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Are u going to leave USA now?


Active Member
You mean like tossing gay men off roof tops?
Extreme mistreatment of woman.
Permitted to have sex with goats.
And he says the U.S. is like Sodom and Gommorah???
Here is a little known fact:
"Muslims actually pioneered the use of goat intestines as condoms. In the 1800’s however the process was refined by the British, by removing the intestine from the goat."
I would never defend Islam and the atrocities associated with it, but I'll admit that I see less and less in the United States to defend either. We really are becoming a nation of sinners. God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for the very same things we are doing now, not only with the consent of our government, but by the power of Federal law.

As far as we know, Christians may soon be defending themselves against the U.S. Government. Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As far as we know, Christians may soon be defending themselves against the U.S. Government. Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.
If legalizing the marriage of gays is an attack, how would these resisters defend themselves?
Would they shoot someone....if so, whom?
Or if they retaliate in kind, what form would this take?


Active Member
If legalizing the marriage of gays is an attack, how would these resisters defend themselves?
Would they shoot someone....if so, then whom?
Or if they retaliate in kind, what form would this take?
Legalizing gay marriage is not the attack I'm imagining. It would begin with the government's actions against churches who don't want to comply with it and progress from there.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Legalizing gay marriage is not the attack I'm imagining. It would begin with the government's actions against churches who don't want to comply with it and progress from there.
I'd be surprised if gov tried to force churches to marry gay couples.
But if they do, I'll join you in carping about it.....if you can stand me.....I can get really annoying.


You mean like tossing gay men off roof tops?
Extreme mistreatment of woman.
Permitted to have sex with goats.
And he says the U.S. is like Sodom and Gommorah???
Here is a little known fact:
"Muslims actually pioneered the use of goat intestines as condoms. In the 1800’s however the process was refined by the British, by removing the intestine from the goat."

The above from:
Did You Know That Sex with a Goat is Allowed Under Islam? - WayneDupree.com

And while we are being told how religious and pious they are -

They are cheating on their religious laws. They now have one, and several hour, "marriage" licenses, so they can prostitute poor women whom have no husbands, and are trying to survive on the fringe.



Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
And while we are being told how religious and pious they are -

They are cheating on their religious laws. They now have one, and several hour, "marriage" licenses, so they can prostitute poor women whom have no husbands, and are trying to survive on the fringe.


I've also read that ISIS took females as slaves and rent them out for sex to add
to the money they need for "volunteers" and more weapons.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Legalizing gay marriage is not the attack I'm imagining. It would begin with the government's actions against churches who don't want to comply with it and progress from there.

I fear you are spot on right about attacking the Churches of Christendom using now legal
gay marriage as a tool against the church-ALL Christian churches.
It's unlikely the gay community would ever make a stand FOR Christianity as they
feel persecuted for many decades by that institution.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I fear you are spot on right about attacking the Churches of Christendom using now legal
gay marriage as a tool against the church-ALL Christian churches.
It's unlikely the gay community would ever make a stand FOR Christianity as they
feel persecuted for many decades by that institution.
This seems fundamentally the wrong view.
Legalizing gay marriage isn't about attacking religion.
It's about gays getting the right to marry.
I expect that you'll see them start to get hitched instead of launching attacks upon churches.


Man, this line is old and tedious, used over and over by anti-Catholics without sufficient ambition to work up anything more creative. It's also outlived its impact compared to the much higher rates of pedophilia elsewhere, particularly in schools, youth sports programs, and such right here in the U.S., not to mention in other churches. Do a little research on the actual statistics.

This is true. A Pew Research Report found that there were actually as many sexual lawsuits in Protestant churches.

It was also noted that the pedophilia in the churches was at about the same percentage as any other large group with easy access to children.

However, the problem is that the churches hide the info, switch out pedophile priests, and don't allow prosecution.



I would never defend Islam and the atrocities associated with it, but I'll admit that I see less and less in the United States to defend either. We really are becoming a nation of sinners. God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for the very same things we are doing now, not only with the consent of our government, but by the power of Federal law.

As far as we know, Christians may soon be defending themselves against the U.S. Government. Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.

