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Are Baha’u’llah’s prophecies coming true?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Forget about it. We don't have it together. But thanks for thinking we do.

CG, maybe this passage by Shoghi Effendi does give clarity to the age we now live in.


Moreover, the country of which it forms a part is passing through a crisis which, in its spiritual, moral, social and political aspects, is of extreme seriousness--a seriousness which to a superficial observer is liable to be dangerously underestimated.

The steady and alarming deterioration in the standard of morality as exemplified by the appalling increase of crime, by political corruption in ever widening and ever higher circles, by the loosening of the sacred ties of marriage, by the inordinate craving for pleasure and diversion, and by the marked and progressive slackening of parental control, is no doubt the most arresting and distressing aspect of the decline that has set in, and can be clearly perceived, in the fortunes of the entire nation.

Parallel with this, and pervading all departments of life--an evil which the nation, and indeed all those within the capitalist system, though to a lesser degree, share with that state and its satellites regarded as the sworn enemies of that system--is the crass materialism, which lays excessive and ever-increasing emphasis on material well-being, forgetful of those things of the spirit on which alone a sure and stable foundation can be laid for human society. It is this same cancerous materialism, born originally in Europe, carried to excess in the North American continent, contaminating the Asiatic peoples and nations, spreading its ominous tentacles to the borders of Africa, and now invading its very heart, which Bahá'u'lláh in unequivocal and emphatic language denounced in His Writings, comparing it to a devouring flame and regarding it as the chief factor in precipitating the dire ordeals and world-shaking crises that must necessarily involve the burning of cities and the spread of terror and consternation in the hearts of men. Indeed a foretaste of the devastation which this consuming fire will wreak upon the world, and with which it will lay waste the cities of the nations participating in this tragic world-engulfing contest, has been afforded by the last World War (note *2nd), marking the second stage in the global havoc which humanity, forgetful of its God and heedless of the clear warnings uttered by His appointed Messenger for this day, must, alas, inevitably experience. It is this same all-pervasive, pernicious materialism against which the voice of the Center of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant was raised, with pathetic persistence, from platform and pulpit, in His addresses to the heedless multitudes, which, on the morrow of His fateful visit to both Europe and America, found themselves suddenly swept into the vortex of a tempest which in its range and severity was unsurpassed in the world's history.

Collateral with this ominous laxity in morals, and this progressive stress laid on man's material pursuits and well-being, is the darkening of the political horizon, as witnessed by the widening of the gulf separating the protagonists of two antagonistic schools of thought which, however divergent in their ideologies, are to be commonly condemned by the upholders of the standard of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh for their materialistic philosophies and their neglect of those spiritual values and eternal verities on which alone a stable and flourishing civilization can be ultimately established. The multiplication, the diversity and the increasing destructive power of armaments to which both sides, in this world contest, caught in a whirlpool of fear, suspicion and hatred, are rapidly contributing; the outbreak of two successive bloody conflicts, entangling still further the American nation in the affairs of a distracted world, entailing a considerable loss in blood and treasure, swelling the national budget and progressively depreciating the currency of the state; the confusion, the vacillation, the suspicions besetting the European and Asiatic nations in their attitude to the American nation; the overwhelming accretion of strength to the arch enemy of the system championed by the American Union in consequence of the re-alignment of the powers in the Asiatic continent and particularly in the Far East--these have, moreover, contributed their share, in recent years, to the deterioration of a situation which, if not remedied, is bound to involve the American nation in a catastrophe of undreamed-of dimensions and of untold consequences to the social structure, the standard and conception of the American people and government.

No less serious is the stress and strain imposed on the fabric of American society through the fundamental and persistent neglect, by the governed and governors alike, of the supreme, the inescapable and urgent duty--so repeatedly and graphically represented and stressed by `Abdu'l-Bahá in His arraignment of the basic weaknesses in the social fabric of the nation--of remedying, while there is yet time, through a revolutionary change in the concept and attitude of the average white American toward his Negro fellow citizen, a situation which, if allowed to drift, will, in the words of `Abdu'l-Bahá, cause the streets of American cities to run with blood, aggravating thereby the havoc which the fearful weapons of destruction, raining from the air, and amassed by a ruthless, a vigilant, a powerful and inveterate enemy, will wreak upon those same cities.

