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Are Natural Disasters Punishment From God?


Active Member
Show me where Christians have committed atrocities for God. Maybe a couple hundred years ago, but in modern day, we don't don't that.

I have growing up to do? Why, because I tell the truth? I don't make the rules. I just know that these rich gangsters don't get jailed often. You're the one who needs to grow up and realize the world isn't perfect. People will always get away with things, whether we like it or not.


Sterling_Archer said:
Am I to respect such a god and at the same time call murder wrong?
Or has hypocrisy taken a liking to you.

Tyrannizing the weak yet when you are being tyrannized you cry for help. I do not take fond to deities who enjoy the works of evil. Perhaps there is a reason why I hold firm to my belief the Devil(may he be praised) is perhaps a very good fellow.
He offered mankind the ability to choose and not be docile like children after all.

For Sterling Archer - I decided to drop this to the bottom so you could actually find it. :)

I also think there is more to the Genesis story. Though I don't associate the Serpent with the later devil ideas.

I think the Serpent represents the Serpent Sorcerers/Priests of older Pagan religions. Ancient historians tell us the original Hebrew came from India which of course had Serpent Sorcerers, the Naga.

We can follow the evolution of this word from India to the "holy land."

For instance Serpent is Naga in India, Nagash in Babylonian, and Nachash in the Bible.

Both the Indian Naga/Serpent/Sorcerers and the Hebrew Nachash/Serpent/Sorcerers are associated with magic/spell-craft. In fact the word for magic in the Bible is nachash -(snake) hiss/whisper an incantation.

Abrasax, a figure with Serpents for legs, represented the Christos in the early church according to Tertullian (264.) This is very interesting as the Indian Wild Man/Cernunnos/Padmaponi character is shown with Serpent legs in ancient carvings.

So we have a new religion conquering the "Serpent," (think St. Patrick cleansing the SERPENTS from Ireland,) then a later "Serpent" named Iesous/Jesus trying to change it back. Interesting. Joseph and Jesus are called, in the Greek, "tekton," now translated carpenter - however, the underlying word it is translated from is the Aramaic "Naggara," Crafter/Serpent Sorcerer. We have stories of Joseph being called a Sorcerer, and Jesus is associated with the Fiery Serpent lifted up in the desert (Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14.) Jesus is actually called a Sorcerer in ancient Jewish texts.

As soon as I saw the word I was thinking Nagga-Ra, Serpent of the Sun, from their stopover in Egypt.

And there is also Eve - Chavvah/Hevvah?

I was reading that Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea interpreted "Hevva" in its aspirated form as "female serpent."

To expand that, a Serpent causes the troubles, the Mother of ALL is a Serpent, and a Messiah Serpent corrects the problem – Hummmm!

Also - The Hebrew ancestral Temple at Shiloh is located by the Sacred Serpent Stone Zoheleth.



श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
Show me where Christians have committed atrocities for God.

Do you want the abridged list or the unabridged one?

Maybe a couple hundred years ago, but in modern day, we don't don't that.

Sadly, this is not true. Forced conversions at the hands of Christians still continues, especially in India where people are forced to convert at gunpoint.

All you need to do is google "Christian terrorism" to see this is so.

I have growing up to do? Why, because I tell the truth? I don't make the rules. I just know that these rich gangsters don't get jailed often. You're the one who needs to grow up and realize the world isn't perfect. People will always get away with things, whether we like it or not.

*sigh* If I thought the world was perfect, would I bring up the injustices carried out in the name of your god?


رسول الآلهة
Show me where Christians have committed atrocities for God. Maybe a couple hundred years ago, but in modern day, we don't don't that.

I have growing up to do? Why, because I tell the truth? I don't make the rules. I just know that these rich gangsters don't get jailed often. You're the one who needs to grow up and realize the world isn't perfect. People will always get away with things, whether we like it or not.

Lets try Uganda where white ministers from America such as Scott Lively and Rick Warren pushed for the death penalty for homosexuality


Active Member
Go for it.

Even if there were atrocities commited by Christians because of God, it doesn't mean all 2 billion of us are like that. And besides, we're not the only group that's done it. I'm sure your group has done some bad things too.

Well you don't believe in my God. And besides, look at the title of the thread. I have every right to post my opinion about it.


Do you want the abridged list or the unabridged one?

Sadly, this is not true. Forced conversions at the hands of Christians still continues, especially in India where people are forced to convert at gunpoint.

All you need to do is google "Christian terrorism" to see this is so.

*sigh* If I thought the world was perfect, would I bring up the injustices carried out in the name of your god?

So true. And don't forget the Christians murdering so called "witches" in Africa.


رسول الآلهة
I'm sure your group has done some bad things too.
Deism has killed nobody and usually was a group heavily persecuted by Christians and Muslims. Deism wanted to break free of all religion.

Well you don't believe in my God. And besides, look at the title of the thread. I have every right to post my opinion about it.

Yes you have a right to make your opinion about the topic at hand which you have as have we all. But we also have the right to criticize your opinion and argue against its claims hence the section being named "Religious Debates".


Active Member
Deism has killed nobody and usually was a group heavily persecuted by Christians and Muslims. Deism wanted to break free of all religion.

Yes you have a right to make your opinion about the topic at hand which you have as have we all. But we also have the right to criticize your opinion and argue against its claims hence the section being named "Religious Debates".

Ok. Criticize it all you want. It doesn't change anything though.


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
Exactly. All I did was post my opinion, which was related to the thread, and now I'm somehow the bad guy?

Who said you were a bad guy? We're just posting our opinions too.


Premium Member
Exactly. All I did was post my opinion, which was related to the thread, and now I'm somehow the bad guy?

Well, I don't think you're the bad guy.

My comment was about all the posts about Christians doing this or that, that has nothing to do with this thread topic.

I'm trying to talk to you about the points you have mentioned. Let's just stay on topic.

edit: I was not directing my post to you, personally. It just so happened to post directly under your's.


Active Member
We are on topic. We are discussing why is it that Christians must assert that God punishes people with natural disasters and you for example offered the opinion that he punishes homosexuality.

Well ya. That's part of my faith. He does punish people, and according to my faith, homosexuality is wrong. That's all simple as I can put it. Why he kills everyone because of what a few do though, I can't answer for you.


Well ya. That's part of my faith. He does punish people, and according to my faith, homosexuality is wrong. That's all simple as I can put it. Why he kills everyone because of what a few do though, I can't answer for you.

The idea that homosexuality is bad was added later, it is not actually found in the OT. Everywhere it has been translated as homosexuality - if you read it closely - you will find it is condemning Sacred Sex with the Qadash - which is IDOLATRY.


Active Member
What about this one? 1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit and kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomizes".

That's in the NT.


What about this one? 1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit and kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, not adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomizes".

That's in the NT.

No it isn't.

1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Malakos does not mean effeminate. It means "Dandy" or Ne'er-do-well. One whom loves fine clothing and "things," who consumes to much alcohol, drugs, rich food, parties hardy, etc. It is used in a verse concerning John the Baptist.

Luke 7:25 But what went ye out for to see? A man of luxurious (malakos) raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously appareled, and live luxuriantly, are in kings' courts.

Arsenokoites has not been found in any ancient Greek texts meaning homosexuality. - It has been found in texts meaning rape of both women and men. It is forced sex. This would - for the Hebrew - include cultural sex such as the Greeks were having with younger males and slaves - both male and female - AS IT WAS FORCED ON THEM. But not homosexuality.

1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor ne'er-do-wells/the over-indulgent, nor rapists,