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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Communication between one spirit to another.

Jesus speaks to every spirit on earth, some receive it, others reject his attempts at trying to communicate.

Speaking with God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ is a thought process, not a VERBAL communication process.

One mind speaking to another.
One heart connecting with another.

The best kind of communications are NON VERBAL communicatins.

That does not explain anything. That is so incredibly vague!
How do you even know it was Jesus? How do you know it wasn't the devil? Or God who is not Jesus?

People are always talking about communion with God. But some people believe they are communicating with Allah, or Krishna, or Shiva or The Goddess. They are all strong believers, and your word is not greater than theirs.


Veteran Member
How do you even know it was Jesus?
When I communicate with God, I have INCREASED CLARITY, LOVE, JOY and PEACE.

Do you have peace ???

How do you know it wasn't the devil?
Cuz the devil makes you feel WORTHLESS, CONFUSED, PARANOID, ETC.

Or God who is not Jesus?
God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) are two seperate beings, but one in the same purpose.

If you're talking to one, you're also communicating with the other.

Jesus said, "I and the Father are one".

But they are two seperate beings.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
It's like your spirit freezes and you have INCREASED clarity, love, joy and PEACE that you are communicating with God.

Cuz the devil makes you feel WORTHLESS, CONFUSED, PARANOID, ETC.

God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) are two seperate beings, but one in the same purpose.

I don't think you understood my post.

Yes, the divine creates feelings of goodness and love. That does not make God Jesus and that does not make Jesus the Christ and that does not make the Bible truth. If you experienced the divine, then you experienced the divine. But you don't seem to have any way of knowing that the divine is any of the things you claim it to be, and that does not give you justification to demonise most people in this world.


Well-Known Member
I have a PERFECT knowledge that JESUS is the CHRIST.

No doubt about it WHATSOEVER, NEVER have, NEVER will.

Jesus testified to me at a very young age, of who he was and is, but I didn't understand his atonement, until later on.


Sometimes, the things that you say is not what you "really" are. If you really believe and have perfect knowledge of Jesus, you will stay to His original teachings and will never introduce nor believe a "weird" idea that can led people away of the original doctrine or contradict His teachings. The wrong thing about you is that you easily accept and believe these things. What if I also speak about peace and security, you will also think that I am an Antichrist? If you are smart enough to understand this, you will not immediately judge a person because of that.

You will not even get a frubal if you're topics are like this. lol!:facepalm: :D
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Well-Known Member
When I communicate with God, I have INCREASED CLARITY, LOVE, JOY and PEACE.

Do you have peace ???

Cuz the devil makes you feel WORTHLESS, CONFUSED, PARANOID, ETC.

God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ) are two seperate beings, but one in the same purpose.

If you're talking to one, you're also communicating with the other.

Jesus said, "I and the Father are one".

But they are two seperate beings.

Paranoid is the work of the devil?! You know that not all human problems are caused by the devil, don't you? Paranoia is either a psychological problem or is caused by much depression or any other factors.

If the Father and Son (and the HS) is a separated being, then we are not worshiping only one God, but three. That would be polytheism. Maybe you should rephrase that.


Active Member
AntiChrist ? ... no clue on that one BUT I did wake up this morning to a big "Are you kidding me ?" Obama's official website - the official website for the President of the United States... has stated that if you do not agree with Health care reform in it's current wording... you are a Right Wing Domestic Terrorist ????

I was going to e-mail this site - to explain that I am an Independent voter - but - the e-mail goes directly to the White House - and - they want your zip... um, no thanks!



Active Member
Jesus has written scripture in such a way that it cannot be understood by those who are not Christ's.

Jesus spoke in parables, so that "seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand".

Luke 8: 10
And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Nothing I can do or say will convince those who are not Christ's.

So only people like you (who belong to Christ) can interpret the scriptures? I am sorry but this makes me laugh. Don't you think that if this stuff was really the truth then God would have given everyone this "scripture interpreting power"? What makes you so special? Btw I have done in depth "christian" studies on Daniel as well. Stop accusing Obama as the antichrist just because you are bitter about the election.


Veteran Member
In this dream Albert (Albertoffrance) also reveals OBAMA as the BEAST (final antichrist), who instigates the "MARK OF THE BEAST" (skin embedded microchip buying system).

Albert's (Albertoffrance) revelations from God are similar to Christiena's (Lastrumpet08) revelations (woman from the opening post).

Albert's Dream (Albertoffrance)
September 1, 2009

Prophecy: Dream - The beast (OBAMA)

Albert resides in France
Christiena is originally from South Africa but now resides in the U.S.

Christiena's Revelation from God (Lastrumpet08)

Prophecy: Reveal the Antichrist
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My mother is apparently the Devil.
Friend I'm sorry for the strained relationship between you and your mother :( I find great comfort and solace from the person who knows my true nature and hope that your relationship changes for the better.


