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Biblical Contradictions


Well-Known Member
Mat_12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth..

Technically didn't Jesus spend one night and two days in the tomb according to the story?


Agnostic Theist
Luk 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

Christ explained all the scriptures concerning himself which most likely included the parallel between Jonah being in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights and Him being in the grave for the same amount of time.
Can you show where scriptures Christ was talking about?

Also, Jesus didn't spent 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.
He confirmed the parallel of Jonah's story as a reference to Himself:

Mat_12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.​

In Luk 12:46, for example, Christ referred to Jonah's story as it was written in the OT--not as a literal word-for-word quote of Christ's resurrection but as a parallel reference to His resurrection. As I pointed out with Paul's example, the term "it is written" doesn't always equate to a direct, word-for-word quote from the OT. It can simply be a reference to a story, parallel, or prophecy in the OT.
But it wasn't written than that the son of man would parallel such a story. There is no suggestion in the story of Jonah that suggests that what he experienced was going to happen again.


Agnostic Theist
I don't recall ever saying or implying He did. Christ clearly said He spent three days and three nights (72 hrs) in the tomb.

Well, if Jesus stated that, then he was wrong. And I see no reason why he should have, as the story of Jonah has nothing to do with the Messiah, or son of Man, or Son of God, or any idea associated with Jesus.


Veteran Member
Unless someone is engaged in eisegesis, I don't see any mention of Him running from anything in His response. The reference is to Jonah's 3 days and 3 nights in the fish.

why throw the baby out with the bath water?

to refer to jonah as a parallel, then you must also apply what jonah represented ...a reluctant follower....

unless you're happy with the cherry you picked


Well-Known Member
Well, if Jesus stated that, then he was wrong. And I see no reason why he should have, as the story of Jonah has nothing to do with the Messiah, or son of Man, or Son of God, or any idea associated with Jesus.

No offense but I'll stick with the opinion of the One who claimed and proved to be the Messiah over yours.


Well-Known Member
why throw the baby out with the bath water? to refer to jonah as a parallel, then you must also apply what jonah represented ...a reluctant follower....

unless you're happy with the cherry you picked

How can you cherry pick something Christ never said??? :confused:


Veteran Member
How can you cherry pick something Christ never said??? :confused:

ha ha ha...
you mean christ didn't compare himself to jonah?

i think you are on to something...perhaps the author of the gospel according to matthew compared jesus to jonah... for his own reasons


Veteran Member
No offense but I'll stick with the opinion of the One who claimed and proved to be the Messiah over yours.
you mean the the opinion of the gospel according to matthew...

and you are right...it's just an opinion...but one wonders why hold on to opinions of conjecture as if they were empirical truths :shrug:

there's that circular logic again....


Agnostic Theist
Who said anything about Him dying on Friday??? He died on Wednesday and was resurrected sometime Saturday evening.

That doesn't actually work historically. Nor does it work with what the Bible says. Really, it only works if you mix up the Gospels, and create a new one that follows what you want to believe.


Well-Known Member
Can you show where scriptures Christ was talking about?

1. I'm not going to sit here and spend time going over the hundreds of scriptures referring to Christ. The point is Christ pointed out the scriptures in the OT which referred to Him. The text doesn't tell us which ones but based on Christ's own testimony, logic would dictate, Jonah's 3 days and 3 nights in the fish was one of them.

Also, Jesus didn't spent 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.

2. Christ said He did and like I said, I'll believe Him over you any day.

But it wasn't written than that the son of man would parallel such a story. There is no suggestion in the story of Jonah that suggests that what he experienced was going to happen again.

3. No suggestion by Jonah was required. Christ was simply the first to introduce the parallel. Nothing strange about that.


Well-Known Member
you mean the the opinion of the gospel according to matthew...

and you are right...it's just an opinion...but one wonders why hold on to opinions of conjecture as if they were empirical truths :shrug:

there's that circular logic again....

Yep. I guess we both have that habit ;)


Well-Known Member
That doesn't actually work historically. Nor does it work with what the Bible says. Really, it only works if you mix up the Gospels, and create a new one that follows what you want to believe.

(rolling up sleeves) Present your historical and biblical evidence that He wasn't in the grave three days and three nights.