It doesn't actually say anything about Gay sex in the Sodom and Gomorrah story.



Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
This seems fundamentally the wrong view.
Legalizing gay marriage isn't about attacking religion.
It's about gays getting the right to marry.
I expect that you'll see them start to get hitched instead of launching attacks upon churches.

Oh, I don't think gays are going to attack religious institutions I think the Government
might well do that though.
We have a POTUS who isn't Christian, seems very much pro Islam.
I think gay marriage might be used as a tool by the Government against Christianity.
The Government might well get much support from gays, many liberals, Islam,
and agnostic/atheist groups.
The Church could be on the defensive big time.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh, I don't think gays are going to attack religious institutions I think the Government
might well do that though.
We have a POTUS who isn't Christian, seems very much pro Islam.
I think gay marriage might be used as a tool by the Government against Christianity.
The Government might well get much support from gays, many liberals, Islam,
and agnostic/atheist groups.
The Church could be on the defensive big time.
What preemptive steps can they take?
It doesn't pay to obsess over unlikely possibilities as though they're actually happening..


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
What preemptive steps can they take?
It doesn't pay to obsess over unlikely possibilities as though they're actually happening..

I understand where you are coming from as it does seem unlikely the Church would
be attacked by the Government.
That said who would have thought the Stars and Bars would be attacked?
My opinion is the Confederate Flag represents States that WANTED to keep
slavery forever and is thus a symbol of slavery.
There are many more folks that see the flag much differently though.
Then again there is the old adage: Paranoia will destroy ya.


Well-Known Member
Man, this line is old and tedious, used over and over by anti-Catholics without sufficient ambition to work up anything more creative. It's also outlived its impact compared to the much higher rates of pedophilia elsewhere, particularly in schools, youth sports programs, and such right here in the U.S., not to mention in other churches. Do a little research on the actual statistics.

I don't think it's "outlived it's impact" just because pedophilia also happens elsewhere. The Vatican makes the errornous claim of being the centre of morality, with their Pope apparently being the representative of a divine super creator, whilst providing protection to pedophiles..... something like that will leave quite an impact indeed.

I also find it hilarious that you agree with Servant's claim that the US is the "land of Sodom and Gomorrah", presumably because it has now legalized Gay Marriage federally.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I understand where you are coming from as it does seem unlikely the Church would
be attacked by the Government.
That said who would have thought the Stars and Bars would be attacked?
It's long been under fire.
So when the mass murderer displayed it, I'd expect that reaction.
But I don't see how gay marriage will be used by gov to attack churches.
If they really want to attack, there are so many more effective ways, eg, tax exempt status, prosecution under RICO for shielding child molesters.


Veteran Member
[QUOTE="Forever_Catholic, post: 4348142, member: 56677"
As far as we know, Christians may soon be defending themselves against the U.S. Government. Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.[/QUOTE]

I agree in part. No one should expect another to confirm their religion to the opinion of the government nor masses. However those that still hold views which are objectionable must realize that their views will be considered bigotry and backwards no matter how much piety they cloth themselves in.


Well-Known Member
You mean like tossing gay men off roof tops?
Extreme mistreatment of woman.
Permitted to have sex with goats.
And he says the U.S. is like Sodom and Gommorah???
Here is a little known fact:
"Muslims actually pioneered the use of goat intestines as condoms. In the 1800’s however the process was refined by the British, by removing the intestine from the goat."

The above from:
Did You Know That Sex with a Goat is Allowed Under Islam? - WayneDupree.com

I always find it hilarious when people who subscribe themselves to a sexist, homophobic, self-righteous and backwards ideology then go on about how the "Western lifestyle" is so corrupt and immoral. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah for the very same things we are doing now

He also turned Lot's wife in to a pillar of salt just for looking at the mass destruction of the two villages by God. However, Lot's incestuous and rapey daughters seemed to get off the hook, along with Lot himself - a man who was perfectly happy to allow his daughters to be raped by an angry mob.

So much for Christian values from scripture. But oh no: two consenting adults of the same sex getting married is where the true immorality lies. . . . .