I am looking for any defenses of materialism, especially material reductionism in the mind-body problem. I am not here to put forth or support claims, I am asking those who accept materialism to present the reasoning and evidence for doing so. I have yet to seen anything outside of burden of proof games when presenting my own opinion, with not a single materialist I have talked to online or in life being willing to present their evidence or reasoning. Also, I am looking for that which suggests only materialism, as a whole position. It is already understood that there is a correlation between the brain and body, but causation has yet to be shown. I am also looking for reasoning that does not start with the assumption of material reductionism and then fill in the blanks. Of great interest and importance would be physical evidence of the mind and its contents, the mechanism by which the brain creates the mind, how a brain secretes chemicals but a mind feels and thinks, or how we can directly know the mind and the physical world only through that mind.
Thanks in advanced!
The only defense is that they are trying to provoke the argument for better physical explanations.
For instance, vitamin B certainly improves concentration, and alcohol inhibits the mind.
But, of course, it is the mind that decides to consume one or the other.
Essentially it seems impossible to escape dualism, but the problem still persists in:
to what extent the material effects the mind.
To often, people lazily slip into ignoring the physical aspects of consciousness
and dualism often degenerates into solipsistic non-materialism.
Actually the physical still effects consciousness to a far greater extent than any of us can realize.
So the defense is actually methodological:
By assuming a rigid materialist ontology, we stop the mind from degenerating into solipsism.