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Bad things about Christianity


Through the Looking Glass
Radio Frequency X said:
This is the reason why I am not a Christian. If I could come to believe that Jesus loved the world and came to promote it, instead of coming to somehow save us from and turn us away from the world, and to destroy it, then I could be a Christian. But as long as Christianity is opposed to this world, to Nature, and to man's natural character and spirit, I must abstain - Even if I believed this wasn't "true Christianity", I simply couldn't associate myself with world-haters.

Be careful reading only part of a symbol. And be especially careful of reading anything about Christian doctrine or praxis into anything I write. I consider myself a Christian although I'm agnostic (or apatheist) on the question of "does 'God' exist".

What does it mean to make an "enemy of the world"? Do you know?


Active Member
doppelgänger said:
Be careful reading only part of a symbol. And be especially careful of reading anything about Christian doctrine or praxis into anything I write. I consider myself a Christian although I'm agnostic (or apatheist) on the question of "does 'God' exist".

What does it mean to make an "enemy of the world"? Do you know?

Satan is the "Prince of the Air" He has dominion over the earth until Christ comes for the final judgment. Until then Christian are to consider the "world" its enemy. Not the people in the "world" but the "world" that is in the people. Satan is our enemy.

Ephesians 6:12

We are not fighing against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.


Through the Looking Glass
adilrockstar said:
Satan is the "Prince of the Air" He has dominion over the earth until [proseletyzing and various other sundries omitted]. . .
"Satan" is a metaphor for the "adversary." As with any metaphor, it's what it points to that matters.

I forgot one "be careful . . ." in my last post. Be careful not to confuse the sign withe the thing signified. From there, it's a short trip to "insanity."


Active Member
doppelgänger said:
"Satan" is a metaphor for the "adversary." As with any metaphor, it's what it points to that matters.

I forgot one "be careful . . ." in my last post. Be careful not to confuse the sign withe the thing signified. From there, it's a short trip to "insanity."

You are wrong, Satan is Lucifer's new name. He gave it to Himself.

Thank You

God Bless



Through the Looking Glass
adilrockstar said:
You are wrong, Satan is Lucifer's new name. He gave it to Himself.

Thank You

God Bless


What is the complete origin of the word "Lucifer"? What did it originally mean?


Active Member
What is the complete origin of the word "Lucifer"? What did it originally mean?

Lucifer was the name given by God to who we now know as Satan.

Lucifer means "bringer of light", He was at one time the most beautiful angel in heaven and in charge of all of God's music in heaven. He obviously changed.


Through the Looking Glass
adilrockstar said:
Lucifer was the name given by God to who we now know as Satan.

Lucifer means "bringer of light", He was at one time the most beautiful angel in heaven and in charge of all of God's music in heaven. He obviously changed.
Incorrect. I asked for the original meaning. From where did the word come? What language and what did it mean? And what was its first known application as a proper noun?

Hint: you are on the right track with "bringer of light."


Active Member
doppelgänger said:
Incorrect. I asked for the original meaning. From where did the word come? What language and what did it mean?

I assumed that you already knew.

Two Latin Words: lux (light) and ferre (to bear, to bring)


Through the Looking Glass
lunamoth said:
Will we next be talking about the morning star?

Isaiah 14:12 NIV • Read this chapter
How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

Revelation 22:16 NIV • Read this chapter
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you [ The Greek is plural.] this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Bonus points: what do we commonly call the "morning star"?


Through the Looking Glass
adilrockstar said:
Well since God gave Satan this name before the world was even created, I will stick with my Bible. You can stick with your worldly view.

God Bless


NetDoc? Care to explain that one?


Through the Looking Glass
Also, it's worth noting that the word "lucifer" doesn't appear in any canonical "scripture" until the Vulgate (which is not surprising as "lucifer" is a latin word :rolleyes:)

et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem cui bene facitis adtendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies inlucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris

So, first, it isn't a reference to "Satan" to begin with. It's a reference to the morning star/day star that we know as "Venus." And number two, the name change was accomplished by the translators and compilers of the Vulgate, which would be the Fifth Century Catholic Church (or Jerome, if one wants to be more specific).