The American nation, of which the community of the Most Great Name forms as yet a negligible and infinitesimal part, stands, indeed, from whichever angle one observes its immediate fortunes, in grave peril. The woes and tribulations which threaten it are partly avoidable, but mostly inevitable and God-sent, for by reason of them a government and people clinging tenaciously to the obsolescent doctrine of absolute sovereignty and upholding a political system, manifestly at variance with the needs of a world already contracted into a neighborhood and crying out for unity, will find itself purged of its anachronistic conceptions, and prepared to play a preponderating role, as foretold by `Abdu'l-Bahá, in the hoisting of the standard of the Lesser Peace, in the unification of mankind, and in the establishment of a world federal government on this planet. These same fiery tribulations will not only firmly weld the American nation to its sister nations in both hemispheres, but will through their cleansing effect, purge it thoroughly of the accumulated dross which ingrained racial prejudice, rampant materialism, widespread ungodliness and moral laxity have combined, in the course of successive generations, to produce, and which have prevented her thus far from assuming the role of world spiritual leadership forecast by `Abdu'l-Bahá's unerring pen--a role which she is bound to fulfill through travail and sorrow."

That shows America has a great destiny but it will be born out of much suffering and as you offered, lots of undesirable things will be all part of that.

There are more passages, offering more detail.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
If it is in Torah, then in Bahai view it was from God.
At the end, it is upto God. I do not have problem believing God had severe Laws.
All ancient religions had severe laws. But how many of them do Baha'is believe were true religions? The thing I think that they had in common was that they wanted the laws to be "divine" laws and the punishment to be "divinely" ordained. But what some of those people believed to be divine was not necessarily the God Baha'is believe in. In most cultures it was multiple Gods. And even in monotheistic Judaism, Baha'is don't take some of the stories as being historically true, but the laws and their punishments were true? Again, break the Sabbath laws and get stoned to death? That sure sounds to me like the Levitical priests could have made that law up to keep people in-line and obeying the laws.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
At least the pre-monotheistic religions admit it that their gods screwed things up from time to time.:)
Yes, like a few human women that they impregnated. Those Gods knew how to interact with their creation and make themselves known. But the Abrahamic God? When a woman needs impregnating, he sends the Holy Spirit to do it.

Oh, in case you missed it, Baha'is believe in the virgin birth of Jesus. Something that I think would have been easily made into a "symbolic" story for the Baha'is, but no, that story they say is literally true? But then, I wonder, which birth narrative are they going to believe? The one in the NT? Or the one in the Quran? I'm guessing the Quran. Which again makes an NT story untrue. Yet, the subject of that story, the virgin birth of Jesus, true? Just way too much fumbling things around for me.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
All the Writings of Shoghi Effendi are official scripture under the Covenant of Baha’u’llah.

Thus they are authentic and binding.
Too bad things he said to the pilgrims isn't official.

There will still be natural disasters, the world is also living and growing. We have to he smarter where and how we build.
Yeah, some religions give the impression that there will be no more pain and suffering.

Yes it is. Race relations was the cornerstone, not addressing that issue is a warning given, as is the movement of the left growing a lot stronger.
The left is going into places where I don't think Baha'is want to follow. Unless Baha'is want to change their laws about gay rights? Then the Baha'is might be too progressive for the people on the right. Especially with them wanting to keep their guns. How you going to get them onboard?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
When men have their expectations they remain unfulfilled.

See if you can name one time in history when a Messenger, or Prophet gained widespread acceptance from the people they appeared amongst.

So there are answers to those prophecies that built the expectations, but they need to be seen in a new light of understanding.

Regards Tony
Do any of the prophecies about the end-times "Messiah" say he would be rejected and imprisoned? That's all I'm asking.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Torah also prophecies of Lord of Hosts, who comes at the End Time.
There is injustice before the Promised One, but also, a destruction that comes with it, as Daniel said.
Okay, but does the promised one destroy all the bad stuff and set up God's kingdom? Or, talks about God's kingdom, gets thrown in prison and dies and only leaves a plan that has to be put in place. And, because he was essentially rejected, has the world go through a great turmoil until they give in?

