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Are u going to leave USA now?


Well-Known Member
I hope those jerks against gay marriage leave, good riddance. those people assault personal liberty and worry about insigilnificnat problems that dont concern them. Good riddance if they leave, I say. They can go live in some crummy third world muslim country that upholds shariah


Active Member
This is true. A Pew Research Report found that there were actually as many sexual lawsuits in Protestant churches.

It was also noted that the pedophilia in the churches was at about the same percentage as any other large group with easy access to children.

However, the problem is that the churches hide the info, switch out pedophile priests, and don't allow prosecution.
Sadly, some Catholic bishops tried to hide it. Those ridiculously bad decisions caused way bigger problems than if they had taken decisive and public actions to do the right thing. Cover-ups were a further offense to the victims and caused long-lasting damage to the image of Catholicism.

But the Catholic Church learned its lesson about trying to hide any misbehavior of priests. This was most widely apparent to the public in 2011 when Father John Corapi was pulled out of the priestly ministry altogether as soon as it was discovered that he had been cohabitating with a woman and abusing drugs and alcohol. It was in the news right away because he was a regular speaker on EWTN TV and radio. He will never serve as a priest again.


Sadly, some Catholic bishops tried to hide it. Those ridiculously bad decisions caused way bigger problems than if they had taken decisive and public actions to do the right thing. Cover-ups were a further offense to the victims and caused long-lasting damage to the image of Catholicism.

But the Catholic Church learned its lesson about trying to hide any misbehavior of priests. This was most widely apparent to the public in 2011 when Father John Corapi was pulled out of the priestly ministry altogether as soon as it was discovered that he had been cohabitating with a woman and abusing drugs and alcohol. It was in the news right away because he was a regular speaker on EWTN TV and radio. He will never serve as a priest again.

I don't put sleeping with a woman in the same category as raping children.



Active Member
It doesn't actually say anything about Gay sex in the Sodom and Gomorrah story.
I'm sure they were into all sorts of illicit sex. What about the group of men who went to Lot's house to rape the two angels who had gone in to pick up Lot and his family? They explained that they had some sort of entitlement to rape new guys coming into town. Sounds like homosexual rape to me. It sounded the same to the angels, so they zapped those men on the spot.


Veteran Member
I'm sure they were into all sorts of illicit sex. What about the group of men who went to Lot's house to rape the two angels who had gone in to pick up Lot and his family? They explained that they had some sort of entitlement to rape new guys coming into town. Sounds like homosexual rape to me. It sounded the same to the angels, so they zapped those men on the spot.

There are alternative interpenetration that these people were xenophobic. Also Lots conduct is far worse since he willing offers his daughters to the rape gang.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Man, this line is old and tedious, used over and over by anti-Catholics without sufficient ambition to work up anything more creative. It's also outlived its impact compared to the much higher rates of pedophilia elsewhere, particularly in schools, youth sports programs, and such right here in the U.S., not to mention in other churches. Do a little research on the actual statistics.
It's been going on for awhile. Even the former Pope tried to help cover it up. It doesn't matter how much it's going on elsewhere, you are the one who claimed the city is pure, when the vile and wretched have found a haven there.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they were into all sorts of illicit sex. What about the group of men who went to Lot's house to rape the two angels who had gone in to pick up Lot and his family? They explained that they had some sort of entitlement to rape new guys coming into town. Sounds like homosexual rape to me. It sounded the same to the angels, so they zapped those men on the spot.

More like sodomized and gommorah lol!


Active Member
It doesn't matter how much it's going on elsewhere, you are the one who claimed the city is pure, when the vile and wretched have found a haven there.
I am the one who claimed the city is pure? Read it again more carefully. Servant_of_the_One called it a pure city in a post I responded to. As far as the vile and wretched having found a haven there, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Did you find a haven there?


Jehovah our God is One
As far as we know, Christians may soon be defending themselves against the U.S. Government. Obama has already said that those with religious objections to same-sex marriage need to change their religious views to be more like the progressives who accept it.

reminds me of the warning of Paul:

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the complete suit of armor+ from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts* of the Devil; 12 because we have a struggle,*+ not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces+ in the heavenly places.

We are in the midst of a spiritual warfare. They are attacking our resolve to uphold Gods moral laws. If christians start to accept such standards, they put themselves at odds with Gods standards....and satan wins the battle for minds.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
We are in the midst of a spiritual warfare. They are attacking our resolve to uphold Gods moral laws. If christians start to accept such standards, they put themselves at odds with Gods standards....and satan wins the battle for minds.

In what way does the positioning of a secular law impact one way or the other on God's moral law?
And what does 'accept' mean?


Jehovah our God is One
In what way does the positioning of a secular law impact one way or the other on God's moral law?
And what does 'accept' mean?

The secular laws dont impact or change Gods moral laws. But what is changing is peoples attitudes toward Gods moral laws. The agenda is to 'normalise' homosexuality and make it 'acceptable' to a persons own conscience. By 'dumbing down' a persons conscience, you can get them to change their moral outlook and if a christian ever succumbs to changing their moral outlook, then they are committing sin against God because they will no longer feel obliged to uphold his moral standards.
That is why I refuse to accept homosexuality as 'normal' or 'acceptable'. My conscience tells me its wrong and I am going to stand by that.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
The secular laws dont impact or change Gods moral laws. But what is changing is peoples attitudes toward Gods moral laws. The agenda is to 'normalise' homosexuality and make it 'acceptable' to a persons own conscience. By 'dumbing down' a persons conscience, you can get them to change their moral outlook and if a christian ever succumbs to changing their moral outlook, then they are committing sin against God because they will no longer feel obliged to uphold his moral standards.
That is why I refuse to accept homosexuality as 'normal' or 'acceptable'. My conscience tells me its wrong and I am going to stand by that.

I do find myself wondering if you're self-reflective enough to see the irony in you claiming to see an agenda at work. Look in the mirror, and you'll clearly see someone not only with an agenda, but an organised one. This agenda is based around a set of books 2000 years old which ask people to take things on faith, and do as they are asked, rather than make their own independent decisions.

'Agenda' and 'dumbing down' are catchy phrases to use, but I don't belong to any particular group, have no particular vested interest in homosexual marriage from a pragmatic point of view, and would reject any accusation of being a victim of any agenda, nor of being unreflective enough to be unaware of reality.


Jehovah our God is One
I do find myself wondering if you're self-reflective enough to see the irony in you claiming to see an agenda at work. Look in the mirror, and you'll clearly see someone not only with an agenda, but an organised one. This agenda is based around a set of books 2000 years old which ask people to take things on faith, and do as they are asked, rather than make their own independent decisions.

morality is not based on faith...its based on the principles of right and wrong. I'm not going to be told that homosexuality is right when my conscience views it as wrong. I'll stick to my guns on that and wont be swayed. Its a conscience matter.

David M

Well-Known Member
morality is not based on faith...its based on the principles of right and wrong. I'm not going to be told that homosexuality is right when my conscience views it as wrong. I'll stick to my guns on that and wont be swayed. Its a conscience matter.

Then you are wrong, and will remain wrong. Its normal and it should be accepted.