New Member
The question could and should be asked, "Can the future be changed ???"

Yes, I believe it can, if just one person prays about it.

I pray that the future will change, and that what is written in the BIBLE, about the "beast" (final antichrist) will NOT come to pass in this world.

First of all, regarding the above quote...as a follower of Christ, and a believer in Scripture...you are actually PRAYING that the Scripture you follow so closely and quote so often and believe so fully is wrong???

That's a rather bold statement.

Secondly, as a believer in Scripture myself, I believe that all prophecy needs to be measured against Scripture. And if a person says that they know when the end will be, and Scripture says that Christ Himself doesn't know when the end will be...I will believe Scripture...not a bunch of people who make youtube videos. You are aware, are you not, that any idiot can post on youtube? Youtube videos do not equal proof.

In all seriousness...you absolutely freak me out.


Veteran Member
First of all, regarding the above quote...as a follower of Christ, and a believer in Scripture...you are actually PRAYING that the Scripture you follow so closely and quote so often and believe so fully is wrong???

That's a rather bold statement.

Secondly, as a believer in Scripture myself, I believe that all prophecy needs to be measured against Scripture. And if a person says that they know when the end will be, and Scripture says that Christ Himself doesn't know when the end will be...I will believe Scripture...not a bunch of people who make youtube videos. You are aware, are you not, that any idiot can post on youtube? Youtube videos do not equal proof.

In all seriousness...you absolutely freak me out.
Okay, you're right, I should pray as Jesus did, (paraphrasing Jesus) "Let this cup pass from me Father, nevertheless, not my will, but THINE be done".

I'm going to pray against Obama (the beast), that his evil plans will NOT be carried out in this world, nevertheless, NOT MY WILL, BUT THY WILL BE DONE LORD, AS WRITTEN IN SCRIPTURE !!!!!

Matthew 26: 39
And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

In other words, Jesus still wants us to pray against all forms of evil in this world and in hell.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
FFH..this isnt the first time you claimed the end would be is it?

Last time you had a specific date.That was at least 6 or so months ago.

If all you are doing is sitting around waiting for all life to end(here on earth) ..when do you ever enjoy it or live it?Unless you you find joy in living to die at any moment.

I cant imagine how you cant be tortured by walking around in fear or happiness that any second it will all end.

You seem to have a fixation with death..and demons..and evil ..and devils..and the antichrists coming to get you.

Im really worried about you.

Are you ever happy about anything? If so when do you express it and how?




Veteran Member
FFH..this isnt the first time you claimed the end would be is it?

Last time you had a specific date.That was at least 6 or so months ago.

If all you are doing is sitting around waiting for all life to end(here on earth) ..when do you ever enjoy it or live it?Unless you you find joy in living to die at any moment.

I cant imagine how you cant be tortured by walking around in fear or happiness that any second it will all end.

You seem to have a fixation with death..and demons..and evil ..and devils..and the antichrists coming to get you.

Im really worried about you.

Are you ever happy about anything? If so when do you express it and how?


We are commanded to pray against all evil in this world and against hell below.

I'm looking forward to the RAPTURE, praying, watching, being sober, etc. (all that we have been commanded to do).

You project onto me, what you yourself may be experiencing.

I have no fear and NO desire for death, only HOPE for LIFE ETERNAL which awaits all those who follow Christ's teachings.

Dallas, this is no joke, it's really happening, the end is just the beginning of a life of no sorrow, no pain, no suffering on earth.

A life in paradise once again, as it was in the Garden of Eden.

No worries, no problems, only rest for 1000 years, with Jesus Christ on earth.

My job is to WARN all who will listen that they will NOT be a part of this newly created paradisaical earth, IF they REBEL against Jesus Christ and his teachings and continue to defy and deny JESUS CHRIST.

It's no joke, this is the end of time (we're living in it), the end of this earth, as we currently are experiencing it.

The signs are all there, being fulfilled before our eyes.
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Giant Squid
Jesus has written scripture in such a way that it cannot be understood by those who are not Christ's.

Jesus spoke in parables, so that "seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand".

That is a bunch of bologna if I have ever heard it.

Jesus spoke PARABLES in such a way that some could not understand. Not the whole Scripture.

This is a copout answer that holds no more water than dirty sock.


Veteran Member
That is a bunch of bologna if I have ever heard it.

Jesus spoke PARABLES in such a way that some could not understand. Not the whole Scripture.

This is a copout answer that holds no more water than dirty sock.
I made that DISTINCTION and CLARIFICATION in the SECOND sentence.

Originally Posted by FFH
Jesus has written scripture in such a way that it cannot be understood by those who are not Christ's.

Jesus spoke in PARABLES, so that "seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand".
You're wasting my time and space on this thread.
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