"David, in his Psalms, had predicted: “Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.”"
Shoghi Effendi
How does this show that the King of Glory will come and get rejected and thrown in prison? Sounds like it's just another verse that mentions "gates" and "Glory", therefore it must be about The Bab and Baha'u'llah? If you want it... take it. Verses taken out of context don't mean much to me. Now if it said the King of Glory, the promised end time Messiah, will come and be rejected. then imprisoned... that would be worth looking at. That is what I'm looking for... Something that prophecies the rejection and imprisonment of the end time promised one.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
CG, maybe this passage by Shoghi Effendi does give clarity to the age we now live in.


Moreover, the country of which it forms a part is passing through a crisis which, in its spiritual, moral, social and political aspects, is of extreme seriousness--a seriousness which to a superficial observer is liable to be dangerously underestimated.

The steady and alarming deterioration in the standard of morality as exemplified by the appalling increase of crime, by political corruption in ever widening and ever higher circles, by the loosening of the sacred ties of marriage, by the inordinate craving for pleasure and diversion, and by the marked and progressive slackening of parental control, is no doubt the most arresting and distressing aspect of the decline that has set in, and can be clearly perceived, in the fortunes of the entire nation.

Parallel with this, and pervading all departments of life--an evil which the nation, and indeed all those within the capitalist system, though to a lesser degree, share with that state and its satellites regarded as the sworn enemies of that system--is the crass materialism, which lays excessive and ever-increasing emphasis on material well-being, forgetful of those things of the spirit on which alone a sure and stable foundation can be laid for human society. It is this same cancerous materialism, born originally in Europe, carried to excess in the North American continent, contaminating the Asiatic peoples and nations, spreading its ominous tentacles to the borders of Africa, and now invading its very heart, which Bahá'u'lláh in unequivocal and emphatic language denounced in His Writings, comparing it to a devouring flame and regarding it as the chief factor in precipitating the dire ordeals and world-shaking crises that must necessarily involve the burning of cities and the spread of terror and consternation in the hearts of men. Indeed a foretaste of the devastation which this consuming fire will wreak upon the world, and with which it will lay waste the cities of the nations participating in this tragic world-engulfing contest, has been afforded by the last World War (note *2nd), marking the second stage in the global havoc which humanity, forgetful of its God and heedless of the clear warnings uttered by His appointed Messenger for this day, must, alas, inevitably experience. It is this same all-pervasive, pernicious materialism against which the voice of the Center of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant was raised, with pathetic persistence, from platform and pulpit, in His addresses to the heedless multitudes, which, on the morrow of His fateful visit to both Europe and America, found themselves suddenly swept into the vortex of a tempest which in its range and severity was unsurpassed in the world's history.

Collateral with this ominous laxity in morals, and this progressive stress laid on man's material pursuits and well-being, is the darkening of the political horizon, as witnessed by the widening of the gulf separating the protagonists of two antagonistic schools of thought which, however divergent in their ideologies, are to be commonly condemned by the upholders of the standard of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh for their materialistic philosophies and their neglect of those spiritual values and eternal verities on which alone a stable and flourishing civilization can be ultimately established. The multiplication, the diversity and the increasing destructive power of armaments to which both sides, in this world contest, caught in a whirlpool of fear, suspicion and hatred, are rapidly contributing; the outbreak of two successive bloody conflicts, entangling still further the American nation in the affairs of a distracted world, entailing a considerable loss in blood and treasure, swelling the national budget and progressively depreciating the currency of the state; the confusion, the vacillation, the suspicions besetting the European and Asiatic nations in their attitude to the American nation; the overwhelming accretion of strength to the arch enemy of the system championed by the American Union in consequence of the re-alignment of the powers in the Asiatic continent and particularly in the Far East--these have, moreover, contributed their share, in recent years, to the deterioration of a situation which, if not remedied, is bound to involve the American nation in a catastrophe of undreamed-of dimensions and of untold consequences to the social structure, the standard and conception of the American people and government.

