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Be Offended By the Post Above You


Premium Member
whoa!...I might be older than you?!!!!!
Ha!...you old fart!
You are older than me.

I'm almost 50! Really, really close.

I take comfort in knowing that you will always be older than me. It makes me feel so youthful! So, if you wish to refer to me as a lot of hot air, please don't put the word "old" in the expression -- try something like...a fragrant and floral breath of fresh air.


Atheist Triple Goddess
aackkk! that is your personal hairball--a present from me to you.

rest assured, i do not gift them to just anyone, only the truly offensive will be honored this way. i am discriminating, after all, i have my station in life to consider. you on the other hand....time for me to roll over and wait for that longawaited belly rub. revoltornot is sadly lacking when it comes to promptness and follow through.

.........................there might be a hairballl landing on that kilt soon...........
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Always with the hairballs!
Why not present us with a bezoar for a change!?

Oh, I guess a hairball is just a former bezoar....never mind.


Atheist Triple Goddess
and that is why you are the revoltingmost of us all. happiness and joy to you.

but seriously, when do i get my belly rub? and does that come with snacks and other treats, such as back massage? or are you just trying to weasel your way into my bacon collection?

on a serious note, are you ill? your remarks are lacking hteir usual offensive timbre and i worry that you might go soft on us now.

I could send you a few well chosen nightmares, and maybe stick a few pins and that voodoo doll i got in New Orleans....just a thought...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
How dare you inquire about my health!?
I know what you want....you want to spot a weakness!
Then you'll suck the breath right out of me, ya meowing murderous miscreant!


Atheist Triple Goddess
aren't you a sad example of humanity. i was practicing being nice. ok, so i pointed out that you are getting a bit soft around the edges, and maybe old age is creeping in and you need more naps to get through the day, but why should that be m y problem. I am perfect in every way and you are not! so there!!

all htat bacon must have clogged up your arteries and drowned your brain in grease. too damn bad, offensive cretin that you are. go starch your kilt or something. you look weak and tired.


Rogue Theologian
Look who's talking about taking more naps!

Ever step on a sleeping cat?....dumb animals.
Drop over and sleep wherever.

They play with their food and don't always eat it.
ever find a dead mouse where you shouldn't?....blame the cat.

No 'road' sense at all....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Don't insult the cat, Babu!
Consequences if you do
are to cause
death by claws
or worse, a present in your shoe.