saying, there is no ambiguity in thier words, they are stated loud and clear.

Our Docrine, has never changed since our savior came. why do you think it is called "the Restoration" in order for somethign to be restored it must have previously been in effect and lost.

You've described politicl and social pressure above.

Thank you.


Deviled Hen
We are probably already in that first 3 1/2 year period. I believe it started in the fall of 2006...

Actually I'd ask why you think the 3.5 years verse should be taken literally and not using the method that shows up in other verses having to do with times.

3.5 x 360 = 1260 (Hm...does this number sound familiar to you?)

So Yeah, nothings gonna happen until the Jews build a temple, which could start to happen very very soon...

Not without one heck of a war breaking out, FFH.

The antichrist is killed and then comes back to life.

Yes, well I can't say I ever did understand where the idea of a single male figure called the Antichrist came from. It's seems a Biblical stretch at best.

It would be weird if Jean-Marie (Aaron) Lustiger, who died today, were to come back to life on Wednesday at noon. 3 1/2 days later, signifying that he will be the beast of the second half of the tribulation for 42 months (3 1/2 years).

What is with the constant focus on the RCC and figures within it, anyway?

Do you think there's something inherently awful about the RCC to single it out as the only source of negative figures in prophecy?

I mean, if you really believe the RCC is the source of all prophetic evils, that's your right to believe that and explain your beliefs here.

Or is it that you really do not understand just how insulting it is to single out one denomination so continually in this way?

All I'm asking is that you be clear where you stand on this. Thanks, FFH.


Deviled Hen
Prophecies concerning the final antichrist may be so subtle that we may not even realize they are being, or have been, fulfilled..

We build up prophecy bigger than life when it may be happening right under our noses almost undetected..

Prophecy is very subtle and does not scream out "here I am". You have to look closely and examine almost unnoticeable and unreported world events.

OK, I can't resist agreeing with you here. Particularly from a Baha'i pov, which is that it's been going on for well over a century and a half now. ;)


Deviled Hen
I could go on and on all day about RCC v. LDS and how they are polar opposites.

Please don't. Spreading misinformation like this about the RCC will not reflect well on you.

Please go into the Catholic area and *ask* actual Catholics to explain this to you. It could be fun and educational, and it will prevent you from bearing false witness about their belief and practice in the future, which will be good for everyone.


Dude: Saying "You are a misguided idiot" and following that up with "that wasn't meant to offend anyone" doesn't quite work.


Deviled Hen
You know just as well as i do the truth. You can pray abotu whatever you want and find out the truth for yourself. Too bad the RCC discourages asking God what is true, look it up. they claim thier pope to be "infalliable." Questioning the pope is basically an act of Heresy to them.

At some point spreading a misinformed view of the RCC will be considered not just a mistake on your part, but more of a design.

It's very clear by this post that you really don't know doodles about RCC beliefs. You certainly don't know what Papal infallibility means.
you should look at what's going on around you before defending what you don't know about.

*sigh* There goes my irony meter again.


Deviled Hen
To be clear we are just talking about the RCC here.

Then here's a question, why is each Parish different? why isn't there one doctrine, one set way of doing things? maybe because they all have different ways they want things done? isn't it explicit how it is not the will of man to be done but the will of God? Is god a changeable god? is he a respecter of persons? Does he allow the wishes of man to change his work to come forth(if it is truely his work)?

hmm..... somethign to think about

Because the RCC, unlike many if not most Protestant denominations, have managed to maintain diversity of opinion in many areas while remaining "catholic."

As someone who grew up in a religious tradition that splintered every time a member of the congregation got a fart stuck crosswise, I'll take the Catholics' method any day, thanks.


Well-Known Member

I call your attention to the Priesthood session of conference before the Winter Olympics. President Hinkley asked the Saints to be good neighbors.

Pres. Hinkley understands that building bridges is important for the Church. Your attacks on the RCC do harm and no good.


Deviled Hen
I'd say the idea of the Christ/anti-Christ is just another reminder of where the bible truly came from- A book written by those who incorporated/absorbed a portion of the dualistic ideas the Persian Zoroastrians brought when they dominated their lands, the evolution of religions, beliefs, technologies etc. history shows us again and again that this always happens when cultures meet whether through warfare, trade, immigration or something else.

Well, Dr. Nosophoros, I find I have to agree about the infusion of Zoroastrian dualism that shows up in portions of the Bible, most particularly the God/Satan conflict, the heaven/hell afterlife and certain favored eschatological views.

But then, one would have to have read up on Zoroastrianism to have noticed, I suppose.

Zoroastrianism is a religion that's had far more influence on other religions than one might immediately suspect. That influence extends beyond Western religions, for that matter. But then, being very centrally located geographically, it's not so surprising the influence was so widespread.


Deviled Hen
He, at one point, thought of himself as a "Messiah" of sorts, more influential than the "king of kings". John Lennon also said something like, we (the Beatles) are more influential than Jesus Christ.

Please do NOT bring Lennon's remark into this, FFH. I was alive and well when he uttered that remark, and it was so taken out of context (and that out of context meaning perpetuated) that it makes me want to toss my cookies whenever someone brings up the topic.

All Lennon was doing was making a statement of amazement at the Beatles popularity, and I do wish that decades later people could just freakin' get over it.

And now, back to the subject at hand (hopefully).

Elvis (Evils ???) just move the "L"

*sigh* Yeah and then there's OtHELLo and DesDEMONa. Clearly the Bard was a minion of the devil. sheeshhttp://www.adherents.com/people/pp/Elvis_Presley.html

It seems as if Elvis was all over the place, as far as religion goes...

Elvis was an addict. Addicts do all sorts of strange things.

His ex-wife, Priscilla, eventually joined the Church of Scientology, as did his daughter, Lisa Marie, and her two children."

Which is a laugh, considering Elvis' reaction to Scientology. He got back into the car and disgustedly remarked all they were after was his money.


White Crow
And what about Satan Claus...I mean Santa Claus. You don't think that means anything, do you?

By accepting Santa Claus as a tradition, are people subscribing to "Satan's Clause" in the Book of Life, that gives him power over their soul?