No less serious is the stress and strain imposed on the fabric of American society through the fundamental and persistent neglect, by the governed and governors alike, of the supreme, the inescapable and urgent duty--so repeatedly and graphically represented and stressed by `Abdu'l-Bahá in His arraignment of the basic weaknesses in the social fabric of the nation--of remedying, while there is yet time, through a revolutionary change in the concept and attitude of the average white American toward his Negro fellow citizen, a situation which, if allowed to drift, will, in the words of `Abdu'l-Bahá, cause the streets of American cities to run with blood, aggravating thereby the havoc which the fearful weapons of destruction, raining from the air, and amassed by a ruthless, a vigilant, a powerful and inveterate enemy, will wreak upon those same cities.

The American nation, of which the community of the Most Great Name forms as yet a negligible and infinitesimal part, stands, indeed, from whichever angle one observes its immediate fortunes, in grave peril. The woes and tribulations which threaten it are partly avoidable, but mostly inevitable and God-sent, for by reason of them a government and people clinging tenaciously to the obsolescent doctrine of absolute sovereignty and upholding a political system, manifestly at variance with the needs of a world already contracted into a neighborhood and crying out for unity, will find itself purged of its anachronistic conceptions, and prepared to play a preponderating role, as foretold by `Abdu'l-Bahá, in the hoisting of the standard of the Lesser Peace, in the unification of mankind, and in the establishment of a world federal government on this planet. These same fiery tribulations will not only firmly weld the American nation to its sister nations in both hemispheres, but will through their cleansing effect, purge it thoroughly of the accumulated dross which ingrained racial prejudice, rampant materialism, widespread ungodliness and moral laxity have combined, in the course of successive generations, to produce, and which have prevented her thus far from assuming the role of world spiritual leadership forecast by `Abdu'l-Bahá's unerring pen--a role which she is bound to fulfill through travail and sorrow."

That shows America has a great destiny but it will be born out of much suffering and as you offered, lots of undesirable things will be all part of that.

There are more passages, offering more detail.

Regards Tony
Too wordy for me. I read the first and last paragraph. So, it sounds like even though America isn't doing anything right, right now... It will go through a bunch of stuff that gets them to change for the better and lead the way towards the lesser peace. Great, so Baha'is expect the U.S. and the world to go through hell before they get to heaven so to speak.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
They are reflected in the official Writings, one of which I posted above, and resulted in this reply from you.

So was that not a fair warning fair to America?

Regards Tony
Yeah, I was told that in the pilgrim notes that San Francisco was going to be vaporized. I might be a little too close. Oh, but one other looming disaster for San Francisco, the big earthquake. Any mention of that?


Veteran Member
All ancient religions had severe laws. But how many of them do Baha'is believe were true religions? The thing I think that they had in common was that they wanted the laws to be "divine" laws and the punishment to be "divinely" ordained. But what some of those people believed to be divine was not necessarily the God Baha'is believe in. In most cultures it was multiple Gods. And even in monotheistic Judaism, Baha'is don't take some of the stories as being historically true, but the laws and their punishments were true? Again, break the Sabbath laws and get stoned to death? That sure sounds to me like the Levitical priests could have made that law up to keep people in-line and obeying the laws.
Abdulbaha said, Severe laws were required for the desert life in old times. He said such severe punishments were already practiced before Muhammad or even Moses, and they just adapted and used same punishments, however, if God wanted, He could have given them other punishments, but for their conditions and Age, the severe punishments were required.
My comment is, we didn't live in those days, so, it is hard to imagine how it was, so, I cannot say, a less severe punishment would have been better. I simply do not know. But I can believe what Abdulbaha says.


Veteran Member
Okay, but does the promised one destroy all the bad stuff and set up God's kingdom? Or, talks about God's kingdom, gets thrown in prison and dies and only leaves a plan that has to be put in place. And, because he was essentially rejected, has the world go through a great turmoil until they give in?

