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Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
While you bask in the glow of being in the minority, could you help me to understand how the Bible is completely accurate, when it actually contradicts itself (quite often)?

Because you interpret it in a literal manner. The Bible is a Jewish book of Leterature. And like all Literature, allegories abound. We cannot interpret allegories
as literal events but metaphorically. At first, it will appear weird but soon with training, the apparent contradictions will dissipate.

Ben :rolleyes:

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology

Because you interpret it in a literal manner. The Bible is a Jewish book of Leterature. And like all Literature, allegories abound. We cannot interpret allegories
as literal events but metaphorically. At first, it will appear weird but soon with training, the apparent contradictions will dissipate.

Ben :rolleyes:

Well, I appreciate the rolling of your eyes, Ben, but that is a pretty weak answer. Basically, you are saying that the Bible is inerrant, except that when it contradicts itself, it is not to be taken literally, so that the contradiction becomes moot.

I anxiously await your next post - emoticons and all.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Well, I appreciate the rolling of your eyes, Ben, but that is a pretty weak answer. Basically, you are saying that the Bible is inerrant, except that when it contradicts itself, it is not to be taken literally, so that the contradiction becomes moot.

I anxiously await your next post - emoticons and all.

The Bible does not contradict itself. We are the ones without the Philosophical training to read "between the lines."


The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology

The Bible does not contradict itself. We are the ones without the Philosophical training to read "between the lines."


So much for a logically sound answer ...

In one breath you tell us what God wants us to do with ourselves, and in the next breath, you are telling us that we don't have the "philosophical training to read between the lines".

You'll have to pardon me if I reject that as pure drivel.


What are these laws?

Can you list them please, because I've forgotten them.

The Seven Laws of Noah
Do not worship Idols
Do Not Blaspheme His Name
Do Not Murder
Do Not Commit Immoral Sexual Acts
Do Not Steal
Pursue Justice
Do not be cruel to animals.


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Well, I appreciate the rolling of your eyes, Ben, but that is a pretty weak answer. Basically, you are saying that the Bible is inerrant, except that when it contradicts itself, it is not to be taken literally, so that the contradiction becomes moot.

I anxiously await your next post - emoticons and all.

My next post is up already as we speak. It comes under the title
"The Place of Israel in the Counsel of God." Now, be careful not to bring the crutch
of contradictions to it.


Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
So much for a logically sound answer ...

In one breath you tell us what God wants us to do with ourselves, and in the next breath, you are telling us that we don't have the "philosophical training to read between the lines".

You'll have to pardon me if I reject that as pure drivel.

I'll be ready to pardon you if you bring me something better to replace it.


The Lost One
Yid613 said:
The Seven Laws of Noah
Do not worship Idols
Do Not Blaspheme His Name
Do Not Murder
Do Not Commit Immoral Sexual Acts
Do Not Steal
Pursue Justice
Do not be cruel to animals.

The Seven Laws of Noah

Thanks, Yid.

Does 5 out of 7 counts? :rolleyes:


Active Member
InGodWeTrust ~ You say I'm a Atheist -That's really interesting. I'm as qualified as you are, infact I just might be more qualified. I have been to Isreal and seen first hand places in the bible that you have only read about. I have spent many weeks in Israel Digging in archaeology sights. In all my 76 years 'atheist' is the last thing anyone would call me. I do believe in a living God and that at one time he created this world. Anyone that looks at all the marvelious creations around us like animals and trees and the human eye has to realise that these things just didn't happen my chance. The Hebrew bible is a collection of books written by scribes, who worked for the powers to be, and are giving their slanted history of the Hebrew people. IMHA much of the first part of Genesis is legend because archaeology has not found any evidence of a Genesis deluge or a creation in the last 12,000 years. If you could find a copy at your local library of Amihai Mazar's book "ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE LAND OF THE BIBLE- 10,000 to 586 BCE" you would see that for the last 12,000 years he give a complete listing of all the people that has lived in the Land of the Bible that has been discovered by archaeologist. In over 550 pages you will not find one listing for a worldwide deluge of that area of the world. This book gives you the first permanent settlements in the land of the bible (10,000 BCE) [12,000 years ago] down to the destruction of the first Temple 586 BCE. this book was published in 1991 and quickly established itelf as the standard text in biblical archaeology.
You are right - I do not believe in a biblical creation story or the story of the Sabbath of creation and I do not believe in a Adam or Eve story either because two legged people lived and died on this earth over 50,000 years before the biblical creation of about 6000 years ago. A few years back I did a survey of over 300 archaeologist asking three simple questions. 1st was " Have you found or do you know of anyone that has found any evidence of a biblical deluge that happened about 4350 years ago?" The 2nd was " Have you or anyone you know ever found any evidence of a biblical deluge in the last 10,000 years?" 3rd question "Please list the evidence if answered Yes to the first two questions." Everone of the archaeologist that answered the questions answered the same - "NO" and "NO".
My question to you is if the best trained people in the world can't find any evidence for a biblical deluge - why do you? It makes all the sense in the world not to beleive in the creation and deluge legend when they couldn't have happened.
i asked Give me a date for when the creation happened - so far no one has found a date - have you?
From the evidence all around us I guest you would have to call me a Theist Evelutionist. arlan

