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Are u going to leave USA now?


Premium Member
That wouldn't really be fleeing homosexuality, as much as legalized homosexual marriage.

Plus all those American homophobes wouldn't know to make of all the hand holding and light kissing that goes in Saudi Arabia.

Not to mention the pretty lively underground gay scene in Riyadh especially. Has a reputation for it.

Although much of it is more like men in jail than actual homosexual men.

Plus all that rape of young boys. Ridiculously common in many Arab countries.

Italy won't keep gay marriage illegal for long. I give it a decade, at most. China probably isn't so far off. Maybe Hong Kong will be first. Perhaps divisions like Beijing, Guangdong etc will do it at different times.

Incidentally, Israel as the biggest gay-supporting country - Israel doesn't perform gay marriage. It recognises them, but dos not allow them to be performed.


Not to mention the pretty lively underground gay scene in Riyadh especially. Has a reputation for it.

Although much of it is more like men in jail than actual homosexual men.

Right, I'm assuming stories like this: "Sodomy is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia, but gay life flourishes there. Why it is “easier to be gay than straight” in a society where everyone, homosexual and otherwise, lives in the closet." Probably don't get through royal censors.

The Kingdom in the Closet - The Atlantic

Plus all that rape of young boys. Ridiculously common in many Arab countries.

The slave trade is still alive and well, unfortunately.

Italy won't keep gay marriage illegal for long. I give it a decade, at most.

I just ignore Italy. If there was one country that could be further from world relevancy that all others, it has to be Italy. Togo lists higher on my ranking of countries to be concerned with.

China probably isn't so far off. Maybe Hong Kong will be first. Perhaps divisions like Beijing, Guangdong etc will do it at different times.

It's hard to gauge China in this regard for me. I simply don't know enough. I'm glad though that homosexuality is not illegal to the state anymore over there.

Incidentally, Israel as the biggest gay-supporting country - Israel doesn't perform gay marriage. It recognises them, but dos not allow them to be performed.

Interesting, I didn't know that. I was under the assumption gay marriage was entirely legal in Israel.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
There is a positive thing that comes from such decisions.

As a worshiper of God, you can stand out as different. You can still live in a world where disobedience remains and you can show God that YOU uphold his sovereignty.

On the judgement day, God will be looking for suchlike ones to reward for their obedience. So let the world go down the drain as far as they like....so long as you maintain your integrity to God, he will be pleased with you.
I rather suspect that, if God is sovereign, God doesn't need anyone's help in upholding God's sovereignty. On the final day, I choose to believe that God will open God's arms to welcome in all humanity, for love, not law, is the substance of the New Covenant.


yawn <ignore> yawn
I reserve the right to be wrong and admit to it.
Guess I've been reading too many comments by right wing conservatives.
Thanks for the correct information.

It is something I have noticed about Obama bashers. They're nearly always wrong.
They believe stuff they hear from partisan hacks, and don't question it. Like "Obama's gonna take your guns".

I don't much care for Obama. He's a right wing Christian corporate shill who made a bunch of promises to get elected. You want solid evidence? Look at the DOW when he got elected and look at it now.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
dont take it literal.
it would be dangerous for muslims not to celebrate/welcome this matter.

Nonsense. You do realize most people who oppose gay rights in the U.S. are typically conservative christians, right? And who typically tends to be the most hostile towards muslims in the U.S.? Again, conservative christians.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
People were threatening to leave the US if Obama got in. Last I checked they were all still there.

Didn't the Hollyweird crowd (Alec Baldwin et al) threaten the same thing with Bush I or Bush II? They're still here.


Active Member
1. There absolutely no evidence that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, so I don't think that is even close to a valid point.
2. Obama has never said this. You can prove me wrong by providing a citation, though.
1. I assume you mean besides biblical evidence (Genesis 18:16-19:29). Here's an article on archaeological evidence:
The Discovery of the Sin Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah

2. And an article on Obama's comments after the Supreme Court decision::
Obama: Americans need to shift religious views to accept gay marriage - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
1. I assume you mean besides biblical evidence (Genesis 18:16-19:29). Here's an article on archaeological evidence:
The Discovery of the Sin Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
That is not a credible source. It's very poor academic work to begin with a conclusion like they did.
If you read the speech, Obama never said you have to change your views.


Well-Known Member
Im going to keep my integrity and maintain my moral compass as dictated by God.

It's not much of a "Moral Compass" then if it's being dictated to by another entity, especially one who can punish you severely in another life.....


Well-Known Member
Incidentally, Israel as the biggest gay-supporting country - Israel doesn't perform gay marriage. It recognises them, but dos not allow them to be performed.

It is Israel's religious chauvinism that is largely responsible for this state of affairs, and it is not simply archaic Orthodox rules at play either. A Faustian bargain was made when the state was founded, to relegate the personal law to the various extant confessional communities (Orthodox, sharia (not sure about Sunni/shia), Druze and the ever expanding and schismatic ecclesiastical courts of the nine plus Christian confessions). The Israeli secular courts assert jurisdiction over the cases of non-confessional marriages frequently (you need to go abroad to obtain them by and large), but avoid interference in the religious courts. Only a sliver of non-religious (as in personal status) individuals can obtain actual civil marriages, and only since like 2010.

I have always pointed to these examples (Israel follows the predominant regional practice) to demonstrate why territorial choice of law systems are superior to those based on personal status.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Here's a copy and paste from it:

"Those who disagree with the idea of gay marriage based, for example, on their religious views, must change to be more like progressives who accept gay marriage."
That is not what he said. I'm not sure what you were copy and paste from but it was not from the transcript of his speech. What he actually said included:

I know that Americans of good will continue to hold a wide range of views on this issue. Opposition, in some cases, has been based on sincere and deeply held beliefs. All of us who welcome today’s news should be mindful of that fact and recognize different viewpoints, revere our deep commitment to religious freedom.
And here is an actual link Obama Transcript: Statement on Same-Sex Marriage Supreme Court Ruling - POTUS Operandi