How does this show that the King of Glory will come and get rejected and thrown in prison? Sounds like it's just another verse that mentions "gates" and "Glory", therefore it must be about The Bab and Baha'u'llah? If you want it... take it. Verses taken out of context don't mean much to me. Now if it said the King of Glory, the promised end time Messiah, will come and be rejected. then imprisoned... that would be worth looking at. .
The Torah for the most part prophesied till Day of Judgement. That is upto Day of Judgement. What happens after that was not prophesied in details.
I don't know why you expect that Torah must have prophesied for an unlimited time in details. Why should a Book of God foretell of an unlimited future?
Moreover, I have shown in Daniel it calls it
"Abomination of desolation", which means destruction.
There is so much more I want to tell you, but you can’t bear it now.
John 16:13 However, when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come.

To Bahais this means, what comes after the Promised One will be said by Him, when He comes in the future.

That is what I'm looking for... Something that prophecies the rejection and imprisonment of the end time promised one
Islam traditions explicitly says, the Mahdi will be imprisoned and disappear from His home town (exiled):

Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said:
“The master of this matter (the Mahdi) has aspects like those that four of the prophets have had; an aspect of Moses, one of Jesus Christ, one of Joseph and one of Muhammad (peace be upon them).”

I asked: “Which aspect of Moses (a.s.)?” He said: “Afraid and lying in wait.” I said: “Which one of Jesus Christ (a.s.)?” He said: “It will be said about him (Imam Mahdi) as that has been said about Jesus Christ (a.s.).” I said: “Which of Joseph?” He said: “Prison and disappearance.” ...

Question: do you know what does it mean, when this Hadith says, that the same thing that was said about Jesus, will be also said about Mahdi?
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Too wordy for me. I read the first and last paragraph. So, it sounds like even though America isn't doing anything right, right now... It will go through a bunch of stuff that gets them to change for the better and lead the way towards the lesser peace. Great, so Baha'is expect the U.S. and the world to go through hell before they get to heaven so to speak.

I would ask how can one know if the Prophecies are clear, if that is how one chooses to look at them, that is do not read them, as they are too long, too detailed.;)

Here are some Akka Ahadith.

"...In this connection it hath been deemed necessary to mention such traditions as have been recorded regarding the blessed and honored city of Akka, that haply thou mayest, O Hadi, seek a path unto the Truth, and a road leading unto God.

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

The following hath been recorded concerning the merits of Akka, and of the sea, and of Aynu'l-Baqar (The Spring of the Cow) which is in Akka:

1. Abdu'l-'Aziz, son of Abdu'-Salam, hath related unto us that the Prophet - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon him - hath said: "Akka is a city in Syria to which God hath shown His special mercy."

2. Ibn-i-Mas'ud - may God be pleased with him - hath stated: "The Prophet - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - hath said: 'Of all shores the best is the shore of Askelon, and Akka is, verily, better than Askelon, and the merit of Akka above that of Askelon and all other shores is as the merit of Muhammad above that of all other Prophets. I bring you tidings of a city betwixt two mountains in Syria, in the middle of a meadow, which is called Akka. Verily, he that entereth therein, longing for it and eager to visit it, God will forgive his sins, both of the past and of the future. And he that departeth from it, other than as a pilgrim, God will not bless his departure. In it is a spring called the Spring of the Cow. Whoso drinketh a draught therefrom, God will fill his heart with light, and will protect him from the most great terror on the Day of Resurrection.'"

3. Anas, son of Malik - may God be pleased with him - hath said: "The Apostle of God - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - hath said: 'By the shore of the sea is a city, suspended beneath the Throne, and named Akka. He that dwelleth therein, firm and expecting a reward from God - exalted be He - God will write down for him, until the Day of Resurrection, the recompense of such as have been patient, and have stood up, and knelt down, and prostrated themselves, before Him.'"

4. And He - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - hath said: "I announce unto you a city, on the shores of the sea, white, whose whiteness is pleasing unto God - exalted be He! It is called Akka. He that hath been bitten by one of its fleas is better, in the estimation of God, than he who hath received a grievous blow in the path of God. And he that raiseth therein the call to prayer, his voice will be lifted up unto Paradise. And he that remaineth therein for seven days in the face of the enemy, God will gather him with Khidr - peace be upon Him - and God will protect him from the most great terror on the Day of Resurrection."

5. And He - may the blessings of God, - exalted be He - and His salutations be upon Him - hath said: "There are kings and princes in Paradise. The poor of Akka are the kings of Paradise and the princes thereof. A month in Akka is better than a thousand years elsewhere."