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I'll be ready to pardon you if you bring me something better to replace it. Ben:D

Okay, Ben. I'll give you something to chew on.

How about this - your 10 Commandments are binding on you, and all that embrace your faith. They are not binding on me, or anyone that embraces any other faith (unless, by coincidence, their faith has similar commandments).

While I can appreciate the good intentions and solid morals contained in most of the Commandments, they are in no way binding on me, simply because YOU believe in them.

See how that works?

You don't get to choose which morals and religious tenets are to be universally applied to the rest of humanity.

Lastly, your refusal to admit that the Bible contradicts itself, while claiming it to be "completely accurate" gives us a clear view into the depth of your dogmatic faith.


Well-Known Member
Exodus 20:2 I am the Lord, your God, Who has taken you our of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

This is the clearest and most obvious indication that the 10 commandments were given exclusively to Israel.

If it were given to all mankind, the verse would have said "I am the Lord, your God Who has created the heavens and the earth."


Okay, Ben. I'll give you something to chew on.

How about this - your 10 Commandments are binding on you, and all that embrace your faith. They are not binding on me, or anyone that embraces any other faith (unless, by coincidence, their faith has similar commandments).

While I can appreciate the good intentions and solid morals contained in most of the Commandments, they are in no way binding on me, simply because YOU believe in them.

See how that works?

(I have to say that I absolutely agree with you on this one. You are correct! You may listen to the Word of God and His instructions, and then choose to be a loving child that would like to please his Father, or you may turn away proclaiming that it is your life and you will do what you want. (Sounds like most teens I've seen.) I see how that works, it's crystal clear!)

You don't get to choose which morals and religious tenets are to be universally applied to the rest of humanity.

(Correct again! God has, and continues to do so.)

Lastly, your refusal to admit that the Bible contradicts itself, while claiming it to be "completely accurate" gives us a clear view into the depth of your dogmatic faith.

I know that God can do anything, and knows all, and is so incredible in every way,, but you still have to feel for Him sometimes,, being the Father to billions of (spiritually) bratty 15 year olds!


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like. But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act—they will be blessed in their doing. If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless.
James 1:22-26
You obviously don't care, or can't prove your point with this verse so I'll disprove it for you.

To understand what "word" is referrred to by the usage in this passage it is easy enough, keeping it in the context of James, to go back one verse, "Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls." (KJV) The word referred to here is the one that can save your soul. Read Romans and it is clear that the word of the Law, in which the Ten Commandments are codified in, will not save you. Therefore the "word" in James that one must be "doers" of is clearly not the Ten Commandments. Your proof text is invalid for this argument.


Exodus 20:2 I am the Lord, your God, Who has taken you our of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

This is the clearest and most obvious indication that the 10 commandments were given exclusively to Israel.

If it were given to all mankind, the verse would have said "I am the Lord, your God Who has created the heavens and the earth."

See posts #11 & 12.. It is very clear that Israel was given the commandments, but then they were extended to all as the Gentiles were invited to be a part of the covenant of Abraham,, as the spiritual seed of Abraham. There are several verses there showing that all nations will be a part of the covenant, and God's ways of righteousness. (commandments.. laws)



Well-Known Member
See posts #11 & 12.. It is very clear that Israel was given the commandments, but then they were extended to all as the Gentiles were invited to be a part of the covenant of Abraham,, as the spiritual seed of Abraham. There are several verses there showing that all nations will be a part of the covenant, and God's ways of righteousness. (commandments.. laws)


Yid613 responded to post 11. All nations will indeed worship the one true God... they will learn of the truth of the Torah... they will exhibit the same brotherly love as Jews are expected to exhibit... helping the poor, the widow, the orphan, etc...

"keeping from defiling the sabbath"... for the Jews this means properly observing the sabbath... for non-Jews, it means not preventing the Jews from properly observing the sabbath.