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Are u going to leave USA now?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
morality is not based on faith...its based on the principles of right and wrong. I'm not going to be told that homosexuality is right when my conscience views it as wrong. I'll stick to my guns on that and wont be swayed. Its a conscience matter.

Fair enough.
You might be so kinda as to not necessarily assign an 'agenda' to those who disagree with you though. Sure, perhaps some are running to a particular political ideology, but then, plenty of JW's are likely following the lead of the church, rather than making an independent decision based on their conscience, right? I'd see it far less likely that there is an agenda involved when discussing this issue with a straight, married father of two with no religious or political affiliation than with someone who follows a religion which happens to hold the same position as that person does.

I find it frankly hard to justify in my own mind that Australia doesn't allow marriage equality. This is not part of an agenda, nor have I fallen foul of some sort of liberal conspiracy. This isn't aimed at you in particular, but I am getting well tired of being cast a 'liberal' every time I make statements that support simply treating people in an equitable manner, be they women, homosexuals, or whatever else. It's a cheap argument often proffered by people seeking to build a strawman to argue against. Is it really so hard to believe that more than 50% of the country simply disagrees with you?

NOBODY is asking you to attend, support, or otherwise cheer at marriage equality.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they were into all sorts of illicit sex. What about the group of men who went to Lot's house to rape the two angels who had gone in to pick up Lot and his family? They explained that they had some sort of entitlement to rape new guys coming into town. Sounds like homosexual rape to me. It sounded the same to the angels, so they zapped those men on the spot.

What the heck?? They didnt rape the angels.... Oh this is disturbing. Is bible teaching that homosexual sodomites and gomorrans raped them?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
morality is not based on faith...its based on the principles of right and wrong. I'm not going to be told that homosexuality is right when my conscience views it as wrong. I'll stick to my guns on that and wont be swayed. Its a conscience matter.

So what are your plans, what are you going to do other than carping about it?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am the one who claimed the city is pure? Read it again more carefully. Servant_of_the_One called it a pure city in a post I responded to. As far as the vile and wretched having found a haven there, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Did you find a haven there?
That is my mistake then for getting who-said-what mixed up.
But that is rather interesting a Christian calling someone vile and wretched. I have never abused any authority I've had, I have never caused another to suffer deep psychological scaring, and I gave up my ways of hatred and bigotry many years, a process that was made much easier after I was freed from the chains of the Church.
But, the Vatican, from the Pope down, have tried to cover up sex abuse, have tried to blame to victims, and have tried to act as if it's not a big deal.
We are in the midst of a spiritual warfare. They are attacking our resolve to uphold Gods moral laws. If christians start to accept such standards, they put themselves at odds with Gods standards....and satan wins the battle for minds.
No one is requiring you to give up you morals. However, what is being required is the acknowledgement that Christians do not own the land, they do not get to use the Bible to dictate law, and they do not get to make living up to their own religious laws and interpretations a legal requirement for non-believers. That is not an attack, it is sharing the land of a secular liberal democracy.
And it's not like I see anyone up in arms over not being able to stone adulterous women or having to suffer a witch to live.
I find it frankly hard to justify in my own mind that Australia doesn't allow marriage equality.
I'm going to take this moment to gloat that America actually beat another country in doing the right thing.:D
*tongue raspberry*

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It doesn't surprise me that someone who supports a fascist leader would be against same-sex marriage.
Well, duh. Fascism is against homosexuality and promotes a very virile heterosexuality.
It's actually a great sample of the kind of mindset that opposes equality for LGBT people.
Whereas the side that promotes it are like commies? See, it goes both ways.


Veteran Member
Why don't you take over Suriname in South America? It only got about 600.000 people.

First invest some billions making it a holiday resort and pension country. Then simply give a 100 dollars to the president to change the laws and become citizens, and swamp the original population. Then you got your own country. It's doable.
Is "investing billions" for this purpose "doable" for you?


Veteran Member
Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.
1. There absolutely no evidence that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, so I don't think that is even close to a valid point.
2. Obama has never said this. You can prove me wrong by providing a citation, though.


Veteran Member
Oh, I don't think gays are going to attack religious institutions I think the Government
might well do that though.
We have a POTUS who isn't Christian, seems very much pro Islam.
I think gay marriage might be used as a tool by the Government against Christianity.
The Government might well get much support from gays, many liberals, Islam,
and agnostic/atheist groups.
The Church could be on the defensive big time.
Obama is a Christian. He's been very open/clear about this, so I've gotta ask why you would have the audacity to claim to know his faith better than he does. Obama's Religious Beliefs


Veteran Member
I reserve the right to be wrong and admit to it.
Guess I've been reading too many comments by right wing conservatives.
Thanks for the correct information.
No worries. I hear this claim quite a bit, but it has been debunked numerous times.


Italy if they are christian.
S.Arabia for muslim.
China for the anti-homosexual atheist.

Jews have no place to flee homosexuality. Israel is perhaps the biggest gaysupporting country.

That wouldn't really be fleeing homosexuality, as much as legalized homosexual marriage.

Plus all those American homophobes wouldn't know to make of all the hand holding and light kissing that goes in Saudi Arabia.