6. The Apostle of God - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - is reported to have said: "Blessed the man that hath visited Akka, and blessed he that hath visited the visitor of Akka. Blessed the one that hath drunk from the Spring of the Cow and washed in its waters, for the black-eyed damsels quaff the camphor in Paradise, which hath come from the Spring of the Cow, and from the Spring of Salvan (Siloam), and the Well of Zamzam. Well is it with him that hath drunk from these springs, and washed in their waters, for God hath forbidden the fire of hell to touch him and his body on the Day of Resurrection."

7. The Prophet - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - is stated to have said: "In Akka are works of supererogation and acts which are beneficial, which God vouchsafed specially unto whomsoever He pleaseth. And he that saith in Akka: 'Glorified be God, and praise be unto God, and there is none other God but God, and most great is God, and there is no power nor strength except in God, the Exalted, the Mighty,' God will write down for him a thousand good deeds, and blot out from him a thousand evil deeds, and will uplift him a thousand grades in Paradise, and will forgive him his transgressions. And whoso saith in Akka: 'I beg forgiveness of God,' God will forgive all his trespasses. And he that remembereth God in Akka at morn and at eventide, in the night-season and at dawn, is better in the sight of God than he who beareth swords, spears and arms in the path of God - exalted be He!"

8. The Apostle of God - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - hath also said: "He that looketh upon the sea at eventide, and saith: 'God is Most Great!' at sunset, God will forgive his sins, though they be heaped as piles of sand. And he that counteth forty waves, while repeating: 'God is Most Great!' - exalted be He - God will forgive his sins, both past and future."

9. The Apostle of God - may the blessings of God and His salutations be upon Him - hath said: "He that looketh upon the sea a full night is better than he who passeth two whole months betwixt the Rukn and the Maqam. And he that hath been brought up on the shores of the sea is better than he that hath been brought up elsewhere. And he that lieth on the shore is as he that standeth elsewhere."

Verily, the Apostle of God - may the blessings of God, exalted be He, and His salutations be upon Him - hath spoken the truth. (Bahá'u'lláh: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, pages 177-181)

Source Akka Traditions (hadith) in the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Yeah, I was told that in the pilgrim notes that San Francisco was going to be vaporized. I might be a little too close. Oh, but one other looming disaster for San Francisco, the big earthquake. Any mention of that?

The official Writings are not that specific. They give the overall warning.

Shoghi Effendi pleaded with Baha'i to get out of cities, thus his private talks were more graphic.

We can not know how Shoghi Effendi knew of these issues, but to say that a strong connection to the Holy Spirit makes many things possible.

Abdul'baha could speak on any subject. He said when I needed to know something, it
appeared in front of him.

Unfortunately it appears America will suffer another attack on its soils. That is the issue with long range WOMD arms.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Islamic ahadith definitly have a few and they even name Akka.

the Islmaic Hadithes also says, the Qaim will be treated tribly in the mountain and even names Azarbyjaan.

Here are some Akka Ahadith.
Sorry, ahadiths and hadiths don't mean anything to me, maybe to a Muslim. It would be like pulling something out of the Talmud and treating it like it was equal to the Bible. Maybe to a Jew, but who else even reads it?


Veteran Member
Do Baha'is believe the Hadiths are equal to the Quran as far as being the word of God and being accurate?
In Bahai view the words of Prophet is Word of God. Bahai Faith does not make any difference between word of God and Prophets.
The Hadithes may have some inaccuracies in the same way that the Bible may have, but not in a sense that they are illegitimate.
Bahaullah referred to many Hadithes in His writings. Some of them are in Iqan.

The Hadith that says, Qaim will be imprisoned and disappeared, is narrated through different chains (by different people).
Why would the Muslims invent the idea that Qaim will be imprisoned? The Qaim or Mahdi, in Islamic belief is supposed to conquer the world. He is suppose to punish the infidels. So, why would they want to invent the idea that He will be imprisoned?

Regardless, the Prophet and Imams in Shia, are considered chosen ones of God, and infallible. This is why, they recorded and preserved their sayings as best as they could.

Moreover, that Hadith is also quoted by Bahaullah in Iqan.
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